


1. 几 [jī]2. 几 [jǐ]几 [jī]小或矮的桌子:茶~儿。将近,差一点:~乎。~至。苗头:知~其神乎。几 [jǐ]询问数量多少(估计不太大)的疑问词:~个人?~何(a.多少,如“人生~~?”b.研究点线面体的性质、关系和计算方法……








  1. Thus, the entire search can be performed with just a few array element retrievals.


  2. It's happened to me plenty of times during the early stages of my own photographic journey, particularly on my first trip to India.


  3. He wrote to me a few times ( "I'm biking with some friends and I feel great" ); letters about how he would try to get into university.


  4. He does about a dozen hospital jobs a week, and he says they normally involve a wait of two to three hours.


  5. Nearly 200 years, if it be in China's five dynasties and ten Kingdoms period, the change of dynasties have been a few times.


  6. "He talked and he talked and that is all he did, " said Aaron Goldstein, one of Mr Blagojevich's lawyers.


  7. I saw a good deal of him during the next few days, for several times it rained and he could not work.


  8. There would be no more "accidents" on the living room carpet; you'd be able to take your poodle for a piddle several times a day.


  9. "I think I played quite well. I gave the ball away a few times so I could have done better in that sense, " he admitted.


  1. 开几次晚会

    open some evenings.

  2. 好几次, 多次

    several times over

  3. 吃几次败仗

    suffer several defeats.

  4. 肯定有几次

    There must have been some times.

  5. 通过几次邮件

    We've emailed a few times.

  6. 做几次深呼吸。

    Take a few deep breaths.

  7. 发了几次烧

    bouts of fever.

  8. 是有几次啦

    A couple of times.

  9. 只需几次点击。

    just a few clicks away.

  10. 多缠绵几次如何

    More of this?

  11. 她流产过几次。

    She has had several miscarriages.

  12. 分几次施肥料

    fertilizer divided into separate applications.

  13. 你大便几次了?

    How many times have you moved your bowels?

  14. 换过几次信仰?

    How many different religions have I changed?

  15. 我上过几次课

    I had a few lessons.

  16. 参议员能连任几次

    How many times may a senator be reelected

  17. 几次都没有奏效。

    It has not worked several times, Ricks reminded Greene.

  18. 我到过那里几次。

    I've been there once or twice.

  19. 每天收信几次?

    How many collections of letters are there every day ?

  20. 他尝试戒了几次。

    He tried quitting several times.

  21. 他去了几次美国。

    He has been to the US some times.

  22. 一局有几次出局?

    How many outs are there in an inning?

  23. 他到那里几次了?

    How many times has he been there ?

  24. 她去过几次伦敦。

    She had been to London once or twice.

  25. 我去过北京几次。

    I have been to Beijing several times.

  26. 每年您旅行几次?

    How many times per year do you travel?

  27. 您来过北京几次?

    How many times have you been in Beijing?

  28. 你坐过几次飞机?

    How many times have you traveled by airplane ?

  29. 您每年潜水几次?

    How often do you go on a dive trip in a year?

  30. 去年下了几次大雪。

    We had heavy snows last year.


  1. 问:几次拼音怎么拼?几次的读音是什么?几次翻译成英文是什么?

    答:几次的读音是Jǐcì,几次翻译成英文是 several times

  2. 问:几次三番拼音怎么拼?几次三番的读音是什么?几次三番翻译成英文是什么?

    答:几次三番的读音是jǐcìsānfān,几次三番翻译成英文是 time after time; time and again; over and over...



《几次》是林欣彤演唱的一首歌曲,由郑樱纶作词,邓智伟填曲,收录在林欣彤发行的专辑《Mooooody Me》中,于2014年10月9日发行。