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1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……
汉语拼音:tóu shì
徐迟 《牡丹》八:“这时化妆师给她端上来满满一盘头饰。那些水晶、钻石、珠宝在盘中灼灼有光。在前额正中,她插上第一支头饰,又一支支,分向两边插。” 萧乾 《一本褪色的相册》十四:“正当我们大吃大嚼的时候,坐在我背后的 姜燕 却在那里速写着那位女歌手的头饰。”
Her hair is so long that she must wear it in a tiara on her head and travel with an attendant.
她的头发太长了,以至于她必须戴在头上的头饰和旅行服务员它。If I were a dandelion in the more Well, there are beautiful headdress, with special wings, but her mother would not stop me voyage . . .
如果我是蒲公英该有多好啊,有漂亮的头饰,有特别的翅膀,而且妈妈也不会阻止我远航…The designer said he has no plans to sell the tiara, and now wants to create a jeweled hair clip for his beloved canine.
该设计师称,自己无意出售该头饰,且还想为爱犬设计一款珠宝发卡。A Thai jewelry designer has crafted a tiara worth $4. 2m for his pet dog (see photo), using precious stones given to him by his mother.
近日,泰国一名珠宝设计师用母亲送给他的宝石,为其宠物狗设计了一款头饰(见图),价值420万美元。Ninety per cent of the time, they make the wearer look as if some weird space alien has landed on her head.
十之八九,戴羽毛头饰的人看上去就好像头上顶着什么怪异的外星生物。Even having spent 12 years in the UK, I fail to see the point of those feather-and-lace concoctions.
我已经在英国生活了12年,但还是弄不明白这种由羽毛和蕾丝构成的繁复头饰究竟有什么用处。A superb-looking warrior stooped the towering plumes of his head-dress and entered house.
一位相貌堂堂的军人弯了弯头饰上高耸的羽毛进了屋。A young woman in an elaborate traditional headdress participates in a beauty pageant in Darhan, one of Mongolia's largest cities.
一个带着传统复杂头饰的年轻女子参加了在达尔汗举办的一场盛会。Fashioning a headdress with a light colored material will keep the sun off the skin.