







汉语拼音:píng dìng










  1. 平息。

    《史记·殷本纪》:“於是诸侯毕服, 汤 乃践天子位,平定海内。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·补遗二》:“ 蔡州 用兵日久,征发正困於人,未知何时得平定。”《古今小说·临安里钱婆留发迹》:“不若诈称朝命,先正王位,然后以尊临卑,平止 睦州 ,广其兵势,假道於 杭 ,以临 湖州 。” 清 沉初 《西清笔记·纪恩遇》:“两 金川 平定,羣臣恭上诗册。”

  2. 评议审定。


  3. 安定;平稳。

    宋 苏轼 《徐州贺河平表》:“伊昔横流,凛孤城之若块;迨兹平定,蔚秋稼以如云。” 曹禺 《日出》第二幕:“可现在情形特别,行市一个劲儿往下跌,要是平定一点,行市还有翻回来的一天,那你就大赚了。”



  1. I know, to overcome fear, without hesitation, must be the action, but it is the only way, in the heart of fluster party have to calm.


  2. However humans stifled the rebellion, and orca had nothing left but to leave to unexplored lands.


  3. The world is so big, I now put down some small counties, to which year which month, can people settle down? I was not sure!


  4. They had to call the police in order to put down the riot.


  5. So calm after my mind to quiet: in the face of the unexpected events, the instinct of a man is really the most.


  6. The Sikh insurgency ended in the mid-1990s, but Indian authorities have remained reluctant to let visitors back to the Taj after sunset.


  7. Throughout last week, Obama also had to cope with fears of a global swine flu pandemic.


  8. "All in all, these actions should settle market jitters surrounding the company for now, " CreditSights Inc analyst David Hendler wrote.


  9. Shandong local community undergone a change after the Nien was to be put down.


  1. 战争平定了。

    The war now sank into peace.

  2. 平定镇压制服

    defeat or subdue crush

  3. 他试图平定暴动。

    He tried to pacify the riot.

  4. 叛乱已经平定了。

    The revolt has been got under

  5. 灰尘现在已经平定了。

    The dust has now settled.

  6. 对发动叛乱的州的平定。

    The pacification of the rebel states.

  7. 他的情绪逐渐平定下来。

    He gradually calmed down.

  8. 他的情绪终于平定下来。

    He calmed down in the end.

  9. 政府军发现难以平定叛军。

    Government forces have found it difficult to pacify the rebels.

  10. 叛乱总算暂时平定了下来。

    Mutiny was effectually laid to rest for the moment.

  11. 无边平定的苏格兰帽子。

    a brimless Scottish cap with a flat top.

  12. 他们帮助部落酋长平定叛乱,

    they helped tribal leaders defend attacks from rebels

  13. 几次混乱被军队平定了。

    A few disorders were put down by the military.

  14. 几次混乱被军队平定了。

    A few disorders were put down by the military.

  15. 叛乱很快被警方平定了。

    The rebellion was put down quickly by the police.

  16. 这项平定行动不断的加剧。

    These pacification operations continue to grow.

  17. 军队平定了所有的反抗活动。

    The army put down all opposition.

  18. 警察很难平定愤怒的人群。

    It was difficult for the police to pacify the angry crowd.

  19. 下一段成功平定南部边疆

    They successfully took the southern border regions under control in the next part.

  20. 军队很快便把叛乱平定了。

    The army soon suppressed the revolt.

  21. 在他的胜利,是平定安息了。

    After his victory, Parthia was pacified again.

  22. 那次叛乱很快就被平定了。

    The insurrection was easily suppressed.

  23. 做个深呼吸,可以平定你的情绪。

    Take a deep breath. It can calms your mind.

  24. 有一个硬帽舌的平定毛线帽。

    A flat woolen cap with a stiff peak.

  25. 他召集起军队来协助他平定叛乱。

    He summoned the army to his aid against the rebellion.

  26. 他召集起军队来协助他平定叛乱。

    He summoned the army to his aid against the rebellion.

  27. 窦宾,清代名将,平定东关人。

    Doubin,in Qing Dynasty star,who Dongguan.

  28. 将军在24小时内将暴动平定下来。

    In 24 hours the General had entirely put down the rebellion.

  29. 她的父亲平定了她对雷声的恐惧。

    Her father quelled her fears of the thunder.

  30. 他前来带领我们军队平定造反者!

    He is here to lead our armies in victorious battle against the rebels!


  1. 问:平定拼音怎么拼?平定的读音是什么?平定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平定的读音是píngdìng,平定翻译成英文是 put … down; calm … down

  2. 问:平定叛乱拼音怎么拼?平定叛乱的读音是什么?平定叛乱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平定叛乱的读音是píng dìng pàn luàn,平定叛乱翻译成英文是 Put Down a Rebellion

  3. 问:平定廓尔喀拼音怎么拼?平定廓尔喀的读音是什么?平定廓尔喀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平定廓尔喀的读音是,平定廓尔喀翻译成英文是 Sino Nepalese War

  4. 问:平定娘子关景区拼音怎么拼?平定娘子关景区的读音是什么?平定娘子关景区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平定娘子关景区的读音是píngdìng niángzǐ guān jǐng qū,平定娘子关景区翻译成英文是 Pingding Niangzi Pass Scenic Area


平定,汉语词汇。拼音;píng dìng是指 1、平息。2、评议审定。3、安定、平稳的意思。