



1. 宿 [sù]2. 宿 [xiǔ]3. 宿 [xiù]宿 [sù]住,过夜,夜里睡觉:住~。留~。露~。~舍(shè)。~营。年老的,长久从事某种工作的:~将(经验丰富的老将)。~儒。名~。平素,素有的:~愿。~志。~疾。~敌。~心。隔……


仇恨:~恨。恩~。宿~。~仇。~敌。~府(大家怨恨的对象)。~声载道。不满意,责备:埋(mán )~。抱~。~言。任劳任~。……



汉语拼音:sù yuàn







  1. 怀恨于心。

    《孟子·万章上》:“仁人之於弟也,不藏怨焉,不宿怒焉,亲爱之而已矣。” 朱熹 集注:“宿怨,谓留蓄其怨。”《汉书·邹阳传》:“夫仁人之於兄弟,无藏怒,无宿怨,厚亲爱而已。”

  2. 旧恨。

    《管子·轻重乙》:“今发徒隶而作之,则逃亡而不守;发民,则下疾怨上。边境有兵,则怀宿怨而不战。”《新唐书·江夏王道宗传》:“ 高宗 永徽 初, 房遗爱 以反诛, 长孙无忌 、 褚遂良 与 道宗 有宿怨,诬与 遗爱 善,流 象州 。” 曲波 《桥隆飙》八:“他是一个对旧社会有深仇大恨,对恶势力有宿怨的人。”



  1. The test of our leadership will not be the degree to which we feed the fears and old hatreds of our people.


  2. It did me no harm but that was not the reason why an unforgiving person like me never really held any grudge against him for doing so.


  3. They had had some trouble once over a halter, and, both being good hates, there was bad blood between them.


  4. Long-standing rifts among magical communities that the war widened must be healed.


  5. She was indeed united to England , but the cement had no time to acquire consistence . The irritation of ancient wrongs still subsisted.


  6. Our feelings of heaviness and lightness emerge out of this " feud" between two opposing tendencies.


  7. After years of family fighting, the uncles agreed to wipe off old scores so their children could marry.


  8. Bloody conflicts between the two countries arose from the old scores both sides failed to wipe out.


  9. But the maritime border zone isn't the only place where the two bitter rivals are facing off .


  1. 我得宿怨已消。

    My grudge is satisfied.

  2. 我的宿怨已消。

    My grudge is satisfied.

  3. 宿怨强烈的, 毁灭性的仇恨

    A bitter, destructive feud.

  4. 两国之间宿怨已久。

    There's a long history of animosity between the two nations.

  5. 她和仇敌有许多宿怨要清算。

    She had many old scores to settle with her enemy.

  6. 他想向和他有宿怨的人报复。

    He wanted to kick back at the man who started the feud.

  7. 他想向和他有宿怨的人报复。

    He wanted to kick back at the man who started the feud.

  8. 时俊为解两镇宿怨,毅然答应。

    Million Shijun for solutions, resolutely promised two town antipathy.

  9. 现在是把这些宿怨忘记的时候了。

    It's time these old scores were forgotten.

  10. 整个国家的派系分裂和宿怨正不断加剧。

    The deepening of tribal divisions and ancient enmities across the country.

  11. 村民间的宿怨似乎源于牲口的集中畜牧权。

    The feud between villagers seemed to be over cattle and herding rights.

  12. 由于家庭之间的宿怨她不能和他结婚。

    Because of a family feud she could not marry him.

  13. 对于我来说,我这次要完全解决这个宿怨。

    As for me, I'm going to finish this once and for all.

  14. 此外,第三委员会不是处理个人宿怨的论坛。

    Moreover, the Third Committee was not a forum for settling personal scores.

  15. 约翰将鲍伯打了一顿以报宿怨。

    John settled an old score with Bob by beating him.

  16. 憎恨, 战争, 世代的宿怨将会蔓延于整个国家。

    Hatred, fight, feud will pervade the whole country.

  17. 对他们过去的敌人的旧仇宿怨顿时涌上心头。

    All the hatred for their former enemy flared up.

  18. 对他们过去敌人的一切旧恨宿怨顿时涌上心头。

    All the old hatred for their former enemy flared up.

  19. 它们谋求的不是对人权的尊重,而是清算政治上的宿怨。

    They were seeking not to secure respect for human rights but to settle political scores.

  20. 我们两个国家必须抛却战争的宿怨,寻求一个妥协协定。

    Our two countries must put aside the memory of war and seek a modus vivendi.

  21. 你若是上帝的儿子这句话,在撒但心里引起刺骨的宿怨。

    If Thou be the Son of God. The words rankle with bitterness in his mind.

  22. 她确实已与英国合作,但关系尚未巩固,宿怨并未消释。

    She was indeed united to England, but the cement had no time to acquire consistence. The irritation of ancient wrongs still subsisted.


  1. 问:宿怨拼音怎么拼?宿怨的读音是什么?宿怨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宿怨的读音是sùyuàn,宿怨翻译成英文是 an old grudges; old scores to settle





【拼音】sù yuàn

【英译】[ancient scores;old grudge]


【基本解释】 过去的嫌怨。常见于口语,方言,原是宗教学名词,指的是被鬼上身,某部分好运如感情、家庭、健康等部分被作为代价取走.特别是失控时,力量便会回流,反施加于本人身上,多出现于舌头两侧有牙齿痕迹、肌肉跳动有不寻常的虫爬感及疼痛、厌食,迅速消瘦,盗汗、全身乏力。需带 昱珀 。添“染付春秋,筌蹄胡禄,浮世仏紫”三个封印阴气。茅室(方言):即厕所或是洗手间,不过茅室是没有洗手的地方.