







汉语拼音:róng diǎn






  1. He forgot, however, to check the melting point of aluminum, and his rocket did not get off the ground.


  2. and a vacuum control system is connected with the heat preservation container for measuring the congruent melting point.


  3. The semi-Solid Forming technique of low melting point alloy has been used in commercial production.


  4. Within a week he memorized all the atomic numbers, masses and melting points.


  5. This paper introduced the the system of phase-changing material, and made a "phase change alloy" by the low melting point.


  6. Pale yellow crystal with a strong musky odor. Widely used in cosmetics and soap perfumes. Melting point: 113Degrees min. Ingolublc in water.


  7. The physicochemical characteristics of slags of Flash Smelting Furnace and of Depletion Electric Furnace have been investigated.


  8. Employed the low melt point B-Si glass as the matrix, doped the luminescence materials, and prepared the long afterglow luminescence glass.


  9. With increasing reaction temperature, the average molecular weight of the copolymers closely relates to its thermal properties.


  1. 热力学熔点

    Thermal melting point.

  2. 煤灰灰熔点

    coal ash melting point.

  3. 低熔点纤维

    low melting point fiber.

  4. 低熔点石蜡

    Low Melt Point Paraffin.

  5. 环球法熔点

    ring and ball melting point.

  6. 数字熔点仪

    digital melting point tester.

  7. 低熔点共聚酰胺

    low melting point copolyamide

  8. 高熔点玻璃纤维

    high melting glass fiber

  9. 相合熔点化合物

    Congruently addition compound

  10. 更高的熔点。

    Higher melting point.

  11. 近熔点挤出

    extrusion nearby melting point.

  12. 高灰熔点煤

    high ash fusion temperature coal

  13. 单质的熔点

    Melting point of elementary substance.

  14. 低熔点电解质

    low melting point electrolyte

  15. 某物质的熔点

    The melting point of a substance.

  16. 低熔点塑性介质

    low melting point plastic medium

  17. 高熔点金属涂层

    high melting point metal coating

  18. 棕榈油中间熔点物

    Palm oil midfraction

  19. 高熔点型焊膏

    high melting point solder paste

  20. 一种低熔点合金

    Brant rs metal

  21. 覆膜砂熔点

    Melting point of precoated sand.

  22. 这里是水的熔点。

    That's the melting point of water.

  23. 铅的熔点相当低。

    Lead will fuse at quite a low temperature.

  24. 铅得熔点相当低。

    Lead will fuse at quite a low temperature .

  25. 蜡的熔点试验方法

    Standard Test Method for Melting Point of Wax

  26. 智能灰熔点测试仪

    Intellectual Ash Melting Point Test Instrument

  27. 固态氧的熔点是-218.4℃。

    The melting point of solid oxygen, is -218.4° C.

  28. 它的熔点是204摄氏度。

    It s got a melting point of 204 degrees Celsius.

  29. 褐煤蜡熔点测定方法

    Lignite waxDetermination of melting point

  30. 熔点型消耗式温度计

    Melting point type disposable fever thermeometer


  1. 问:熔点拼音怎么拼?熔点的读音是什么?熔点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔点的读音是róngdiǎn,熔点翻译成英文是 melting point

  2. 问:熔点图拼音怎么拼?熔点图的读音是什么?熔点图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔点图的读音是róng diǎn tú,熔点图翻译成英文是 melting point diagram

  3. 问:熔点法拼音怎么拼?熔点法的读音是什么?熔点法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔点法的读音是róng diǎn fǎ,熔点法翻译成英文是 melting point method

  4. 问:熔点测定拼音怎么拼?熔点测定的读音是什么?熔点测定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔点测定的读音是róng diǎn cè dìng,熔点测定翻译成英文是 fusing point test

  5. 问:熔点温度拼音怎么拼?熔点温度的读音是什么?熔点温度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔点温度的读音是róng diǎn wēn dù,熔点温度翻译成英文是 melting temperature

  6. 问:熔点降低拼音怎么拼?熔点降低的读音是什么?熔点降低翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔点降低的读音是róng diǎn jiàng dī,熔点降低翻译成英文是 melting point lowering

  7. 问:熔点测定器拼音怎么拼?熔点测定器的读音是什么?熔点测定器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔点测定器的读音是róng diǎn cè dìng qì,熔点测定器翻译成英文是 melting point apparatus

  8. 问:熔点测定法拼音怎么拼?熔点测定法的读音是什么?熔点测定法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔点测定法的读音是róng diǎn cè dìng fǎ,熔点测定法翻译成英文是 measurement method of melting point

  9. 问:熔点测定管拼音怎么拼?熔点测定管的读音是什么?熔点测定管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔点测定管的读音是róng diǎn cè dìng guǎn,熔点测定管翻译成英文是 melting point tube

  10. 问:熔点测定计拼音怎么拼?熔点测定计的读音是什么?熔点测定计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔点测定计的读音是,熔点测定计翻译成英文是 meldometer

  11. 问:熔点测定装置拼音怎么拼?熔点测定装置的读音是什么?熔点测定装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔点测定装置的读音是róng diǎn cè dìng zhuāng zhì,熔点测定装置翻译成英文是 melting point apparatus



物质的熔点(melting point),即在一定压力下,纯物质的固态和液态呈平衡时的温度,也就是说在该压力和熔点温度下,纯物质呈固态的化学势和呈液态的化学势相等,而对于分散度极大的纯物质固态体系(纳米体系)来说,表面部分不能忽视,其化学势则不仅是温度和压力的函数,而且还与固体颗粒的粒径有关,属于热力学一级相变过程。