


相隔的空间和时间:相~数里。~离。行(háng )~。株~。差(chā)~。雄鸡爪子后面突出像脚趾的部分。古同“拒”,抵抗。古同“巨”,大。古同“讵”,岂。……





汉语拼音:jù lái






  1. 强弩名。

    《史记·苏秦列传》:“天下之彊弓劲弩皆从 韩 出,谿子、少府时力、距来者,皆射六百步之外。” 裴駰 集解:“距来者,谓弩埶劲利,足以距来敌也。” 王念孙 《读书杂志·史记四》:“距来当为距黍。黍、来隶书相近,故黍譌为来……《艺文类聚·军器部》、《初学记·武部》、《太平御览·兵部》,竝引《广雅》曰:‘繁弱鉅黍,弓也。’《荀子·性恶篇》曰:‘繁弱鉅黍,古之良弓也。时力、距黍,皆曡韵字,故《荀子》、《广雅》竝作鉅黍。’《文选·闲居赋》:‘谿子巨黍,异絭同机。’ 李善 注引《史记》作巨黍。距、鉅、巨古竝通用。”



  1. In the tests, different spinning levels were gained by changing the distance between the contact center and the disc rotation center.

  2. In narrative time we discuss the text of the rhythm of the pace to analyze the narrative strategy.


  1. 若内摩擦角较小, 则可适当减小桩距来提高桩体荷载分担比。

    Decreasing the pile space is more effective for embankments with small friction angle.

  2. 没办法,只好用调整字距得方法来调整。

    But the method used to adjust kerning to adjust.

  3. 老顶周期来压步距

    periodic earing

  4. 利用人工神经元网络对工作面的顶板来压步距进行了预测。

    The intervals of main roof weighting at work faces were predicted by using artificial neural network.

  5. 两个完全相同的12英寸试样用8英寸标距来标定。

    Duplicate 12in. long specimens were calibrated with an 6in. gage length.

  6. 可通过减小距设定值的偏差来提高反馈控制器的可靠性。

    Can improve reliability of the feedback controller by reducing the deviation from set point.

  7. 没办法,只好用调整字距的方法来调整。

    But the method used to adjust kerning to adjust.

  8. 近年来, 小净距隧道已经成为研究的热点。

    The neighborhood tunnel has become a research hotspot in recent years.

  9. 钢轨断面使用特殊的轨距边角磨石来保养。

    The rail's existing profile is maintained by using special gauge corner grinding stones.

  10. 娴熟地把握叙述时距和频率来控制叙述的节奏。

    At the same time, he can use the narrative time interval and frequency to control narrative rhythm.

  11. 引入平衡温距的概念来估计反应的动力学属性。

    A concept of equilibrium temperature interval is used to estimate kinetic attributes of reactions.

  12. 最后, 使用相邻等距线的对角线来生成螺旋线刀具轨迹。

    As a result, the spiral tool path is obtained by connecting the diagonal curves between the neighboring offset curves.

  13. 网距得参数根据网版幅面巨细和绷网得松紧水平来猜测。

    Network distance of parameters depending on the size and screen format proper tension and the network.

  14. 网距的参数根据网版幅面巨细和绷网的松紧水平来猜测。

    Network distance of parameters depending on the size and screen format proper tension and the network.

  15. 通过对横向偏距的精确控制, 来控制相邻高斯分布的间距。

    The distance between the near Gaussian apices is controlled accurately by controlling accurately the divergence of LD.

  16. 对于微节距元器件来说有着一系列的挑战。

    There are serious challenges with fine pitch devices.

  17. 这些对于近距离格斗来说是很好的一课!

    These are GOOD solid lessons for close combat!

  18. 这些对于近距离格斗来说是很好得一课!

    These are GOOD solid lessons for close combat!

  19. 对弹钢琴的人来说,具有宽阔的指距是非常有利的。

    It's useful for a piano player to have a broad span.

  20. 从这个意义上来说,决策树法不如策略距阵法有效。

    In this sense, the decision tree method is less effective than the strategic matrix method.

  21. 而对于距高层职位只差几级的人来说, 这也并非易事。

    It is often no easier for those just a few rungs from the top, either.

  22. 而对于距高层职位只差几级得人来说, 这也并非易事。

    It is often no easier for those just a few rungs from the top, either.

