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汉语拼音:móu chén
He knew this was a famous adviser to the king, so he decided to follow his words.
他知道这个谋臣深得国王宠信,因此决定试一试。Then he punished his adviser, the criminal minister, and returned to Kosala with all his troops and elephants.
他惩罚了他的谋臣——那个有罪的大臣之后,就带着他所有卫队和象队返回了科萨拉。Guandu plan for the Battle of Cao Cao (147-223), the word text and, Wuwei, and policy makers are famous Three Kingdoms period.
为曹操谋划官渡之战(147-223),字文和,武威人,三国时期著名谋臣。This all came to pass, and after the wise adviser died, the one who had followed his advice became the richest man in the city.
一切都如愿以偿,谋臣去世后,当初采用他的建议的行人就成了这座城市最富有的人。The king appointed him to the adviser's position.
国王任命他接替谋臣的职位。So he went and told this story to his friend, an adviser to the king.
于是就去把这件事说给国王的一个谋臣,他的朋友听。So he decided to give him a gift of 100, 000 gold coins.
因此,他决定将十万金币作为礼物送给那位谋臣。I ruled for 3 years until I was overthrown by one of my father's advisors.
He knew this was a famous adviser to the king, so he decided to follow his words.
His advisers knew they needed something memorable and dramatic.
于是就去把这件事说给国王的一个谋臣, 他的朋友听。
So he went and told this story to his friend, an adviser to the king.
吴三桂听罢, 吓得一身冷汗, 便找来一个圆梦的谋臣, 询问吉凶。
Wu Sangui listens, frighten a suit cold sweat, look for an oneiromancy seek official, inquiry good or ill luck.
答:谋臣的读音是móuchén,谋臣翻译成英文是 emperor's adviser; brain truster of the empero...