







汉语拼音:liàn yù








  1. 天主教教义中人死后暂时受苦的地方。该教称善人死后升天堂享永福,恶人死后下地狱受永罚;但如善人生前罪愆没有赎尽,死后升天堂前须在炼狱中暂时受罚,至罪愆炼尽时为止。

    郁达夫 《迟桂花》:“两人所过的,都是些在炼狱里似的沉闷的日子。”

  2. 用以比喻险恶的境遇或经受锻炼的环境。

    郭沫若 《沸羹集·为革命的民权而呼吁》:“全世界在战争的炼狱里面,为民主精神的兴废正作着生死的斗争。” 罗广斌 等《在烈火中得到永生》:“ 老许 从 息烽 到 白公馆 ,经历炼狱十年,早已将生死置之度外。”



  1. At age seven, as is customary in Sparta. . . the boy was taken from his mother and plunged in a world of violence.


  2. Everyone rejoices in the delights of this paradise, but I feel as if I am visiting purgatory.


  3. The only way to get out of such a hellish ice prison is to wait for volcanoes to pump out enough C02 to melt the ice.


  4. The next day, a strong earthquake, a huge volcanic eruption in front of a familiar home to become a human purgatory.


  5. "I'd never believed stories and jokes about mothers-in-law but my marriage was hell and it was all her fault, " he said after the hearing.


  6. I know this's been hell for you and it may be hell for a while to come.


  7. The enemy will think twice before attacking an Inferno town with a Hellish Shadow built in it.


  8. There is neither the word nor the thing of purgatory, neither in this nor any other text.


  9. STOP NOW with all these thoughts that have seen you chained and shackled to walls that have not allowed you to BE WHO YOU ARE.


  1. 自杀者的炼狱

    The Purgatory of Suicides

  2. 下到硫火的炼狱,

    Go to a Lake of Fire and fry.

  3. 炼狱般的痛苦, 大火。

    purgatorial agony, fires

  4. 有关或与炼狱相似的。

    Of or resembling purgatory.

  5. 神思的天堂与精神的炼狱

    The Thought's Heaven, the Spirit's Purgatory

  6. 溅出滚烫的炼狱之水。

    With the hot water of purgatory.

  7. 溅出滚烫得炼狱之水。

    With the hot water of purgatory.

  8. 可是楼下却是人间炼狱

    and down here,they're waterboarding Oompa Loompas.

  9. 炼狱的属于, 有关或与炼狱相似的

    Of, relating to, or resembling purgatory.

  10. 为炼狱中的灵魂作的祈祷。

    A prayer for the souls in purgatory.

  11. 你怎么从炼狱岛逃出来的

    How did you get off Lian Yu?

  12. 我会让你的生活变成炼狱的。

    I'll make your life a living hell.

  13. 首先,你去个叫炼狱的地方

    First, you go to a place called purgatory

  14. 你可以用这个进入炼狱塔

    You can enter the purgatory tower with this

  15. 祷告词是为炼狱中的灵魂念的。

    Prayers were said for souls in Purgatory.

  16. 炼狱角斗已经快开始了,现在开始下注了。

    Infernal Games are starting soon, bets are accepted already.

  17. 我会让这所学校成为你的炼狱。

    I will make this school a living hell for you.

  18. 但是,关于炼狱魔王的传说是否真实呢?

    Could there be some basis in truth to all these tales?

  19. 因为安吉洛刚经历了炼狱一般的日子

    just went through hell with Angelo.

  20. 下赛季我们将度过一年的炼狱时间。

    It's going to be a season in purgatory.

  21. 英国是女人的天堂, 马的地狱, 奴仆的炼狱。

    England is the paradise of women, the hell of horse, and the purgatory of servant.

  22. 相较亚洲这片乐土,美国无疑变成了炼狱。

    And yet Asia was bliss compared with the purgatory back home.

  23. 他的这次经历犹如炼狱一般,饱受熬煎。

    His experience this time was like going through prugatory, he had suffered a lot.

  24. 《炼狱》是一部由阿瑟·米勒创作的戏剧。

    The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller.

  25. 漂亮的女人是眼睛的天堂,灵魂的地狱,钱包的炼狱。

    A beautiful woman be paradise for the eyes, hell for the soul, and purgatory for the purse.

  26. 炼狱是个宗教词汇,是洗脱人罪过的地方。

    Purgatory is a religious word which is a place for people to wash away their sins.

  27. 炼狱是个宗教词汇,是洗脱人罪过的地方。

    Purgatory is a religious word which is a place for people to wash away their sins.

  28. 炼狱是个宗教词汇,是洗脱人罪过得地方。

    Purgatory is a religious word which is a place for people to wash away their sins.

  29. 这不是男人们的宿舍,是女人们聒噪的天堂,我的炼狱。

    This is not men's dormitory, it is the noisy paradise of women, my Purgatory.

  30. 美貌女子是眼睛的天堂,灵魂的地狱和钱包的炼狱。

    A beautiful woman is paradise for the eyes, hell for the soul, and purgatory for the purse.


  1. 问:炼狱拼音怎么拼?炼狱的读音是什么?炼狱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炼狱的读音是liànyù,炼狱翻译成英文是 purgatory, where the soul of the deceased is put t...

  2. 问:炼狱的拼音怎么拼?炼狱的的读音是什么?炼狱的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炼狱的的读音是,炼狱的翻译成英文是 purgatorial



“炼狱”是个多义词,它可以指炼狱(冒险岛技能), 炼狱(同名漫画), 炼狱(土耳其电影), 炼狱(戏剧《炼狱》), 炼狱(精炼过程), 炼狱(俄罗斯电影), 炼狱(青年作家), 炼狱(单机游戏), 炼狱(网络游戏)。