




1. 燥 [zào]燥 [zào]干,缺少水分:干~。~裂。~热。枯~。……



汉语拼音:fán zào







  1. 同“ 烦躁 ”。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·汤公》:“如一善,则心中清静寧贴;一恶,则懊憹烦燥,似油沸鼎中。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第三幕:“ 鲁家 现在才吃完晚饭,每个人的心绪都是烦燥的。”《元典章·吏部三·医官》:“假令有人病头疼,身体拘急,恶寒,无汗,寒多,热少,面色惨而不舒,腰脊疼痛,手足指末微厥,不烦燥,其脉浮而紧涩者,名为何证?”



  1. He feared that she was guilty, and he was all the more distressed, ashamed, outraged, made wholly unhappy.


  2. Mark's upset because Jenny said he's got a one-track mind and he's always thinking about sex.


  3. Sometimes the vibration causes the transmission out of engagement and leads to the drivers to be fidgety and tired.


  4. Gerard was no longer lightheaded, but very irritable.


  5. She will not fuss "like a cat on hot bricks" if he goes out when it is "raining cats and dogs" .


  6. Fashion modeling and functional, with it, our bathrooms have become more spacious, not impatient things no place up!


  7. Obviously everyone's gonna be upset that we lost such a close game.


  8. He does not become angry when the system crashes, but accepts the universe without concern.


  9. Symptoms begin with headache, aching, and restlessness. High fever gradually develops, with delirium.


  1. 烦燥的表情

    sour expression.

  2. 大热天脾气烦燥。

    Tempers began to fray in the hot weather.

  3. 然而我还是烦燥于失败。

    However, I was again frustrated by failure.

  4. 心里很乱, 很烦燥怎么改变?

    In the heart very random, very fretful how to change ?

  5. 心情很压抑, 烦燥, 怎么调节?

    The mood is very depressive, fretful, how to adjust ?

  6. 嘈杂的音乐使我烦燥,我讨厌嘈杂的音乐。

    Noisy music gets on my nerves. I hate noisy music.

  7. 那喧嚣的音乐使我心神烦燥。

    That loud music is getting on my nerves.

  8. 晚上的那些噪音让我很烦燥。

    Those noises at night have been getting to me.

  9. 杰勒德不再头晕,但非常烦燥。

    Gerard was no longer lightheaded, but very irritable.

  10. 我的舌头也不能发泄我心头的烦燥。

    My tongue cannot unload my heart's great burthen.

  11. 我得舌头也不能发泄我心头得烦燥。

    My tongue cannot unload my heart's great burthen.

  12. 他烦燥不安无法成眠,所以出去散步。

    He was too restless to sleep any more so he went out for a walk.

  13. 我的心哪,你为何忧闷?为何在我里面烦燥?

    Why are you downcast, O my soul?

  14. 他的确干劲十足,但态度常常是烦燥的。

    He was certainly driving and often impatient.

  15. 那就是你从今早开始就烦燥的原因?

    So that's why you've been edgy since this morning?

  16. 那就是你从今早开始就烦燥得原因?

    So that's why you've been edgy since this morning ?

  17. 洗去一天的疲惫、臭汗、尘土和烦燥。

    I had a wonderful hot bath that washed out tiredness, perspiration, dust and restlessness.

  18. 因为无事可做所有的孩子也都烦燥不安。

    All the kids are restless because they have nothing to do.

  19. 惊厥前也可出现躁动,烦燥,错觉,抽搐等症状。

    Restlessness, anxiety, confusion, and twitching may also precede convulsions.

  20. 我的妻子心情烦燥,一定是到了来例假的日子。

    My wife is crabby. It must be that time of the Month.

  21. 我得妻子心情烦燥,一定是到了来例假得日子。

    My wife is crabby. It must be that time of the Month.

  22. 平淡,枯燥无味,厌烦的感觉能令人烦燥甚至发疯。

    Insipid, dry, cheesed feeling can make a person fretful go mad even.

  23. 你的思想和心灵或许会感到不安、焦虑,甚至烦燥。

    Instead you may find that your mind or your spirit is uneasy, anxious, maybe even irritable.

  24. 她烦燥地来到了一个汽车旅馆,来会见格雷琴。

    Sara anxiously goes to the motel to see Gretchen, who asks to be anally.

  25. 弗雷德心情烦燥,于是到外面去喝了个一醉方休。

    Fred was hacked and went out to hang one on.

  26. 不过, 如果人们太长时间呆在家里会感到厌烦和烦燥。

    However, people can experience boredom and restlessness if they spend too much time inside their homes.

  27. 柜门的脱落、令人烦燥的吱呀声多是由劣质的配件引起。

    Transparent defoliation, a little more than the sound of Ziya caused by poor accessories.


  1. 问:烦燥拼音怎么拼?烦燥的读音是什么?烦燥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烦燥的读音是,烦燥翻译成英文是 fantod

  2. 问:烦燥的拼音怎么拼?烦燥的的读音是什么?烦燥的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烦燥的的读音是,烦燥的翻译成英文是 fidgety



fán zào ㄈㄢˊ ㄗㄠˋ 烦燥