


1. 挑 [tiāo]2. 挑 [tiǎo]挑 [tiāo]扁担等两头挂着东西,用肩担着:~土。~夫(旧时以给人挑货物行李为业的人)。挑的东西:~担。挖取:~荠菜。量词,用于成挑儿的东西:一~儿白菜。选,拣:~选。~拣。~剔。~肥拣瘦。古同……





汉语拼音:tiǎo dòu








  1. 亦作“挑斗”。撩拨;逗引。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷四:“瑶琴是你抚咱,夜间曾挑鬭奴。”《西游记》第六十回:“ 大圣 见他这等酣然,暗自留心,挑鬭道:‘夫人,真扇子你收在哪里?早晚仔细。’”《警世通言·俞仲举题诗遇上皇》:“且説 相如 久闻得 文君 小姐貌美聪慧,甚知音律,也有心去挑逗他。” 草明 《乘风破浪》五:“他对她的种种暗示和挑逗,只是采取了欣赏的态度,并无反应。”



  1. He tried to put the moves on her, but she turned him down.


  2. Monica Lewinsky was a 21-year-old White House intern who delivered pizza to President Clinton, then flirted with him and flashed her thong.


  3. "They were arguing. Apparently, Rihanna accused him of checking out other women at Clive Davis' party, " said the industry insider.


  4. Here, while getting a pedicure and a comb-out, she fondles one of her breasts and gives us a smug, seductive glance.


  5. If you prefer the softer approach; and want your partner to beg you to touch her or go down on her then try using a feather teaser.


  6. People's hearts are easy to be teased. Either calming them down or cheering them up is a far-reaching activity.


  7. I lascivious battery on the phone, said she was like me, that are looking for her boyfriend.


  8. Letting her hair down in public was considered a seductive, immoral act in those days. Simon quickly sized up the situation.


  9. Poking through the dark covering are small mounds, probably made of more resistant material.


  1. 他在挑逗她。

    He is hitting on her.

  2. 辣椒酱挑逗味觉。

    Chilli sauce can titillate our palates.

  3. 你挑逗我老婆

    You hit on my wife.

  4. 说性挑逗的话

    to make suggestive remarks.

  5. 挑逗地注视某人

    to ogle at someone

  6. 挑逗点,就这样

    Keep it playful. Yes.

  7. 你在挑逗我吗?

    Are you flirting with me?

  8. 你先挑逗我的。

    You flirted with me first.

  9. 这是挑逗的话吧?

    That's meant to be dirty, right?

  10. 你看别人, 挑逗风情

    If you stare at others, she accuses you of flirting

  11. 我整天都在挑逗你

    I've been hitting on you all day.

  12. 太太, 你正在挑逗我吧

    Mrs. Robinson, youre trying to seduce me, arent you

  13. 你看别人, 是勾引挑逗

    If you stare at onthers, she accuses you of flirting

  14. 你看别人, 是挑逗风情。

    If you stare at other, she accuses you of flirting.

  15. 挑逗一位有妇之夫

    About flirting with a married man

  16. 玛丽拒绝了托尼的挑逗。

    Mary rejected Tony's amorous advances.

  17. 他怀疑劳拉是在挑逗他。

    He suspected that Laura was teasing him.

  18. 辣椒酱可以挑逗我们的味觉。

    Chilli sauce can titillate our palates.

  19. 她的姿势越来越挑逗放荡。

    her gestures and postures became more wanton and provocative.

  20. 挑逗愉快地,表面地,色情地刺激

    To excite pleasurably, superficially or erotically.

  21. 图片本意不是为了挑逗观众。

    The pictures were not meant to titillate audiences.

  22. 现在, 他被挑逗得心里发痒。

    He was sorely tempted now.

  23. 别以为挑逗我就能补偿我。

    Don't even try to make it up to me by talking dirty.

  24. 别以为挑逗我就能补偿我。

    Don't even try to make it up to me by talking dirty.

  25. 它可以激发挑逗你的感官

    Something to inspire and tantalize your senses.

  26. 挑逗得忙于食草得羔羊兴奋,

    Thus goes provoking a grazing lamb to excite.

  27. 她挑逗地撮起双唇。

    Her lips pouted invitingly.

  28. 她爱上我是因为我挑逗了她。

    She's fallen for me because I have encouraged her.

  29. 这些图片不是用来挑逗观众的。

    The pictures were not meant to titillate audiences.

  30. 他用挑逗的目光看了她一眼。

    He gave her a suggestive glance.


  1. 问:挑逗拼音怎么拼?挑逗的读音是什么?挑逗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挑逗的读音是tiǎodòu,挑逗翻译成英文是 tease

  2. 问:挑逗性拼音怎么拼?挑逗性的读音是什么?挑逗性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挑逗性的读音是,挑逗性翻译成英文是 tantalizing




【拼音】tiǎo dòu

【基本解释】挑动逗引;招惹 有贬义性
