




1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……





汉语拼音:rén jiān dì yù








  • 【解释】:人世间的活地狱。比喻黑暗的社会。
  • 【出自】:叶元《林则徐》:“许多烟鬼横在地上,象蛆虫似地在那里蠕动,吞云吐雾,活象人间地狱。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作宾语;比喻黑暗的社会


  1. "It's a personal hell, " he said slowly, in the dark room, "if the Lord will excuse me for saying it. "


  2. But what's wrong with it is you're putting your husband through a living hell and Maggie I would never do that to you.


  3. The per versions of the lawless Chen Shui-bian regime have turned Taiwan into a spiritual and moral desert.


  4. Complete anarchy has reigned for ten days - it has been a hell on earth.


  5. A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it; it would be hell on earth. --G. Bernard Shaw. British dramatist.


  6. The reality is more horrifying than imaginable for most with the United Nations saying that the Gaza Strip was a "living hell. "


  7. A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it; it would be a hell on earth .


  8. At each stop, there are voices warning that the golden age of the past has been wrecked, and suddenly Britain is a dreadful place.


  9. Stammas succeeded him, and for the next six years Shawshank was a kind of living hell.


  1. 那里是人间地狱。

    It was hell on earth.

  2. 受人间地狱之苦

    suffer hell on earth

  3. 那儿成了人间地狱。

    The place becomes a hell on earth.

  4. 好的,甜心,那是人间地狱。

    Well, honey, that's the end of the world.

  5. 地面上肯定已成了人间地狱。

    It must have been complete hell up there.

  6. 邪恶的妻子使家庭变成人间地狱。

    An evil wife converts a man's house into a hell on earth.

  7. 当时的南京城尸横遍野, 沦为人间地狱。

    Nanjing of the time was a field littered with corpses, just like the world hell.

  8. 今晚他们苏醒过来, 人间地狱随之开启。

    Tonight they're waking up and all hell is breaking loose.

  9. 这样, 那些从人间地狱中存活下来的人。

    So that those of you who survive this reign of hell on earth.

  10. 完全的孤独对我而言就是置身人间地狱。

    Being totally alone is my idea of hell on earth.

  11. 他的良心已经使他的心变成一个人间地狱。

    Conscience had turned his heart to an earthly hell.

  12. 大学可以说已经成为消磨我信心的人间地狱。

    University, a place where can be described as hell on earth for myself.

  13. 加沙, 是巴勒斯坦自作孽的人间地狱。

    Gaza, It'seems, is a hell in large part of the Palestinians'own making.

  14. 什么不对, 你把你的丈夫推向了人间地狱。

    What's wrong with it is, you're putting your husband through a living hell.

  15. 生存在介俩庞然大姐之间,简直是人间地狱。

    Living between the jumbo sisters is like hell.

  16. 难道这是我命中注定的, 要堕落到人间地狱吗?

    Is my fate doomed to hell on earth?

  17. 双桅船上的日子好比人间地狱,这一点毋庸置疑。

    Life on the brigantines was unadulterated hell, granted.

  18. 美国是人间地狱, 因为基本的生存权利受到了无情侵犯。

    The U.S. is a living hell as elementary rights to existence are ruthlessly violated.

  19. 对不喜欢热天的人来说,佛罗里达简直就是人间地狱。

    For someone who doesn't like heat, Florida would be hell on earth.

  20. 史特马接替他的位子, 此后六年, 肖申克真是人间地狱。

    Stammas succeeded him, and for the next six years Shawshank was a kind of living hell.

  21. 普勒带入这人间地狱, 难道真的和戴安娜人天两地了吗?

    Pooler into this hell on earth, and Diana really were the two days it?

  22. 普勒带入这人间地狱,难道真得和戴安娜人天两地了吗?

    Pooler into this hell on earth, and Diana really were the two days it.

  23. 战争使人间变成地狱。

    The hell of battle.

  24. 把罪犯送到我们称之为牢房的人间活地狱。

    Sending a criminal to the living death we call prison.

  25. 在这十年里,我经历了人间、地狱、天堂三界的生活。

    In the ten years, I have experienced living in human society, in hell and in heaven.

  26. 撒旦抬起他丑陋的头, 他要随着风从地狱来到人间。

    Satan rears his ugly head, to spit into the wind.

  27. 撒旦抬起他丑陋得头,他要随着风从地狱来到人间。

    Satan rears his ugly head, to spit into the wind.

  28. 据说这个无名之子意图把地狱带往人间。

    It is said that the nameless one wants to bring hell on earth.


