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1. 荫 [yīn]2. 荫 [yìn]荫 [yīn]林木遮住日光所成的阴影:树~。荫 [yìn]庇荫。封建时代子孙因先世有功劳而得到封赏或免罪。……
汉语拼音:bì yīn
亦作“ 庇荫 ”。
1.遮蔽。《国语·晋语九》:“木有枝叶,犹庇廕人,而况君子之学乎?”《诗·小雅·隰桑》“隰桑有阿,其叶有难” 汉 郑玄 笺:“其叶又茂盛,可以庇荫人。” 晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·献帝纪》:“ 洛阳 丘墟,靡所庇荫。”
北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·勉学》:“父兄不可常依,乡国不可常保,一旦流离,无人庇廕,当自求诸身耳。” 唐 白居易 《初丧崔儿报微之晦叔》诗:“文章十帙官三品,身后传谁庇廕谁?” 唐 封演 《封氏闻见记·讽切》:“ 贺 素詼谐,应声答曰:‘ 知章 蒙相公庇荫不少。’” 明 李贽 《别刘肖川书》:“居家则庇荫於父母;居官则庇荫於官长;立朝则求庇荫於宰臣;为边帅则求庇荫於中官;为圣贤则求庇荫於 孔 孟 ;为文章则求庇荫於 班 马 。”《镜花缘》第三回:“自 中宗 嗣圣 元年甲申即位,赖 唐 家一点庇廕,天下倒也无事。”
In childhood I had a wish: I would be a child forever under your protection. But now I could only fulfill it in my dream.
小时候我有一个愿望:我愿在你的庇荫下做一世的孩子。现在只有让梦来满足这个愿望了。When I was young I wished to be a happy kid forever under your shelter. Now I can only fulfill it in my dream.
小时侯我有一个愿望:我愿在你的庇荫下做一世的孩子。现在只有让梦来满足这个愿望了。But at ten, when she was stocked in Kingfisher, she was already a bruiser. And there, among the willow-shaded banks, she grew. And grew.
反正她十岁时就已经在翠鸟湖横行无阻,湖岸边垂柳青青,庇荫她休养生息,养大养肥,越大越肥。India gave refuge to the Jews, fleeing the destruction first temple by the Babylonians, and said thereafter by the Romans.
印度给予被巴比伦人入侵的犹太人庇护,又据说,是从古罗马人那里获得庇荫。Qingyan, stand like a wall here, the tree shelter, verdant Grass, rock formations into a fun, winding streets . . .
这里青岩壁立,绿树庇荫,芳草葱郁,怪石成趣,曲径通幽……奇妙的景致,陶醉了多少南来北往的游客。Nearby the farmhouse room between the grapevine, under grecian laurel's shading, each household others all have own wine cellar.
在农舍屋旁葡萄树之间,月桂树的庇荫之下,每户人家都有自己的酒窖。Vow to be a streetlight showing the way. Vow to be a tree offering its branches for shade to passersby .
发愿作一盏路灯,照破黑暗,指引光明;发愿作一棵大树,枝繁叶茂,庇荫路人。Five score years ago , a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand, signed the Emancipation Proclamation .
年以前,一位伟大的美国人签署了解放宣言,我们现在就站在他象征性的庇荫中。But we keep all the small plants. It cant provide shelter. Coz it itself is too small.
They run this country by patronage networks.
The homes you built have never sheltered you.
but still will keep A bower quiet for us,
We moved out of the shade and into the sunshine.
We moved out of the shade and into the sunshine.
We moved out of the shade and into the sunshine.
Discussion on shading effect and intercroping combination of Coffea arabica
Down by your shady harbour I carelessly did stray
她手里拿着茶杯站在学校庇荫处, 一副看得很兴奋的样子。
Standing on the sheltered side of the school, teacup in hand, she watched with mounting excitement.
Standing on the sheltered side of the school, teacup in hand, she watched with mounting excitement.