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汉语拼音:hé tún
亦作“ 河魨 ”。鱼名。体圆筒形,口小,牙愈合成牙板。背部黑绿色,腹部白色,鳍紫红色。肉味鲜美,肝脏、生殖腺及血液有剧毒,经处理后可食用。我国沿海和某些内河有出产。
宋 苏轼 《惠崇春江晚景》诗之一:“蔞蒿满地芦芽短,正是河豚欲上时。” 元 王逢 《江边竹枝词》:“如刀江鱭白盈尺,不独河魨天下稀。” 明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·食品有名》:“水之咸淡相交处产河豚。河豚,鱼类也,无鳞颊,常怒气满腹,形殊弗雅,然味极佳,煮治不精,则能杀人。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·<无题>诗之一》:“岁暮何堪再惆悵,且持卮酒食河豚。”
A few days ago we had a list of embarrassing deaths, one of which included death by eating the liver of a fugu (pufferfish).
几天前我们有一张令人尴尬的死亡表,其中包括死于吃河豚的肝脏。However, the puffer fish is usually harmless if the entrails completely are removed and the if cavity is washed thoroughly prior to cooking.
但是,如果在烹饪之前内脏完全剔出而且腹腔清洗干净的话,河豚还是无毒无害的。Every spring the Amazon dolphins get to leave the confines of their river channel for a taste of their former habitat.
每年春天,亚马逊河豚离开所属河道的范围,到从前的栖地去晃一晃。Hah! How tough could it be? The otter captures the puffer. Yeah, well, sort of. I mean, oh, not exactly!
哈!那能有多难?水獭抓住了河豚。是,好的,在一定程度上。我是说,哦,不是这样的!Tetrodotoxin can be found in the liver, ovaries, and skin, and accidental death is the common result of ineffectual removal.
河豚的肝、卵巢和皮肤都含有河豚毒素,如果去除得不够干净会导致意外死亡。The poison may take only a few minutes or up to six hours to kill a person.
河豚毒往往只需要几分钟最多六个小时就能毒死人。The only surviving globefish have highly toxic, but its delicious, tasting it is still the stream.
唯一幸存的河豚有剧毒,但其味美,品尝它的人仍是络绎不绝。At up to 450 pounds and eight feet in length, the Amazon dolphin, or boto, is the largest of the four known species of river dolphin.
亚马逊河豚重达450磅,长约8英尺,是四种已知淡水豚里体型最大的一种。Spotted puffer fish are beautiful. I found a picture of one.