







汉语拼音:děng sù






  1. the length of constant-rate drying stage is 80% of total length of dryer, and rate of heat transfer is 30% of that of total.


  2. It's mainly used in the car industry which can be easily machined and has strong capacity. It has low cost and can be used for a long time.


  3. The device of claim 1, wherein said joint comprises one of a universal joint and a ball and cage constant velocity joint.


  4. The invention is mainly used for dismounting the BJ type constant velocity universal joint used for the car drive shaft.


  5. HESHAN GCK AUTO PART CO . , LTD is one of the world leading constant velocity half shaft and relate components manufacturer.


  6. Conclusion Velocity must be considered during isokinetic eccentric test.


  7. The results indicate that the maximum contact stress appears on the pivot shaft, where the serious wear and fatigue also easily occur.


  8. The laminar boundary layer behind a constant-speed shock wave moving through a dusty gas along a solid surface is studied.


  9. The paper introduces a modified trapezoid acceleration pattern with a constant speed part for loomrapier motion driven by cam.


  1. 等速砑光机

    spreading calender.

  2. 匀等速运动

    uniform motion.

  3. 等速运动凸轮

    uniform motion cam.

  4. 等速运动测试

    constant speed movement.

  5. 等速圆周运动

    uniform circular motion.

  6. 等速运动原理

    principle of isokinetic motion.

  7. 等速电透分析

    analytical isotachophoresis.

  8. 等速运动新进展

    New Advances in Isokinetics

  9. 纸上等速电泳

    isotachophoresis on paper

  10. 这种汽车的等速油耗较低。

    This kind of car consumes less fuel than others at the same speed.

  11. 这种汽车的等速油耗较低。

    This kind of car consumes less fuel than others at the same speed.

  12. 这涉及所谓等速取样的问题。

    It involves a subject known as isokinetic sampling.

  13. 等速技术在体育运动中的应用

    Applications of Isokinetic Technique in Sports Science

  14. 这种汽车得等速油耗较低。

    This kind of car consumes less fuel than others at the same speed.

  15. 翼型等速上仰绕流结构的观测

    Observation on flow structure around a pitching airfoil at constant rate

  16. 青年男性膝关节等速向心测力研究。

    Isokinetic Concentric Dynamometry of Knee Flexors and Extensors in Young Male.

  17. 球笼等速万向节的特性分析。

    Characteristic Analysis of Ball Basket Constant Velocity.

  18. 等速技术在武术运动中的应用现状研究

    The Study of the Current Situations of Isokinetic Technique Application in Wushu

  19. 等速肌力康复技术及等速运动的实现途径

    Isokinetic Muscle Rehabilitation and the Approach to Realizing Isokinetic Motion

  20. 就可以保证他们的财富 可以和经济等速增长。

    that their wealth rises as fast as the size of the economy.

  21. 等速万向节保持器窗口冲裁模

    Applicable shaving technique of cage windows of constant velocity joint

  22. 躯干等速肌力测试重测信度研究

    A study on the reliability of isokinetic test of the trunk muscles

  23. 高速列车等速会车时气动作用力仿真分析

    Simulation Analysis of Aerodynamic Force for High Speed Trains Passing at the Same Speed

  24. 中学男生握力有效性及等速肌力的研究

    Study on Isokinetic Strength and Grip Strength Validity of Middle School Boys.

  25. 等速运动装置在肩关节术后康复中的应用

    A pilot study on the protocol of isokinetic device for rehabilitation of patients after shoulder operations

  26. 慢性下腰痛患者腰屈伸肌的等速肌力评价

    An isokinetic evaluation on strength of trunk muscles in patients with chronic low back pain

  27. 埋弧焊机分为等速送丝方式和变速送丝方式。

    Submerged arc welding machines may be classified as equal speed method and varying speed method.

  28. 等速万向节等厚保持架毛坯的加工

    Machining on equithickness retainer blanks of constant speed universal joints.

  29. 气垫导轨实验中滑块的等速和定速发射

    Some moms swear their glider rockers are the only thing that gets their babies to sleep.

  30. 交叉滚道式等速万向节的特性分析

    Characteristic Analysis on Constant Velocity Universal Joint with Cross Raceways


  1. 问:等速拼音怎么拼?等速的读音是什么?等速翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速的读音是děngsù,等速翻译成英文是 Of uniform speed.

  2. 问:等速度拼音怎么拼?等速度的读音是什么?等速度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速度的读音是děng sù dù,等速度翻译成英文是 uniform velocity

  3. 问:等速流拼音怎么拼?等速流的读音是什么?等速流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速流的读音是,等速流翻译成英文是 uniform flow

  4. 问:等速游拼音怎么拼?等速游的读音是什么?等速游翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速游的读音是děng sù yóu,等速游翻译成英文是 even-pace swimming

  5. 问:等速的拼音怎么拼?等速的的读音是什么?等速的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速的的读音是děng sù de,等速的翻译成英文是 isodromic

  6. 问:等速线拼音怎么拼?等速线的读音是什么?等速线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速线的读音是děng sù xiàn,等速线翻译成英文是 isovelocity

  7. 问:等速上升拼音怎么拼?等速上升的读音是什么?等速上升翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速上升的读音是děng sù shàng shēng,等速上升翻译成英文是 constant speed climb

  8. 问:等速传动拼音怎么拼?等速传动的读音是什么?等速传动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速传动的读音是děng sù chuán dòng,等速传动翻译成英文是 constant speed drive

  9. 问:等速假定拼音怎么拼?等速假定的读音是什么?等速假定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速假定的读音是děng sù jiǎ dìng,等速假定翻译成英文是 constant velocity assumption

  10. 问:等速加载拼音怎么拼?等速加载的读音是什么?等速加载翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速加载的读音是děng sù jiā zài,等速加载翻译成英文是 constant rate of loading

  11. 问:等速增长拼音怎么拼?等速增长的读音是什么?等速增长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速增长的读音是děng sù zēng zhǎng,等速增长翻译成英文是 isoauxesis

  12. 问:等速度线拼音怎么拼?等速度线的读音是什么?等速度线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速度线的读音是děng sù dù xiàn,等速度线翻译成英文是 line of equal velocity

  13. 问:等速录音拼音怎么拼?等速录音的读音是什么?等速录音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速录音的读音是děng sù lù yīn,等速录音翻译成英文是 constant velocity recording

  14. 问:等速扫描拼音怎么拼?等速扫描的读音是什么?等速扫描翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速扫描的读音是děng sù sǎo miáo,等速扫描翻译成英文是 constant scanning

  15. 问:等速油比拼音怎么拼?等速油比的读音是什么?等速油比翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速油比的读音是děng sù yóu bǐ,等速油比翻译成英文是 fuel consumption ratio

  16. 问:等速生长拼音怎么拼?等速生长的读音是什么?等速生长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速生长的读音是děng sù shēng zhǎng,等速生长翻译成英文是 isauxesis

  17. 问:等速电泳拼音怎么拼?等速电泳的读音是什么?等速电泳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速电泳的读音是děng sù diàn yǒng,等速电泳翻译成英文是 isotachophoresis

  18. 问:等速系统拼音怎么拼?等速系统的读音是什么?等速系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速系统的读音是děng sù xì tǒng,等速系统翻译成英文是 constant velocity system

  19. 问:等速运动拼音怎么拼?等速运动的读音是什么?等速运动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速运动的读音是děngsùyùndòng,等速运动翻译成英文是 uniform movement

  20. 问:等速进样拼音怎么拼?等速进样的读音是什么?等速进样翻译成英文是什么?

    答:等速进样的读音是děng sù jìn yàng,等速进样翻译成英文是 isokinetic sample introduction



děng sù ㄉㄥˇ ㄙㄨˋ