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1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……
汉语拼音:zhì shù
《素问·三部九候论》:“ 黄帝 问曰:‘余闻九针於夫子,众多博大,不可胜数……愿问其方。’ 岐伯 对曰:‘妙乎哉问也!此天地之至数。’” 晋 陆机 《辨亡论》:“是故先王达经国之长规,审存亡之至数。谦己以安百姓,敦惠以致人和,宽冲以诱俊乂之谋,慈和以结士民之爱。”
《汉书·东方朔传》:“復使射他物,连中,輒赐帛。时有幸倡 郭舍人 ,滑稽不穷,常侍左右,曰:‘ 朔 狂,幸中耳,非至数也。’” 颜师古 注:“至,实也。”
Depending on the connection speed of your computer, it may take a few to tens of seconds to download the Java interactive program below.
下载以下的Java互动程式可能需要数秒至数十秒,所需时间则视乎阁下的电脑连线速度。The condition tends to resolve without intervention unless pregnancy occurs, in which case recovery may be delayed for several weeks.
没有干预也有缓解倾向,除非受孕则需要延长至数周才能康复。Complete recovery may occur in a few days to weeks, or there may be permanent damage to a portion of the spinal cord.
恢复需要数天至数周,也可能导致部分脊髓的永久性损伤。Small groups of up to a few hundred people staged protests in at least five Chinese cities, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency.
官方的新华社报道称,中国至少五座城市出现了多至数百人的小规模抗议活动。If they happen to hit the earth, the cosmic radiation dose may be significantly increased for a short period from hours to a few days.
如这些粒子撞到地球,宇宙辐照量会暂时上升,此情况可持续数小时至数天。It lasts from under a minute to several minutes and may be followed by headache, confusion, and a weak feeling.
通常持续数十秒钟至数分钟,继之出现头痛、精神混乱、感觉虚弱。The aim of the project is to develop a new method to monitor the early kinetic events in protein folding (as fast as a few nanoseconds ).
在本计划中,我们的目的是要建立一种新的方法来模拟蛋白质摺叠的初期现象(可快至数个奈秒)。They may circulate for hours to a few days before entering the tissues and differentiating to become macrophages.
(单核细胞)在进入组织和分化成为巨噬细胞之前可在血液中循环数小时至数天。The incubation period is variable, and may range from a few days to several months. It is usually 2 to 4 weeks.
Prodromal stage can count day to reach several weeks continuously.
The number of new infections had fallen to just a handful a day.
Application of Sum of Diagramming Date in Equipment One Line Layout
Effective antibiotic treatment usually shortens the infectious period to within a few weeks.
常出现近侧肌无力, 皮肤损害先于肌炎数周至数年。
While proximal muscle weakness is usually present, the skin lesions can precede the myositis by weeks to years.
As for the team events, one or a number of competitors from all the teams selected by lots shall take the doping test.