


1. 少 [shǎo]2. 少 [shào]少 [shǎo]数量小的,与“多”相对:多~。~量。~许。缺,不够:缺~。减~。不经常:~有。~见。短时间:~等。~候。~顷。丢,遗失:屋里~了东西。轻视:“且夫我尝闻~仲尼之闻而轻伯夷之义者,如……





汉语拼音:shǎo yú









  1. But since all earmarks add up to less than $20 billion a year, that will not yield much.


  2. Through the money market, you can buy fixed-income securities, primarily short-term securities that last less than a year.


  3. A complete tariff code is no less than six digits and can be up to ten.


  4. Only three incidents, minor by Iraqi standards, were reported from all around the country, probably less than on an average ordinary day.


  5. The biggest campus-wide "Support Our Troops" rally was at least as well attended as any antiwar protest.


  6. Trust income distribution, at least once a year, The institutions hold a period of not less than 12 months.


  7. Previous studies which had once made a connection between the two were only study participants for a short time (less than 85 days).


  8. Current assets are less than current liabilities, which means the company may not be able to pay its debt on time.


  9. Quality Control Department adopt the audit method of second part, at least once a year.


  1. 不少于六位数。

    Nothing less than six figures.

  2. 公告期限不少于30日。

    Announcement deadline not less than 30 days.

  3. 月份日期不能少于1

    The day of the month cannot be less than 1

  4. 全年降雨量少于600毫米。

    Annual rainfall of less than 600 mm.

  5. 他们的收入少于去年。

    Their receipts are falling behind those of last year.

  6. 重组计数时间不少于5秒。

    The reassembly timer MUST be no less than 5 seconds.

  7. 少于七个乐音的音阶。

    A musical scale with fewer than seven notes.

  8. 补贴每年少于60亿美元。

    The subsidy is less than 4 billion a year.

  9. 死伤者不少于五十人。

    There were no less than 50 killed and wounded.

  10. 因而借款费用少于发行股票。

    Thus borrowing is less costly than issuing stock.

  11. 写一篇不少于300字的文章

    Write one article in no less than 300 words

  12. 签入锁的限制少于签出锁。

    A checkin lock is less restrictive than a checkout lock.

  13. 写你的信不少于100个单词。

    Write your letter with no less than 100 words.

  14. 文件长度不能少于20个字节。

    File length cannot be less than 20 bytes.

  15. 这个,来自美国的少于一个。

    Well, less than one comes from the United States.

  16. 少于任何地方的极右派人士。

    than the extreme right anywhere else.

  17. 一升气体的质量少于一升水的质量。

    A litre of gas has less mass than a litre of water.

  18. 完成一个使命使用少于弹药300。

    Complete a mission using less than 300 rounds of ammunition.

  19. 英语与周围时间少于48小时转机。

    English Speaking with turn around time less than 48 hours.

  20. 照明系统的总长度不少于125厘米。

    Overall length of lighting system shall be not less than 125 cm.

  21. 照明系统得总长度不少于125厘米。

    Overall length of lighting system shall be not less than 125 cm.

  22. 少于百分之五十西班牙后裔。

    Less than five percent were of Spanish ancestry.

  23. 经常短程行驶里程数少于5英里

    Frequent short trips driving less than 5 miles

  24. 轻于空气的气体的摩尔质量少于空气的。

    Lighter gases have molar mass smaller than air.

  25. 可享有的保护期应不少于10年。

    The duration of protection available shall amount to at least 10 years.

  26. 在发票中, 标明货值少于实际货值。

    Under invoicing, declaring less than the actual value of goods.

  27. 出席会议的人数不少于五百人。

    There are no less than five hundred people at the meeting.

  28. 职业责任险,金额不少于合同价值。

    Professional liability insurance for the amount no less than the value of the contract.

  29. 少于百分之二 这纯粹是经济问题

    less than two percent, and the reason is purely economic.

  30. 购买少于多数控股权的救星公司。

    a white knight that buys less than a majority interest.


  1. 问:少于卡车载运量拼音怎么拼?少于卡车载运量的读音是什么?少于卡车载运量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:少于卡车载运量的读音是shǎo yú kǎ chē zài yùn liàng,少于卡车载运量翻译成英文是 Less than Truckload