




解说,说明:解~。注~。~文。~义。消除,消散:~疑。~怨。涣然冰~(像冰融化了一样,嫌隙和疑虑都完全消除)。放开,放下:~放。保~。手不~卷。佛教创始人释迦牟尼的简称,后泛指佛教:~氏。~教。~子(和尚)。~藏(zàng )(佛教经典的总……



汉语拼音:kāi shì








  1. 释放。

    《书·多方》:“开释无辜,亦克用劝。” 唐 元稹 《同州刺史谢上表》:“ 元和 十四年, 宪宗皇帝 开释有罪,始授臣膳部员外郎。” 沙汀 《催粮》:“衣服褴褛,面容憔悴,看来就像刚被开释的囚犯一样。”

  2. 指解除。

    郭沫若 《文艺论集·神话的世界》:“它可以开释我们想象力的枷锁。”

  3. 解释;劝解。

    唐 韩愈 《答殷侍御书》:“固鄙心之所最急者。如遂蒙开释,章分句断,其心晓然,直使序所注,挂名经端,自託不腐,其又奚辞?”《新唐书·田令孜传》:“帝见 蜀 陿陋,稍鬱鬱,日与嬪侍博饮,时时攘袂北望,怊然流涕。 令孜 伺间开释,呼万岁,帝为怡悦。”



  1. Interpretation , the word in chinese can be divided into two words, one is comprehend or apperception, the other is release or set free.


  2. That bodes badly for Mr Khodorkovsky's acquittal chances in a new trial that could leave him in jail for 20 more years.


  3. A few days prior- you releautomotive service engineersd the American hiker- however - there is still two clistomhvachleives in Iran.


  4. He wore a badly fitting ready-made suit and pair of stiff shoes the state provides its discharged guests.


  5. Without the evidence Lonsdale and his associates could have got off either scot-free or with a minor sentence.


  6. Yet the men were acquitted after a two-hour trial in which the court barred American military officials from testifying.


  7. A spurned wife who set fire to her family home so her cheating husband would get nothing in a divorce has walked free from court.


  8. "This man is pardoned, and hereby ordered to be discharged from the service, " the president wrote.


  9. Air travel is an environmental disaster. As well as carbon dioxide, planes emit nitrogen oxide, another nasty gas.


  1. 我希望他能获得无罪开释。

    I hope he can win an acquittal.

  2. 他后来于1992年7月被无罪开释。

    He was acquitted in July1992.

  3. 昨日开释,昨日再次受到指控,重新被捕。

    Released yesterday. Reaccused and retaken yesterday.

  4. 等压力完全开释后, 才能开盖。

    Do not try taking the lid off until the pressure release completely.

  5. 去开释任何奋力想突破极限的人。

    To give the truth to anyone struggling to break out of his limits.

  6. 被开释得还有沙赫特和巴本。

    So were Schacht and Papen.

  7. 在13名被告之中,12名被判刑,1人无罪开释。

    Of these13 accused,12 have been convicted and one acquitted.

  8. 由于缺乏充足的证据, 被告被开释了。

    For lack of sufficient evidence, the accused was allowed to go free.

  9. 由于缺乏充足得证据, 被告被开释了。

    For lack of sufficient evidence, the accused was allowed to go free.

  10. 他借出有交赎金, 他们便把他开释了。

    They set him free when his ransom had not yet been paid.

  11. 饶恕就是开释囚犯, 之后知囚犯便是你本身。

    To forgive is to set a prisoner and discover the prisoner was YOU.

  12. 对产品开发的特定阶段进行评估和开释。

    Assess and release the defined stages of product development.

  13. 对人们对佛学的诸多困惑予以坚定明确的开释。

    Bootstrap Finance The Art of StartUps by Amar V.

  14. 接触后,电荷开释掉,上吊恢复到初始地位。

    After the contact, charge is released, hang oneself from a beam regains initiative position.

  15. 已完成对9人的审判,其中8人被定罪,1人无罪开释。

    Trials of nine persons had been completed, eight of them being convicted and one acquitted.

  16. 我们期望被开释者有权回到其原籍国。

    Our expectation is that individuals who are acquitted have the right to return to their country of nationality.

  17. 大家都很愤怒一个被控谋杀警察的无罪开释。

    They were enraged at the acquittal of a policeman accused of murder.

  18. 最后, 邦王确疑了格本弗得真挚友情, 把他开释了。

    At last the King was sure of Gulliver's true friendship and set him free.

  19. 最后,邦王确疑了格本弗的真挚友情,把他开释了。

    At last the King was sure of Gulliver's true friendship and set him free.

  20. 在这5个案件中,3名被告被定罪,其中1人认罪,2人开释。

    Of those five cases three accused were convicted, one of whom pleaded guilty, and two were acquitted.

  21. 开释,澄清嫌疑脱离法律上的指控或不实罪名宣判无罪

    To free from a legal charge or imputation of guilt acquit

  22. 被告方得律师为委托人得无罪开释作了有说服力得辩护。

    The defence lawyer made an eloquent plea for his client's acquittal.

  23. 两名被开释者仍在阿鲁沙接受法庭保护。

    Two acquitted persons remain under the protection of the Tribunal in Arusha.

  24. 手机在纵时会开释低强度得处于微段得射频能量。

    Wireless phones emit low levels of radiofrequency energy in the microwave range while being used.

  25. 手机在纵时会开释低强度的处于微段的射频能量。

    Wireless phones emit low levels of radiofrequency energy in the microwave range while being used.

  26. 一切声音都是袒护犯人的, 于是主审官宣布开释他。

    All the voices were in the prisoner's favour, and the president declared him free.

  27. 将主阀盖上的配管接头螺丝松开, 开释阀内压力。

    the main valve cover with a screw loose fittings, pressure valve acquittal.

  28. 手机在应用时会开释低强度的处于微段的射频能量。

    Wireless phones emit low levels of radiofrequency energy in the microwave range while being used.

  29. 手机在应用时会开释低强度得处于微段得射频能量。

    Wireless phones emit low levels of radiofrequency energy in the microwave range while being used.

  30. 确保你的应耗竭量晚的央求获得资源并尽量早的开释他们。

    Ensure your application acquires resources late and releases them early.


  1. 问:开释拼音怎么拼?开释的读音是什么?开释翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开释的读音是kāishì,开释翻译成英文是 release; set free

  2. 问:开释令拼音怎么拼?开释令的读音是什么?开释令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开释令的读音是kāishìlìng,开释令翻译成英文是 warrant of deliverance



kāi shì 动词 [rslease (a prisoner)] 释放被拘禁的人 1.释放。《书·多方》:“开释无辜,亦克用劝。” 唐 元稹 《同州刺史谢上表》:“ 元和 十四年, 宪宗皇帝 开释有罪,始授臣膳部员外郎。” 沙汀 《催粮》:“衣服褴褛,面容憔悴,看来就像刚被开释的囚犯一样。” 2.指解除。 郭沫若 《文艺论集·神话的世界》:“它可以开释我们想象力的枷锁。” 3.解释;劝解。 唐 韩愈 《答殷侍御书》:“固鄙心之所最急者。如遂蒙开释,章分句断,其心晓然,直使序所注,挂名经端,自托不腐,其又奚辞?”《新唐书·田令孜传》:“帝见 蜀 陿陋,稍郁郁,日与嫔侍博饮,时时攘袂北望,怊然流涕。 令孜 伺间开释,呼万岁,帝为怡悦。”