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1. 六 [liù]2. 六 [lù]六 [liù]数名,五加一(在钞票或单据上常用大写“陆”代):~书(古时分析汉字形、音、义而归纳出来的六种造字法)。~甲。~艺(a.古时指“礼”、“乐”、“射”、“御”、“书”、“数”六种技艺;b.六经……
汉语拼音:liù yuè
《诗·小雅》篇名。序云:“《六月》, 宣王 北伐也。”《国语·晋语四》:“ 秦伯 赋《六月》。” 韦昭 注:“《六月》,道 尹吉甫 佐 宣王 征伐,復 文 武 之业。
《小雅》其诗云:‘王于出征,以匡王国。’二章曰:‘以佐天子。’三章曰:‘共武之服,以定王国。’此言 重耳 为君,必霸诸侯以匡佐天子。”后多用以指卫国定乱的正义之师。《乐府诗集·郊庙歌辞七·梁郊祀乐章》:“白日体无私,皇天辅有德。七旬罪已服,六月师方克。” 明 夏完淳 《大哀赋》:“於是竿木羣兴,风云毕会,兴六月之师,振九天之鋭。”
Suddenly, what had been the Western Conference's only powerhouse team was looking like it would be a bit more mortal between now and June.
突然间,西部联盟的一枝独霸似乎将从现在到六月份变得人尽可欺。We 're trying to recruit new young graduates at the moment, you know, there will be 3, 000 graduates leaving school in June.
我们正在准备招收新的大学毕业生,你要知道,今年六月将有三千名大学生离开学校。When June comes, he thinks she has gone on her trip to see her parents. Then he begins to wait for her to come back.
他认为她仍活着,每逢六月,他认为她上路去看她父母了,并开始等她家。As you know, June is the right season for the goods, so if they arrive later than June, we will miss the selling season.
你知道,六月是该货的旺季,若迟于六月到达,我们将错失销售季节Five months is not along time before you know it June is here. We have no time to prepare.
五个月不长在你意识到之前六月就到了。我们没有时间准备了。But if you stop and think about where you were six months ago, or even a year ago, then you see that you have made progress.
但是如果你回顾一下你在六月前,或者一年前,是什么程度,那时你会看到你已取得进步。The Delegation stated that it looked forward to the continued work with him in preparing the successful meeting next June.
该代表团说,它希望在办好今年六月的会议方面继续同主席合作。The pair are due to go on display two weeks after their arrival, Xinhua said. The loan had been agreed to in June during the King's visit.
新华社讯:这对大熊猫将在它们抵达后展出二周,这一行程是在西班牙国王六月访华期间议定的。Most of India's crucial rain is brought by the summer monsoon, which falls, with luck, in just a few weeks between June and September.