







汉语拼音:kè yuán






  1. 'Within seven to 10 years, if we play our cards right, China will be one of the biggest markets inbound to the U. S. , ' he said.


  2. In fact, the elderly in the international tourist market share of larger, accounting for about one-third of the total number of tourists.


  3. Germany is one of the major countries of passenger sources on the Guilin travel market, possess important position.


  4. The traveller is steady, it is an omen that this comes to compatriots.


  5. to recover the source of white-collar group, you need to re-packaging and a great deal of publicity in order to have effect.


  6. But getting clients, keeping them, and getting them to refer you new leads is actually not as hard as you'd think. . .


  7. Fu Peng is to provide full-service hotels of the mid-range hotels, tourist market positioning in the business guests and leisure travelers.


  8. Eleven long-distance travel a large number of households is bound to divert Golden Week tourists showings.


  9. Continue to visit travel agencies to increase the frequency of communication to its utmost to secure an effective source.


  1. 招揽新客源

    and then we'd pull in new customers.

  2. 你们因而能扩大客源。

    You can increase your client base.

  3. 这间公司只有一个巨大的客源。

    It's a company with one big customer.

  4. 我们公司将职业妇女作为主要客源。

    Our company has targeted career women as our primary customers.

  5. 客源稳定,这对国人来是个预兆。

    The traveler is steady, it is an omen that this comes to compatriots.

  6. 我这三周的客源比之前翻倍了

    I've been doublebooked for the past three weeks.

  7. 新店所处的位置优越,更能吸引客源。

    The new store is better situated to attract customers.

  8. 进入21世纪,旅游目的地的竞争实际上是争夺客源的竞争。

    Entering into the21st century, the competition of tourist destination is actually contest of winning customers.

  9. 品行端正,有客源者优先考虑,一经录用,提成高。

    Decency, there are sources of tourists are given priority, a recruiting and the high commission.

  10. 进入21世纪, 旅游目得地得竞争实际上是争夺客源得竞争。

    Entering into the21st century, the competition of tourist destination is actually contest of winning customers.

  11. 民富了, 旅游业才能有更多的客源, 赚到更多的钱。

    Only when people get rich, tourism industry can have more customers and make more money.

  12. 大量家庭十一长途出游, 势必分流黄金周看房客源。

    Eleven distance travel a large number of households bound to divert Golden Week tourists showings.

  13. 近年来,芭堤雅旅游业一直在设法吸引多样化得客源。

    In recent years the Pattaya tourist industry has sought to diversify its client base.

  14. 近年来,芭堤雅旅游业一直在设法吸引多样化的客源。

    In recent years the Pattaya tourist industry has sought to diversify its client base.

  15. 旅游流是旅游目的地与客源地之间相互作用的结果。

    Tourism flow is the interactional results between destination and domestic tourist markets.

  16. 我觉得过度倚赖一家客户会有危险,于是著手拓展客源。

    I sensed the danger inherent in over reliance on a single customer base.

  17. 旅游流是旅游目得地与客源地之间相互作用得结果。

    Tourism flow is the interactional results between destination and domestic tourist markets.

  18. 加强宣传来广开客源,重视传统节假以形成新的旅游高峰期。

    Strengthens propagandizes opens the source of tourists broadly, takes the traditional festival to form the new traveling peak false.


  1. 问:客源拼音怎么拼?客源的读音是什么?客源翻译成英文是什么?

    答:客源的读音是kèyuán,客源翻译成英文是 source of tourists or customers



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