







汉语拼音:yān sī






  1. 亦作“烟丝”。指细长的杨柳枝条。

    唐皇甫松 《杨柳枝》诗:“春入行宫映翠微, 玄宗 侍女舞烟丝。” 清 纳兰性德 《蝶恋花》词之二:“欲倩烟丝遮别路,重杨那是相思树。”参见“ 烟柳 ”。

  2. 吸烟时喷出的烟缕。

    胡也频 《到莫斯科去》十:“ 徐大齐 又进来了,在手指间挟着一枝雪茄烟……吸着烟,吐着烟丝。”

  3. 烟叶加工后切成的细丝。



  1. Original Choice: A mild, natural, round flavor. No bite. Easy to light and smoke. Made of Virginia tobacco and mild air-dried Burleys.


  2. The surface aroma for the cured tobacco shred is simple in preparation, low in production cost, easy for production.


  3. Application: used for deployment of tobacco flavor or used directly for tobacco processing to improve the quality enhance the taste.


  4. Cigarettes, cigars, cut tobacco and re dried leaf tobacco are generally referred to as tobacco products.


  5. The smell for of pipe tobacco always takes me back to the time I used to sit on my grandfather's knee.


  6. Application: used for deployment of tobacco flavor or used directly to improve quality and improve the taste of tobacco.


  7. He would finish smoking it after work, if he could keep the tobacco in it.


  8. The method has the functions of lowering the quality hidden danger of the cut tobacco and lightening the labor intensity of a worker.


  9. To give myself time to think, I tamped down the tobacco in my pipe and then lit it slowly.


  1. 哈瓦那烟丝

    Havana tobacco.

  2. 土耳其烟丝

    turkish tobacco.

  3. 这混合烟丝不错。

    This is a good mixture.

  4. 一烟斗的烟丝, 一袋烟

    a fill of tobacco

  5. 他把烟丝塞进烟斗。

    He rammed the tobacco into his pipe.

  6. 他往烟斗里装烟丝。

    He filled the bowl of his pipe with tobacco.

  7. 把烟斗中的烟丝压实。

    tamp down the tobacco in a pipe

  8. 老人把烟斗装满烟丝。

    The old man stuffed his pipe with tobacco.

  9. 把烟斗中得烟丝压实。

    tamp down the tobacco in a pipe

  10. 你们有哈瓦那烟丝吗?

    Have you got some Havana for my pipe?

  11. 烟丝揉和度影响因素探讨

    Research on affecting factors in congruity of cut tobacco

  12. 他把烟丝紧塞在烟斗里。

    He tamped down the tobacco in his pipe.

  13. 眼泪随著烟丝飘出眼筐。

    Tear blows out the eye basket with cut tobacco.

  14. 烟丝气流干燥系统气流干燥器的设计

    Design of Dryer by Air Flow Drying System for Tobacco

  15. 他把烟丝紧紧摁实在烟斗里。

    He tamped down the tobacco in his pipe.

  16. 他把烟丝紧紧塞实在烟斗内。

    He tamped down the tobacco in his pipe.

  17. 四分之一磅茶叶。一听烟丝。

    A quarter of a pound of tea. And a And a tin of tobacco.

  18. 老人又把一些烟丝摁进烟斗。

    The old man tamped down some more tobacco into his pipe.

  19. 他用拇指把烟斗里的烟丝摁实。

    He tamped down the tobacco in his pipe with his thumb.

  20. 一磅烟丝只够他吸两个礼拜。

    A pound of tobacco only lasts him a fortnight.

  21. 他把烟丝裹起来,卷成一根纸烟。

    He rolled some tobacco and made a cigarette.

  22. 他取出烟斗,装满烟丝,点了起来。

    He took out his pipe and filled it with tobacco and lit it.

  23. 他把烟丝压实在烟斗内,然后点燃它。

    He tamped tobaccopipe and lit it.

  24. 烟丝色泽板滞, 光华量好, 有油润感。

    The natural colour of the tobacco leaf, gloss, there are moistener.

  25. 请给我来一罐埃奇沃思烟丝。

    Please give me a can of Edgeworth.

  26. 烟支内烟丝分布对卷烟烟气的影响

    Influence of Shred Distribution in Tobacco Rod on Cigarette Smoke

  27. 烟支内烟丝分布对卷烟质量的影响

    Influence of Shred Distribution in Tobacco Rod on Cigarette Quality

  28. 他在烟斗里装了些烟丝后点燃了它。

    He put some tobacco in pipe and lit it.

  29. 他称出了一些烟丝。放进烟丝袋里。

    He weighed out the tobacco and put it in the pouch.

  30. 卷烟,雪茄烟,烟丝复烤烟叶统称烟草制品。

    Cigarettes, cigars, cut tobacco and redried leaf tobacco are generally referred to as tobacco products.


  1. 问:烟丝拼音怎么拼?烟丝的读音是什么?烟丝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烟丝的读音是yānsī,烟丝翻译成英文是 cut tobacco

  2. 问:烟丝烘烤机拼音怎么拼?烟丝烘烤机的读音是什么?烟丝烘烤机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烟丝烘烤机的读音是yānsīhōngkǎojī,烟丝烘烤机翻译成英文是 roasting plant



烟丝是指将烟叶切成丝状、粒状、片状、末状或其他形状,再加入辅料,经过发酵、储存,不经卷制即可供销售吸用的烟草制品。如斗烟、莫合烟、烟末、水烟、黄红烟丝等等 烟丝的使用方法有多种,可以直接用卷烟纸卷成任意形状抽,也有用专用的卷烟器将烟丝卷成香烟状来使用,更有用烟斗等烟具配合使用的方法. 烟丝是烟叶经过加工后形成,根据产地不同,烟的味道也有很大的不同. 真品卷烟的烟丝主要由叶丝、梗丝和烟草薄片丝等成分组成。