







汉语拼音:xù jiè






  1. If books are not returned to the library on time or not renewed before they are due, a fine must be paid in accordance with the regulations.


  2. fine Singapore is a fine city. May I renew this book?


  3. Three weeks . If you wish to keep them longer you'll have to renew them at the end of three weeks .


  4. If books are not returned or renewed when they are due, a fine will be imposed on the borrower.


  5. Must I renew the book if I fail to finish reading it in time ?


  6. The book lent returns in two weeks, if pleases to library to renew as for words that too late finish seeing.


  7. If we do not return library books on time will be before the expiration or not renew, you must fine in accordance with the regulations.


  8. Your application has been processed successfully. The items should be returned by the date of .


  9. Yes. You'll have to pay late fees if you fail to come and renew the book on time.


  1. 你必须续借。

    You must renew the books?

  2. 续借这本书。

    I want to renew this book.

  3. 您想续借吗?

    Do you want to renew this book?

  4. 你必须过来续借。

    You must come and renew it.

  5. 我想续借这些书。

    I want to renew this books.

  6. 可以, 但你必须续借。

    Yes, but you have to renew them.

  7. 可以,但你必须续借。

    Yes, but you have to renew them.

  8. 我想续借这本书。

    I would like to renew this book.

  9. 我必须续借这本书。

    I must renew the book.

  10. 这本书可以续借吗?

    May I renew this book?

  11. 书已过期,你得续借。

    The book is overdue. You'll have to renew it.

  12. 我得到图书馆续借这些书。

    I need to renew these books at the library.

  13. 我想再续借一个星期。

    I'd like to renew it for one more week.

  14. 以智能身份证使用续借服务

    Using Renewal Services with the Smart ID Card

  15. 我想续借图书馆的一些书。

    I want to renew some books at the library.

  16. 我必须把书带来续借吗?

    Must I bring the books for renewal

  17. 这本书我想续借一星期。

    I want to keep it for another week.

  18. 我没带书能办理续借吗?

    Can I renew the books without bring them here?

  19. 你必须续借这本书, 对不对?

    You must renew the book, needn't you?

  20. 不知我是否可以续借这本书?

    I wonder whether I could possibly renew this book?

  21. 续借时我必须把书带来吗?

    Must I bring the book back for that?

  22. 我想续借这几本图书馆的书。

    I'd like to renew these library books.

  23. 我想续借今天到期的一本书。

    I want to renew a book that's due today.

  24. 是的, 但是你必须来这里和续借。

    Yes. But you must come and renew it.

  25. 是得,但是你必须来这里和续借。

    Yes. But you must come and renew it.

  26. 这本书他又续借了两个月。

    He renewed the book for another two months.

  27. 当我续借时必须把书带来吗?

    Must I bring the book back when I renew it?

  28. 对不起,您的书已经过期,不能续借。

    Sorry, your books are overdue and may not be renewed.

  29. 如果没有看完这本书,你可以续借。

    You can renew the book if you can't finish it.

  30. 如果其他人没有预订, 你可以过来续借。

    You can come in and renew them unless someone else has reserved them.


  1. 问:续借拼音怎么拼?续借的读音是什么?续借翻译成英文是什么?

    答:续借的读音是xùjiè,续借翻译成英文是 to renew a book