


1. 挑 [tiāo]2. 挑 [tiǎo]挑 [tiāo]扁担等两头挂着东西,用肩担着:~土。~夫(旧时以给人挑货物行李为业的人)。挑的东西:~担。挖取:~荠菜。量词,用于成挑儿的东西:一~儿白菜。选,拣:~选。~拣。~剔。~肥拣瘦。古同……





汉语拼音:tiǎo xìn








  1. 亦作“ 挑衅 ”。寻衅生事,蓄意引起争斗。

    明 张景 《飞丸记·埋轮没产》:“使其出则挑衅,没则徼功,待上无礼,驭下少恩,这也是有的。” 清 侯方域 《太子丹论》:“ 宋 之亡也, 秦檜 、 汤思退 之流,日以‘挑衅’之説,挟持杀戮天下之谋臣战将,始终以讲和误其国。” 峻青 《海啸》第二章:“ 黑老五 却没有掏枪,反而双手往胸前交叉着一抱,轻蔑地一笑,挑衅地看着 市川 。”

  2. 见“ 挑衅 ”。



  1. But America is still capable of putting two fingers up to its banker, when the mood takes it.


  2. The verdict's announcement over the U. S. holiday -- a year after the conviction -- appeared to be a calculated act of defiance.


  3. "I do not think the book was written at all as a provocation, " he said. "It was written with the love and care he feels for the dishes. "


  4. The word went down from the top, she said, not to react to demonstrations or provocations from protesters or journalists.


  5. The comet made two passes around the Sun and in 1779 again passed very close to Jupiter, which then threw it back out of the solar system.


  6. She said the symbolic award would be considered a severe provocation by all Chinese people, including Tibetans.


  7. Your boy is bright, doesn't appear to be taking crack cocaine and is still talking to you, even if in a somewhat combative manner.


  8. These bombings were widely believed to have been the work of Sunni extremists trying to kill and provoke Shias.


  9. Nor should you be "calling-out" traditional VC's publicly as if you are really any different for that matter.


  1. 挑衅的语调

    a belligerent tone.

  2. 猖狂的挑衅

    reckless provocation.

  3. 赤裸裸地挑衅

    nakedly aggressive

  4. 他无意挑衅。

    He had no wish to start a fight.

  5. 进行武装挑衅

    carry out armed provocation

  6. 假设挑衅情境

    hypothetical provocative situation.

  7. 他向我挑衅。

    He was trying to provoke me.

  8. 难道这不是挑衅?

    Is this not provocation?

  9. 悬崖勒马, 停止挑衅

    rein in on the brink of the precipice and stop your provocations

  10. 它是一种挑衅。

    It was a provocation.

  11. 耀武扬威, 挑衅的姿态

    a warlike gesture

  12. 挑衅地撅着嘴。

    pout ones lips provocatively.

  13. 对挑衅作出反应

    react to a provocation

  14. 由挑衅引起的侵略

    provoked aggression

  15. 挑衅现在只需要3点。

    Defiance now only three points.

  16. 他用挑衅的口气说话。

    He spoke in belligerent voice.

  17. 使用谩骂或挑衅语言

    Use of abusive or provocative language

  18. 第一, 悬崖勒马, 停止挑衅

    Rein in on the brink of the precipice and stop your provocations.

  19. 他们总是向我们挑衅。

    They are always trying to pick a fight with us.

  20. 他们总是向我们挑衅。

    They are always trying to pick a fight with us.

  21. 他话里带着挑衅。

    He accompanied his words with a defiant glare.

  22. 他话里带着挑衅。

    He accompanied his words with a defiant glare.

  23. 受他人挑衅杀人者

    provocation from one other than person killed

  24. 他们必须停止一切挑衅。

    They must immediately cease all their provocations.

  25. 他们必须立即停止挑衅。

    They must put an immediate stop to their provocations.

  26. 这听起来不啻于挑衅。

    it sounds like a provocation.

  27. 这士兵不是来挑衅的。

    The soldier did not come to fight.

  28. 未经挑衅就发动的进攻

    An unprovoked attack.

  29. 激怒挑衅或煽动的行动

    The act of provoking or inciting.

  30. 对挑衅给予有力的反击

    answer provocation with a vigorous counterblow


  1. 问:挑衅拼音怎么拼?挑衅的读音是什么?挑衅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挑衅的读音是tiǎoxìn,挑衅翻译成英文是 provoke

  2. 问:挑衅的拼音怎么拼?挑衅的的读音是什么?挑衅的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挑衅的的读音是,挑衅的翻译成英文是 defiant

  3. 问:挑衅因素拼音怎么拼?挑衅因素的读音是什么?挑衅因素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挑衅因素的读音是tiǎo xìn yīn sù,挑衅因素翻译成英文是 provoking factor

  4. 问:挑衅情境拼音怎么拼?挑衅情境的读音是什么?挑衅情境翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挑衅情境的读音是tiǎo xìn qíng jìng,挑衅情境翻译成英文是 provoking situation

  5. 问:挑衅程度拼音怎么拼?挑衅程度的读音是什么?挑衅程度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挑衅程度的读音是tiǎo xìn chéng dù,挑衅程度翻译成英文是 degree of provocation

  6. 问:挑衅行为拼音怎么拼?挑衅行为的读音是什么?挑衅行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挑衅行为的读音是tiǎoxìnxíngwéi,挑衅行为翻译成英文是 provocative act

  7. 问:挑衅性语言拼音怎么拼?挑衅性语言的读音是什么?挑衅性语言翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挑衅性语言的读音是tiǎo xìn xìng yǔ yán,挑衅性语言翻译成英文是 provocative language

  8. 问:挑衅性单边主义拼音怎么拼?挑衅性单边主义的读音是什么?挑衅性单边主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挑衅性单边主义的读音是tiǎo xìn xìng dān biān zhǔ yì,挑衅性单边主义翻译成英文是 aggressive unilateralism



“挑衅”是个多义词,它可以指挑衅(DNF中的游戏技能), 挑衅(汉语词语), 挑衅(冒险岛隐士技能), 挑衅(桌游志《三国杀》中姜维武将技能), 挑衅(日本传奇性先锋摄影团体), 挑衅(网页游戏), 挑衅(游戏王卡片)。