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1. 接 [jiē]接 [jiē]连成一体:~合。~骨。~壤。衔~。继续,连续:~力。~替。~班。~二连三。再~再厉。靠近,挨上:~近。邻~。~吻。承受,收取:~受。~收。~纳。~管。迎:~风。~生。~待。姓。……
汉语拼音:jiē rǎng
《汉书·武帝纪》:“日者 淮南 、 衡山 修文学,流货赂,两国接壤,怵於邪説。” 南朝 梁 任昉 《齐竟陵文宣王行状》:“ 兖 徐 接壤,素渐 河 润。” 明 归有光 《寄王太守书》:“中间与 无锡 、 长洲 、 崑山 接壤之田,皆低洼多积水。” 峻青 《秋色赋·火光》:“它上接青天,下连大地,在它那和天空接壤的地方,泛着一片绯红色的霞色。”
of Kunar borders Pakistan and is often a transit point for Taliban between the countries.
库纳尔巴基斯坦接壤的山区,往往是一个国家之间的塔利班过境点。Tahe Tahe is one of two counties in the north end of China; it borders Russian and is located in the center of Da Xing'an Ling.
塔河塔河县是我国最北部的两个县份之一,与俄罗斯接壤,居大兴安岭地区的中心地带。Those symbols are a reminder that this Siberian territory bordering Manchuria and seven time zones east of Moscow is a Jewish republic.
这些标记提醒人们,这片与满洲接壤,位于莫斯科以东七个时区之外的的西伯利亚地区,是一个犹太人的共和国。Views were more constricted as 1A is often bordered tightly by tall trees, but it was a much more pleasant riding experience than the TCH .
次数较多限制为1A是常常紧紧接壤的高大的树木,但它是一个更愉快的驾驶经验比血脂。Our journey did not, in fact, begin at Hercules Inlet, where frozen ocean meets the land of Antarctica.
实际上我们的旅途不是从大力士站开始的,在从冻海和南极土地接壤的地方。A witness near the border with Kenya told VOA he had seen Kenya fighter jets flying in and out of Somalia in recent days.
一个来自于索马里与肯尼亚接壤边境的目击者告诉美国之音的工作人员,他最近几天看到过肯尼亚的战斗机在索马里上空来回盘旋。Pakistan's northwest tribal area borders Afghanistan and has been a central focus in the war.
巴基斯坦西北部部落地区与阿富汗接壤,一直是这场战争的冲突。But he said more must be done to thwart al-Qaida terrorists, particularly in the Pakistani tribal areas bordering Afghanistan.
但是他指出,必须做更多的工作,才能够消灭基地组织恐怖分子,特别是在巴基斯坦与阿富汗接壤的部落地区。Armenia is the only country bordering Turkey, a NATO member, in which the Russians have troops and a base.