


为躲避不利于自己的环境或事物而离开:~跑。~敌。~匿。~遁。~逸。躲开不愿意或不敢接触的事物:~避。~难(nàn )。~汇。~税。~世(避世)。……


隐藏;退让:~藏。~避。~让。~难(nàn )。~车。~开。~闪。……



汉语拼音:táo duǒ







  1. 亦作“迯躲”。逃匿;躲避。

    元 李好古 《张生煮海》第三折:“急得那龙王没处迯躲。”《醒世恒言·赫大卿遗恨鸳鸯绦》:“ 非空菴 尼姑都逃躲不知去向。”《醒世姻缘传》第六五回:“ 狄希陈 唬得面无人色,説道:‘这灾祸可有路逃躲么?’” 吴组缃 《山洪》二三:“一次听着飞机临头的声响,他慌得丢了担子逃躲。”



  1. I cannot craft a thunderbolt. But God directs lightning, and nations cower and run in fear.


  1. 我无法降下雷电,但神却降下闪电,令列国慌忙逃躲。

    I cannot craft a thunderbolt. But God directs lightning, and nations cower and run in fear.

  2. 小雪人逃呀逃, 躲呀躲。

    The snowman runs away and dodges about.

  3. 狐狸突然转身而逃,躲过了猎犬。

    The fox doubled back and escaped the hounds.

  4. 然后, 就翻墙逃出去, 躲起来了。

    Next, turn over a wall to escape, hide.

  5. 姑娘们只好逃到山里躲在一个山洞里。

    The girls escaped to the mountains and hid within a cave.

  6. 但是父母若失去理智, 没命地毒打时, 就一定要躲要逃了!

    However, if our parents lose their minds and viciously, then it's time to run and hide!

  7. 努力的逃, 拼命的躲, 离开这个有着情人节的街头。

    Trying to escape, to hide, to leave this with Valentines day.

  8. 但是她却逃开了他,躲进了一个鸽笼。

    However, she eluded him and jumped into the pigeon coop.

  9. 我走开躲他, 但是我逃不掉。

    I move aside to avoid his presence but I escape him not.

  10. 她没有地方可以躲, 也没有地方可以逃。

    She had no place to hide and no where to flee.

  11. 逃不过寂寞的寂, 躲不过孤独的独。

    Runs away lonely lonesome, hides the lonely aloneness.

  12. 我走开躲他, 但我无处可逃。

    I move aside to avoid his presence but I escape him not.

  13. 逃出我的嘴唇, 躲进天空的云中。

    They escape from my lips to the clouds above.

  14. 逃出我得嘴唇,躲进天空得云中。

    They escape from my lips to the clouds above.

  15. 他躲进了柴堆,才逃过这一劫。

    He escaped misfortune by hiding in the woodpile.

  16. 逃过了打雷,遇上了闪电。躲过了小祸,遇上了大祸。

    I escaped the thunder and fell in to the lightning.

  17. 逃躲是她要马上达到的愿望。

    To escape was her great and immediate desire.

  18. 逃躲是她要马上达到得愿望。

    To escape was her great and immediate desire.

  19. 他逃回了他的豪华舱位,躲在那儿,直到轮船驶出了码头。

    He fled to his stateroom, where he lurked until the steamer was clear of the dock.

  20. 因此,他趁夜逃出了宫庭,跑到一个山洞里躲起来。

    Therefore, he fled from his palace at night and hid out in a cave.

  21. 警方说有两名犯人逃狱,而且正躲在我们这附近。

    The police said two criminals busted out of prison and are hiding in our neighborhood.

  22. 案发后,他东躲西藏,可还是没有逃过法律的治裁。

    After commiting the crime he tried hard to hide from the reach of justice, but he couldn't.

  23. 躲起来了。正在计划脱逃得事情。

    Hiding out someplace. Working on an escape plan.

  24. 躲起来了。正在计划脱逃的事情。

    Hiding out someplace. Working on an escape plan.

