







汉语拼音:yì wèi








  1. 以为;认为。

    汉 李陵 《答苏武书》:“ 陵 也不才,希当大任,意谓此时,功难堪矣。” 洪深 《电影戏剧的编剧方法》第一章一:“意谓贵族们无论如何破落,总还比普通人们不同一点,高贵一点。”

  2. 心中所想。

    唐 温大雅 《大唐创业起居注》卷二:“帝或口陈事绪,手疏意谓,发言折中,下笔当理。”

  3. 犹意义。

    《说郛》卷六六引 宋 窦革 《酒谱·酒之名》:“予谓古之所以名是物,以声相命,取别而已……未必皆有意谓也。”



  1. This means that the goods must be in apparent good order be loaded on board the stated vessel and that the bill gives title to any bearer.


  2. Please note that this does not mean that that patent covers the technique in question, or even that the patent is a valid one.


  3. When they say this they don't just mean not to let it ring, they mean not to have it in school at all.


  4. All in all, this means renunciation of our present day's industry-made, throw-away products that are propagandized daily in advertisements.


  5. The localization of the mind means its freezing. When it ceases to flow freely as it is needed, it is no more the mind in its suchness.


  6. More than one out of three drivers did not know that a blinking red light means a full stop.


  7. Where half-length portrait paintings, folk paintings Xi said the "cloud body" , which means lower body for the cloud cover.


  8. Then how much do you mean? Can you give me a rough idea?


  9. He referred to this lost knowledge as "informational capital. " It means that trust vanished from the banking sector.


  1. 推想意谓什么,我怀疑?

    What's that supposed to mean, I wonder?

  2. 这意谓你是创新的。

    Thismeans that you are innovative.

  3. 那也意谓着某人在说谎。

    It also means someone is lying.

  4. 生活在机器中意谓什麽呢

    What does it mean to live inside a machine

  5. 意谓猎人的射击使我不安, 或

    The shooting of the hunters disturbed me

  6. 问这意谓必须挨家挨户游说?

    Q. Does that entail going house to house.

  7. 当我说要走,从不意谓离开。

    When I said go, I never meant away.

  8. 我意谓让你死于饥饿进里面。

    I meant to let you die of hunger inside.

  9. 那意谓着我是真的有麻烦了。

    Means I'm really in trouble.

  10. 此即意谓着,科学的本质是保守的。

    And in this sense, science is intrinsically conservative.

  11. 但是当他们说那的时候,他们意谓什么?

    But what do they mean when they say that?

  12. 首对, 果敢果决, 意谓勇敢的下定决心。

    The first pair, Jue, means Bravely Determined.

  13. 首对,果敢果决,意谓勇敢得下定决心。

    The first pair, Jue, means Bravely Determined.

  14. 意谓愿望是思想的根源,思想是创造的推动力。

    The wish is father to the thought, the thought is mother to creation.

  15. 意谓做事要适时而动, 不急躁也不迟缓。

    So take pat action, neither impatience nor drumble.

  16. 对我的开着意谓任何事能是复制。

    Openness to me means that anything can be cloned.

  17. 这意谓著他们一整年都可以享受冰品。

    This meant that they could enjoy ice treats all year long.

  18. 它意谓,如果你是聪明的,你将会从我离开。

    It means, if you're smart, you'd stay away from me.

  19. 如果你不认识我,那意谓你从没有上过课。

    Ifyou don't know me, that means you've never been to class.

  20. 这意谓鼠能在地球上居住几乎无论何处。

    This means that rats can live almost anywhere on earth.

  21. 碳和与碳职位意谓重量储蓄的位子有关的钛鞍。

    The carbon and titanium saddle associated with the carbon seat post means weight savings.

  22. 这不意谓他一定是无情的, 残酷的, 粗糙的, 或叛逆的。

    This does not mean that he must be ruthless, cruel, harsh, or treacherous.

  23. 失败并不意谓我不会成功,它是说我应更加坚持。

    Failure does not mean I'll never succeed.

  24. 要果决, 即使意谓著有时候会做出错误的决定。

    Be decisive even if it means you'll sometimes be wrong.

  25. 他没有走红之前,薪水小得像花生米一样,意谓少得可怜。

    Before he made a hit he was working for peanuts.

  26. 相反地, 这意谓着前头仍然还有六周的严寒气候。

    On the contrary, it means that six more weeks of cold weather are still ahead.

  27. 相反地,这意谓着前头仍然还有六周得严寒气候。

    On the contrary, it means that six more weeks of cold weather are still ahead.

  28. 这个梦的情况是提到楼梯, 因此意谓著上升或下降。

    In this case the allusion is to a stair, thus indicating an ascent or a descent.

  29. 一在我里面发生故障只意谓一个我的部份将不工作。

    One malfunction in me means only a part of me won't work.

  30. 称它为鱼翅业, 意谓着是从活鲨鱼身上剪下来得。

    Finning as it is called, means cutting the fins off a live shark.


  1. 问:意谓向下拼音怎么拼?意谓向下的读音是什么?意谓向下翻译成英文是什么?

    答:意谓向下的读音是yì wèi xiàng xià,意谓向下翻译成英文是 cata