




1. 弟 [dì]2. 弟 [tì]3. 弟 [tuí]弟 [dì]同父母(或只同父、只同母)的比自己年纪小的男子:~~。兄~。亲戚或亲族间辈分相同的比自己年纪小的男子:表~。堂~。称同辈比自己年纪小的男性:老~。师~。学生对老师自称或别人……



汉语拼音:biǎo dì






  1. 姑母、舅父、姨母之子年幼于己者称表弟。

    唐 李肇 《唐国史补》卷下:“顷命酒, 昭 曰:‘欲请表弟歌。’坐中又笑。”《水浒传》第四回:“今有这个表弟姓 鲁 是 关西 军汉出身,因见尘世艰辛,情愿弃俗出家。” 巴金 《秋》一:“ 枚 表弟今年不过十七岁,他跟你同年。”



  1. If there is anything which you suppose his cousin might fairly ask of him, I beg you would not hesitate to employ me.


  2. My cousin also added a HUGE bow on the back of the dress that looked as if I sat in a wedding cake!


  3. I also got to meet some of Chen Di's extended family after the rally. . . this is his mother (on the right), aunt, and cousin.


  4. Mania's family had protested in one argument his cousin had been shot and in the end, they were forced to move to protect the children.


  5. Don't mention it. You know I thought the boss would grant my leave because my cousin is getting married today, but I got shot down.


  6. Whatever is the matter, Cousin Benjamin? Is it a cat? or John Stoat Ferret?


  7. Relationships change the former head of household now a dependent on his wife or cousin yet still trying to be in charge.


  8. But I shall not return till this time next week; and I think your master himself would scarcely object to her visiting her cousin!


  9. Cousin has grown up and matured, and is only a Dudangyimian's Shuai, are there any need to worry about him then!


  1. 是的。他是我的表弟。

    Yes. He's my cousin.

  2. 我的表弟和我同年纪。

    My cousin and I are the same age.

  3. 我表弟是个下级军官。

    My cousin is a junior officer.

  4. 都要去跟表弟们对歌。

    Would sing antiphonal songs with their cousin.

  5. 他是达尔文的表弟

    He was Darwin's cousin.

  6. 我的父母让我照顾我的表弟。

    And my parents have asked me to look after my cousin.

  7. 玛莉,这是我的表弟汤姆。

    Mary, this is my cousin Tom.

  8. 玛莉,这是我得表弟汤姆。

    Mary, this is my cousin Tom.

  9. 我表弟午饭总是吃汉堡包。

    My cousin always eats hamburgers for lunch.

  10. 我不能接受我表弟的礼物。

    I cannot accept my cousin's gift.

  11. 他和他的表弟政治观点不同。

    He differs with his cousin over political views.

  12. 你还可以当一回表弟呢。

    You'll have a chance of acting as a cousin.

  13. 我表弟来台北出差时, 顺便。

    When my cousin came to Taipei on business, he stayed with me for two nights.

  14. 我的表弟是个油漆装饰工。

    My cousin's a painter and decorator.

  15. 我只和我的表弟一起去游泳。

    I only go swimming with my cousin.

  16. 咱们的表弟想在纽约定居。

    Our cousin intends to settle in New York.

  17. 我的表弟是一个垒球运动员。

    My cousin is a baseball player.

  18. 他表弟肯尼斯代替了他的位置。

    About being replaced by his cousin, kenneth.

  19. 他表弟肯尼斯代替了他的位置。

    About being replaced by his cousin, Kenneth.

  20. 他表弟肯尼斯代替了他的位置。

    About being replaced by his cousin, kenneth.

  21. 我和你的表弟里奥聊过。

    I talked to your cousin leo.

  22. 首先是来自于我表弟们的反馈

    The first was the feedback from my cousins.

  23. 他咒骂他表弟, 不但如此, 还打了他。

    He cursed his cousin, yes, and beat him.

  24. 我非常了解他,因为他是我的表弟。

    I'm know him very much, because he is my cousin.

  25. 我还是为那个小表弟感到无奈。

    I also felt sorry for the other little fella!

  26. 他们把我和表弟给弄混了。

    They got me mixed up with my cousin.

  27. 我那可怕的表弟要来住了。

    I've got my dreaded cousin coming to stay!

  28. 我得表弟是足球运动员,他是前锋。

    My cousin is a soccer player, he is a striker.

  29. 我的表弟是足球运动员,他是前锋。

    My cousin is a soccer player, he is a striker.

  30. 我表弟因偷了车而进了监狱。

    My cousin went to prison for boosting cars.


  1. 问:表弟拼音怎么拼?表弟的读音是什么?表弟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:表弟的读音是biǎodì,表弟翻译成英文是 younger male cousin on the mother's side...



姑母、姨母或舅父的儿子而年幼于自己称之为表弟。 比如:妈妈的兄弟姐妹的儿子中比自己小的男孩;同姑姑的儿子也是表兄弟关系。