


相距,隔开:距~。太阳是~地球最近的恒星。离开,分开:分~。~别。~家。~散(sàn)。~职。~异。~间(jiàn )。支~破碎。缺少:办好教育~不开教师。八卦之一,符号是“☲”,代表火。古同“罹”,遭受。古同“缡”,妇女的佩巾。〔~~〕形……


1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……



汉语拼音:lí jiàn








  1. 亦作“ 离閒 ”。从中挑拨,使隔阂、不团结。

    《后汉书·西羌传》:“ 永元 元年, 紆 坐徵,以 张掖 太守 邓训 代为校尉,稍以赏赂离閒之,由是诸种少解。” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·后娶》:“其后,假继惨虐孤遗,离閒骨肉,伤心断肠者,何可胜数。” 宋 王安石 《杂著·委任》:“盖 高祖 推己之心而置於其心,则他人不能离间而事以济矣。” 李大钊 《警告全国父老书》:“忽而离间,忽而煽动,一若吾国人皆鹿豕之不如,尽金钱之可贿。”

  2. 分离;分隔。

    唐 李冗 《独异志》:“ 竇滔 久戍,其妻 苏氏 能词,织锦为迴文诗,叙离间阻隔之意以寄之。” 明 汤式 《满庭芳·代人寄书》曲:“端肃奉柬。拜违咫尺,似隔关山,少成欢会多离间,直恁艰难。” 明 杨柔胜 《玉环记·赶逐韦皋》:“论相逢有缘,论相逢有缘,如何离间?”



  1. He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.


  2. The show has had a few really long breaks. Do you think they've alienated fans or stunted the show's growth?


  3. They are zealous of you, but not rightly; but they desire to shut you out that you may be zealous of them.


  4. The enemy interior is harmonious, estranges its relations.


  5. Xizor's long-lost niece, Savan, secretly instigated a war between the Vigos as she attempted to take control of Black Sun herself.


  6. We've mentioned de Montfort's unfortunate habit of alienating those of his fellow barons who might otherwise be tempted to support him.


  7. Such a grand trial, let the opportunity challenge.


  8. Even collectivism was prevailing, "others" means not consciousness but deception, betrayal, dissidence, danger, alienation, etc.


  9. Colonel Qaddafi survived countless coup and assassination attempts and cracked down harshly afterward, alienating important Libyan tribes.


  1. 英美离间论

    on English and American policy to estrange two countries.

  2. 使疏远,离间,使离开

    estrange vt.

  3. 离间甲乙二人

    drive a wedge between A and B.

  4. 离间他和他的朋友

    Alienate him from his friend

  5. 她们离间男人的友谊。

    They divide the friendships of men.

  6. 近距离间接会谈

    proximity talks

  7. 我们要巧妙的离间他们。

    We'll have cunning divide them.

  8. 美言使人和睦, 恶语使人离间。

    Good words anoit us, and ill do unjoint us.

  9. 粉体喷房隔离间

    Powder spray booth isolation room

  10. 离于离间语,戒绝了离间语。

    Abandoning divisive speech he abstains from divisive speech.

  11. 她企图离间他和他的兄弟。

    She tried to alienate him from his brother

  12. 你想离间塞都斯和我。

    You would turn Sethi against me.

  13. 因维德人想要离间我们。

    The Invid want to confuse us.

  14. 他编造一个故事离间我们彼此。

    He fabricates a story so we turn on each other.

  15. 要不然, 世俗的诽谤离间不了我们,

    Men could not part us with their worldly jars

  16. 她用这种手段离间这对夫妻。

    By this means she cast in a bone between the wife and husband.

  17. 他们对国民党军官和士兵进行离间。

    They tried to sow dissension between officers and men.

  18. 这似乎是离间富国不错的法子。

    This seems like a recipe for alienating rich countries.

  19. 恶意的流言蜚语离间了这对老朋友。

    Spiteful gossip separated the two old friends.

  20. 在短距离间运行的运输系统

    a transportation system that operates over relatively short distances

  21. 乖僻人散播纷争传舌的离间密友。

    A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends.

  22. 因为总有人在背地里离间我们两。

    Because there were always people in the background pitting us against each other.

  23. 流言蜚语曾一时离间了这对老朋友。

    The two old friends were separated for a time by spiteful gossip.

  24. 他离间那一对朋友的企图失败了。

    His attempts to alienate the two friends failed.

  25. 出于嫉妒之心,她离间了他们的关系。

    She broke them up out of jealousy.

  26. 没有任何女人能离间我们的兄弟之情。

    No woman can come between frat brothers.

  27. 你为何要设法离间我和我女朋友的关系?

    Why did you try to come between my girl friend and me?

  28. 有人在设法离间同僚你们之间的关系。

    Some people are trying to set the colleagues against one another.

  29. 这是一个圈套, 他在离间我们的感情。

    It's a trick. he's just trying to get us to turn on each other.

  30. 离间韦狄和朵荪的那个女人就是你呀。

    The woman that stands between Wildeve and Thomasin is yourself.


  1. 问:离间拼音怎么拼?离间的读音是什么?离间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:离间的读音是líjiàn,离间翻译成英文是 sow dissent


