




年纪小,初出生的:~儿。~虫。~苗。~年。小孩儿:~教(jiào )。~师。扶老携~。对儿童爱护:“~吾幼,以及人之幼。”……



汉语拼音:nián yòu








  1. 年纪幼小。

    《战国策·楚策》:“ 楚王 曰:‘ 楚国 僻陋,託东海之上;寡人年幼,不习国家之长计。’”《史记·张仪列传》:“先王弃羣臣,寡人年幼,奉祀之日新,心固窃疑焉。”《三国演义》第八七回:“ 后主 曰:‘朕年幼无知,惟相父斟酌行之。’”



  1. I will never forget that scene. Nothing good had happened to her all day but she knew something good had happened to me, her youngest son.


  2. And sometimes you close your eyes And see the place where you used to live When you were young?


  3. The few servants who had not died had run away in the night. No one had remembered little Miss Mary. She was all alone.


  4. And together they walked, he and his wife and young son and daughter, 60 blocks or so up to Grand Central and safety.


  5. The animal bandleader 's mask seems to have the strange power of making young animal mature.


  6. She was the junior one of the two sisters. As a man of loving-kindness, her father pampered his daughters a lot.


  7. Many times I have seen from his eyes down, but I did not think the young repentance.


  8. As you gather up the broken china, your teenage son calls to remind you he needs a ride to the math tutor's house in less than an hour.


  9. While Sara's baby brother and sister played in the front yard, the two young women sat in the sun, engrossed in small talk.


  1. 他年幼多情。

    He is young and romantic.

  2. 年幼的小孩

    shirttail kids.

  3. 年幼不懂事的孩子

    children of tender years

  4. 老板比属下年幼。

    I am the Older One,Boss.

  5. 年幼时逃亡埃及

    Will escape into Egypt as a child

  6. 他们欺负他年幼无知。

    They took advantage of his youth and inexperience.

  7. 由于年幼而有依赖性。

    dependent by virtue of youth.

  8. 年幼的人, 动物或植物

    A young person, animal, or plant.

  9. 年幼的人,动物或植物

    A young person, animal, or plant.

  10. 年幼的鸟, 尤指年幼的家禽。

    young bird esp. of domestic fowl.

  11. 她年幼时备受宠爱。

    In her youth she was encapsulated in affection.

  12. 闪电般侵害年幼的心灵

    Infecting their young minds faster than bacteria

  13. 那时我一定非常年幼。

    I must have been very young at the time.

  14. 你杀了我年幼的弟弟。

    You killed my baby brother.

  15. 她有两个年幼的孩子。

    She had two small children.

  16. 你杀了我年幼的弟弟。

    You killed my baby brother.

  17. 他尚年幼,但懂得却多。

    He is young, but he knows a lot.

  18. 小隼一种小型的或年幼的隼。

    A small or young falcon.

  19. 在我年幼时,他照应过我。

    He befriended me when I was young.

  20. 她年幼时曾患重病。

    She was seriously ill as an infant.

  21. 他因年幼而免被指控。

    He was exempt from charges by virtue of his youth.

  22. 他们有三个年幼的孩子。

    They have three small children.

  23. 自己年幼无知,深受他们影响。

    Their young ignorance, by their influence.

  24. 他年幼时, 总是很早起床。

    When he was a child he would get up early.

  25. 我在年幼时,不幸丧父。

    When I was very young, I had the misfortune to lose my father.

  26. 我让年幼的孩子提前起跑。

    I gave the younger children a start.

  27. 她尤为看重她最年幼的儿子。

    She makes the most of her youngest son.

  28. 年幼的青鱼, 鲱鱼或类似的鱼。

    The young of a herring or sprat or similar fish.

  29. 死后留下一个年幼的儿子

    left a young son.

  30. 小牛年幼的母牛或公牛

    A young cow or bull.


  1. 问:年幼拼音怎么拼?年幼的读音是什么?年幼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年幼的读音是niányòu,年幼翻译成英文是 young; under age; tender

  2. 问:年幼的拼音怎么拼?年幼的的读音是什么?年幼的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年幼的的读音是nián yòu de,年幼的翻译成英文是 junior

  3. 问:年幼者拼音怎么拼?年幼者的读音是什么?年幼者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年幼者的读音是,年幼者翻译成英文是 youngling

  4. 问:年幼学说拼音怎么拼?年幼学说的读音是什么?年幼学说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年幼学说的读音是nián yòu xué shuō,年幼学说翻译成英文是 tender-years doctrine

  5. 问:年幼少年拼音怎么拼?年幼少年的读音是什么?年幼少年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年幼少年的读音是nián yòu shào nián,年幼少年翻译成英文是 young boy

  6. 问:年幼青少年拼音怎么拼?年幼青少年的读音是什么?年幼青少年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年幼青少年的读音是nián yòu qīng shào nián,年幼青少年翻译成英文是 young adolescent

  7. 问:年幼学龄儿童拼音怎么拼?年幼学龄儿童的读音是什么?年幼学龄儿童翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年幼学龄儿童的读音是nián yòu xué líng ér tóng,年幼学龄儿童翻译成英文是 young school children