如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 提 [tí]2. 提 [dī]3. 提 [dǐ]提 [tí]垂手拿着有环、柄或绳套的东西:~壶。~灯。~篮。~包。~盒。~纲挈领。引领(向上或向前等):~心吊胆。~升。~挈。~携。说起,举出:~起。~出。~醒。~倡。~议。~名。~案。……
汉语拼音:tí huò
This is the quickest way, in case as if it works well, then you can pick up the goods today.
这是最快有解决方法,如果顺利的话,你们今天就可以提货。Recently, there has been a trend towards multi-channel retail, allowing new models such as purchasing online and picking up in store.
最近,有多渠道零售的趋势,允许在线购买并且在商场提货。We would be very grateful if you could let us take delivery before the selling season.
若贵方能够让我方在销售旺季之前提货,我们将不胜感激。to reduce the flow of customers link for the time savings , and to help transport clients to facilitate customer withdrawals.
为客户减少流通环节,争取时间,节约资金,并可为客户代办运输,方便客户提货。They will no longer be allowed to authorize third-party pick-ups, nor can their orders be shipped to a designated address.
他们不容许再授权第三者提货,他们的订货也不能递送到指定的地址。Payment shall be made by Party B within a week taken the delivery .
应由乙方在提货后一周内付款。We shall release the moment we received the payment. You can take the delivery with copy of sealed Telex Release simply.
您凭盖有电放章的提单复印件就可以提货了,不需要正本提单的。and with fast, reliable deliveries and flexible pick-ups, I don't think Scott's gotten used to not being so busy.
而且交货快速可靠,提货灵活,我不认为斯考特已经习惯不再如此忙碌!But Chinese consumers, overwhelmed by the flood of new gadgets in their lives, were happy to be glad-handed by eager salesmen.