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亦作“ 晦澁 ”。谓文辞等隐晦,不流畅,不易懂。
宋 陈振孙 《直斋书录解题·绛守园池记注》:“为文而晦澁若此,其湮没弗传也宜哉!” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·韩昌黎诗》:“ 昌黎 诗亦有晦澁俚俗,不可为法者。” 毛泽东 《<中国农村的社会主义高潮>的按语》二七:“还有少数作品仍然有些晦涩难懂。”
modernity, in Crane's strange, gorgeous poetry, is all about getting high, about elevation, exultation.
在克莱恩那晦涩离奇又华美动魄的诗里,“现代性”全是关于进入梦幻、升空和极度兴奋。it is not like moss and ferns, can only be grown in the dark and obscure the corner.
它更不像藓苔和蕨类,只能生长在阴暗和晦涩的角落里。Who would have thought a year ago that both men would be laid low by an obscure form of debt securitisation?
一年前,有谁会料到这两人会被一种晦涩难懂的证券化债务产品打垮呢?No one likes to use functions with cryptic and hard-to-follow arguments, so write easy-to-use functions.
没人喜欢使用那些所带的参数既晦涩又难于理解的函数,因此请编写易于使用的函数。The special terminology understood among the members of a profession, discipline, or class but obscure to the general population; jargon.
术语,行话在一个职业、学科或阶层的成员间能被理解的特殊术语,但对一般大众来说却晦涩难懂;专门术语Trite praises came flowing into the books or to be printed onto pages only made the important issues difficultly understood and dim wisdom.
已被写入书本的以及即将被写入档案文件的陈腐过时的评论,只会使重要的事情变得晦涩费解。Communities built around common goals and beliefs, rather than arcane licensing policies trying to protect a company's mobile market.
社区里大家有着共同的目标和信仰,不会使用那些晦涩难懂的许可条款来保护某些公司的移动市场。Refactoring also helps you find bugs when you're trying to fix a bug in difficult-to- understand code.
当你在修补一个漏洞而代码又晦涩难懂时,重构也能够帮你发现问题所在。The humor here may be a bit dark for a bubbly blond but I think you get my drift.