




1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……







汉语拼音:rén jiān tiān táng








  • 【解释】:指人世间极美好的地方。
  • 【示例】:苏杭风光秀丽,物产丰饶,真可谓~。


  1. It might be hard to imagine that this wealthy land which enjoys the reputation of "heaven on earth" then was covered with thorns and lakes.


  2. To my parents and their friends, the Yugoslav motel was an unquestioned paradise, a lucky coda to a set of difficult lives.


  3. That is how much I loved someone. Ballet to me is like hell on earth!


  4. "It's literally like living in heaven on Earth, " he said of the island, but "I guess I could say I'm desperately lonely sometimes. "


  5. "This area was like a paradise, " says Schmidt, a member of the German Archaeological Institute.


  6. The Stanislau was like Heaven on Earth. It had bright green hills and deep forests where soft winds touched the trees.


  7. Known in the world for its beautiful scenery, favorable climate and abundant resources, the city is referred to as "the paradise on earth" .


  8. Little-discussed fact about global warming: It will make all the least- inhabitable regions of the planet into a tropical paradise.


  9. That's great. Hangzhou has always been known as "the earthly paradise" .


  1. 杭州是人间天堂。

    Hangzhou is a paradise on earth.

  2. 这里真是人间天堂。

    It is a paradise on earth.

  3. 人间天堂, 幸福源泉

    a paradise on earth, a fountainhead of happiness

  4. 人间天堂天使满天飞,

    Heaven on Earth and angels fill the sky

  5. 他们生活在人间天堂。

    They lived in an earthly paradise.

  6. 那里被称为人间天堂。

    It is known as a paradise on earth.

  7. 又是一个人间天堂。

    Paradise on Earth, again.

  8. 带我们走进人间天堂

    Lead us into the paradise on earth

  9. 这个岛是鸟类人间天堂。

    This island is a paradise for birds.

  10. 那座岛屿堪称人间天堂。

    The island is truly a heaven on earth.

  11. 这地方被称为人间天堂。

    The region is dubbed the paradise on earth.

  12. 在这人间天堂没有陌生人。

    There are no strangers in paradise.

  13. 杭州一直被视为人间天堂。

    Hangzhou has always been known as the earthly paradise.

  14. 杭州是名副其实的人间天堂。

    Hangzhou is a vertable heaven on earth.

  15. 欢笑,沉默,烟花灿烂,人间天堂。

    Laughter, silence, brilliant fireworks, the paradise on earth.

  16. 杭州长久以来享有人间天堂的美誉。

    Hangzhou has been long reputed as a paradise on earth.

  17. 邓肯夫人的别墅简直是人间天堂。

    Mrs duncan's cottage is just heaven.

  18. 历尽七层洗尽死罪, 以致人间天堂。

    Seven deadly sins. Seven ways to die.

  19. 那真了不起, 杭州一直被视为人间天堂。

    That's great. Hangzhou has always been known as the earthly paradise.

  20. 几千年来。杭州都被誉为人间天堂。

    Hangzhou has been known as a paradise on earth for thousands of years.

  21. 你会创造人间天堂, 就象他做的那样。

    You'd make heaven on earth, just like he did.

  22. 那么马尔代夫怎么样?那里被称为人间天堂。

    What about Maldives? It is known as a paradise on earth.

  23. 我竭力在地球上实现一个另类的人间天堂。

    I struggled to achieve the alternative vision of a new heaven on earth.

  24. 我竭力在地球上实现一个另类的人间天堂。

    I struggled to achieve the alternative vision of a new heaven on earth.

  25. 如果你是个喜欢冒险的食客,纽约是个人间天堂。

    If you are an adventurous diner, New York will be a small taste of heaven.

  26. 国际儿童村的175英亩田野和林地的确是人间天堂。

    The175 acres of field and woodland at the childrens international village is a heaven on earth.

  27. 莫奈把他得水上花园变成了画中得人间天堂。

    Monet depicted his water garden as the earthly paradise he had himself created.

  28. 莫奈把他的水上花园变成了画中的人间天堂。

    Monet depicted his water garden as the earthly paradise he had himself created.

  29. 共创人间天堂就是要消除罪恶,除暴安良!平等自由!

    They must eliminate mostly mostly person's right to subsistence to satisfy their extravagant demands!

  30. 惟有爱情与纯洁相融合, 才称的上是人间天堂。

    There is no paradise on equal to the union of love and innocence.