


1. 传 [chuán]2. 传 [zhuàn]传 [chuán]转(zhuǎn )授,递:~递。~输。~戒。~统。言~身教。推广,散布:宣~。流~。~名。~奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或……


看,察看:~览。~读。翻~。传(chuán )~。批~。订~。检~。~兵。经历:~历。已~三月。容,容许:“我躬不~”。本钱:折~。总聚,汇集:“川~水以成川”。……



汉语拼音:chuán yuè






  1. 传递着看。

    清 程伟元 、 高鹗 《红楼梦引言》:“是书前八十回,藏书家抄録传閲几三十年矣,今得后四十回合成完璧。” 柯岩 《奇异的书简·天涯何处无芳草》:“儿子的朋友闻声也都抢着来传阅,我应付着疾风暴雨式的提问。”



  1. A notice of the general meeting is going round the school teacher, please sign and return it to the main office.


  2. But he said the e-mail was meant for internal consumption only.


  3. notice of the general meeting is going round; please sign and return it to the main office.


  4. When I get a note from someone on campus praising one of my staff, I usually forward it on to the whole IT staff.


  5. The document circulates for perusal the system is an office automation system's important constituent.


  6. Although not immediately published, the volume had a fairly wide readership through private circulation of the manuscript .


  7. When you circulate a memo, you often write whom the intended audience is at the top of the memo.


  8. type personnel correspondences , memorandum , circulars , reports , staff letter articles , meeting minutes , and maintain all the files.


  9. And I found that it really resonated with people back home, who started passing it around.


  1. 这只在私下传阅。

    It's only for private circulation.

  2. 传阅文件。通知, 通函

    a circular letter

  3. 我希望大家可以传阅。

    I'm going to pass it around.

  4. 文件正在委员中传阅。

    The document is being circulated among the committee members.

  5. 这篇稿子请大家传阅。

    Please pass the draft round.

  6. 课程表就在这儿传阅一下。

    The syllabus is going around the class.

  7. 通知正在全体成员中传阅。

    A notice is being sent round to all the members.

  8. 通报正在全体成员之间传阅。

    A circular is being sent round to all the members.

  9. 那张字条给全家人传阅。

    The note was passed on round to all the memembers of the family.

  10. 此备忘录在各部门中传阅。

    This memo was circulated interdepartmentally.

  11. 此备忘录在各部门中传阅。

    This memo was circulated interdepartmentally.

  12. 高校文件传阅自动化系统研究

    The Universities Document Circulates for Perusal the Automated System Research

  13. 文件已在全体委员中传阅。

    The document has been sent round to the members of the committee.

  14. 那封信由在座的人传阅。

    The letter was passed round the table.

  15. 该报告将在全体成员中传阅。

    The report will be circulated to all members.

  16. 广泛传送的意在普遍或广泛传阅的

    Intended for general or wide circulation.

  17. 珍惜生命,关爱你我,尽请传阅。

    Cherish life, love you and I, do please circulate.

  18. 会议的详细内容事先已被传阅。

    Details of the meeting had been circulated well in advance.

  19. 给全体销售人员传阅得商业简报。

    circulate a memorandum to all sales personnel

  20. 给全体销售人员传阅的商业简报。

    circulate a memorandum to all sales personnel

  21. 这封信在全体教员中传阅着。

    This letter is being circulated among the faculty.

  22. 我会把你的信息给大家传阅。

    I shall arrange for your information to be circulated.

  23. 约翰把刚收到的信给大家传阅。

    John handed round the letter he had just received.

  24. 这份文件将在所有成员中传阅。

    The document will be circulated to all members.

  25. 学生们开始传阅照片,很感兴趣的样子。

    They passed the pictures around, viewing each with great in terest.

  26. 公文传阅速度是决定公文执行的重要因素。

    The speed of documents transmission is an important element for documents enforcing.

  27. 有否定期公布及传阅有关守则及规例?

    Are any Code and rules published and or circulated regularly?

  28. 文件应该在会议七天前给大臣们传阅。

    Papers should be circulated to ministers seven days before a meeting.

  29. 文件应该在会议七天前给大臣们传阅。

    Papers should be circulated to ministers seven days before a meeting.

  30. 他把刚收到的那封信给大家传阅。

    He handed round the letter he had just received.


  1. 问:传阅拼音怎么拼?传阅的读音是什么?传阅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传阅的读音是chuányuè,传阅翻译成英文是 circulation; pass round for perusal

  2. 问:传阅的拼音怎么拼?传阅的的读音是什么?传阅的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传阅的的读音是,传阅的翻译成英文是 encyclical

  3. 问:传阅便条拼音怎么拼?传阅便条的读音是什么?传阅便条翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传阅便条的读音是chuán yuè biàn tiáo,传阅便条翻译成英文是 Buck Slip

  4. 问:传阅指示拼音怎么拼?传阅指示的读音是什么?传阅指示翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传阅指示的读音是chuán yuè zhǐ shì,传阅指示翻译成英文是 Circular Instruction

  5. 问:传阅通知单拼音怎么拼?传阅通知单的读音是什么?传阅通知单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传阅通知单的读音是chuán yuè tōng zhī dān,传阅通知单翻译成英文是 Memo Routing Slip




拼音:chúan yùe基本解释[pass round for perusal;read in turn] 轮流阅读传阅文件引证解释指传递着看。清 程伟元 、 高鹗 《红楼梦引言》:“是书前八十回,藏书家抄录传阅几三十年矣,今得后四十回合成完璧。” 柯岩 《奇异的书简·天涯何处无芳草》:“儿子的朋友闻声也都抢着来传阅,我应付着疾风暴雨式的提问。”全媒体“全媒体”指媒介信息传播采用文字、声音、影像、动画、网页等多种媒体表现手段(多媒体),利用广播、电视、音像、电影、出版、报纸、杂志、网站等不同媒介形态(业务融合),来达到传播的最佳效果。全媒体”并不排斥传统媒体的单一表现形式,而且在整合运用各媒体表现形式的同时仍然很看重传统媒体的单一表现形式,并视单一形式为“全媒体”中“全”的重要组成。