







汉语拼音:jiǎng tán







  1. 讲台。泛指讲演讨论的场所。

    鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·又是“古已有之”》:“ 太炎先生 忽然在教育改进社年会的讲坛上‘劝治史学’以‘保存国性’,真是慨乎言之。” 孙犁 《秀露集·耕堂读书记(一)》:“教师叫我们圈点完了一篇文章,如果还有些时间,他就从讲坛上走下来,在我们课桌的行间,来回踱步。”《文汇报》1985.6.23:“可他为了增进 中 日 人民的友谊,为了促进世界科学文化技术交流发展与和平友好,遽然长逝在东京大学的讲坛上。”



  1. your bad habits. = It was time for you to kick off your bad habits. = It was time that you kicked off your bad habits.


  2. Secretary Clinton described the age of participation in an onstage interview conducted by her daughter, Chelsea Clinton.


  3. Use this time to create a forum, to not necessarily reconcile differences, but to understand one another.


  4. With a captive audience running to hundreds of millions, China's premier will be in command of a bully pulpit of awesome dimensions.


  5. The lecture platform was the nearest that he, a shy man lacking in "animal spirits" , could be to his fellows.


  6. but the question of actuality was not, formerly, a subject of discussion in pulpit and in print.


  7. He went back to Pulpit Hill for two or three days of delightful loneliness in the deserted college.


  8. We are firmly against any country having official contact with him or facilitating his separatist activities.


  9. horowitz sees the rock music arena as a sort of debating forum , a place where ideas clash and crash.


  1. 百家讲坛书系

    Books of lecture room.

  2. 他拥有所谓的讲坛。

    And he has what is called the bully pulpit.

  3. 白宫得讲坛强大无比。

    The bully pulpit is powerful.

  4. 白宫的讲坛强大无比。

    The bully pulpit is powerful.

  5. 新世纪民间文化讲坛

    Tribune of Folk Culture in the New Era

  6. 把讲演者轰下讲坛

    hooted the speaker off the platform.

  7. 人们期待潘就是天字第一号讲坛。

    Mr Ban is also expected to man the bully pulpit.

  8. 它也是欧洲公众舆论的讲坛。

    It is a voice of European public opinions.

  9. 预祝平步青云环保讲坛圆满成功!

    Best wishes to the success of the Green Pathfinders Forum!

  10. 当然,天字第一号讲坛的能力有限。

    Of course, there are limits to the power of the bully pulpit.

  11. 里面有一个高高的布道讲坛。

    Inside, there is a high rostrum for preaching.

  12. 法律是我的讲坛和教堂的尖顶。

    Law is my pulpit and my steeple.

  13. 美国总统一职就是天字第一号讲坛。

    The American presidency is a bully pulpit.

  14. 美国总统一职就是天字第一号讲坛。

    The American presidency is a bully pulpit.

  15. 唐纳德身着长袍,登上讲坛。

    Arrayed in his robes, Donald climbed into the pulpit.

  16. 在西面尽头的地方, 有高起来的讲坛。

    At the west end, there was a raised platform.

  17. 他的影响主要通过教堂讲坛来完成

    his primary influence was through the pulpit.

  18. 儿子那就把钟放在讲坛的后面。

    Son Put the clock right behind the pulpit.

  19. 从百家讲坛到三尺讲台的思考

    From the Lecture Room to the Three Chi Platform.

  20. 讲坛犹太教堂里进行礼拜仪式的平台

    The platform from which services are conducted in a synagogue.

  21. 这是对讲坛得激情, 祷告得激情, 谈话得激情得恳求。

    This is a plea for passion in the pulpit, passion in prayer, passion in conversation.

  22. 这是对讲坛的激情,祷告的激情,谈话的激情的恳求。

    This is a plea for passion in the pulpit, passion in prayer, passion in conversation.

  23. 他在政党讲坛上制定了商业保护条款。

    he made trade protection a plank in the party platform.

  24. 行列到达讲坛的栏杆,棺材就放下来了。

    The procession reached the altar rail, and the coffin was put down.

  25. 因此, 一位体重14英石的主教登上讲坛

    and the ascent of a fourteenstone bishop into a pulpit

  26. 他用肘推著从人群中向讲坛挤过去。

    He elbowed his way through the crowd towards the rostrum.

  27. 自那时以来,我们已参加了各种裁军讲坛。

    Since then we have participated in various disarmament forums.

  28. 他在教室里比在政治讲坛上自在多了。

    He was more at ease in the classroom than on a political platform.

  29. 那位讲演者在欢呼声中登上了讲坛。

    The speaker mounted the rostrum amid warm applause.

  30. 其次,专家讲坛的内容涉及整个互动娱乐行业的。

    Next, the content of expert estrade involves trade of whole and interactive entertainment.


  1. 问:讲坛拼音怎么拼?讲坛的读音是什么?讲坛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讲坛的读音是jiǎngtán,讲坛翻译成英文是 forum


