




1. 应 [yīng]2. 应 [yìng]应 [yīng]该,当,又引申料想理该如此:~当。~该。~分(fèn )。~有尽有。回答:答~。喊他不~。~承。随,即:“桓督诸将周旋赴讨,~皆平定”。姓。应 [yìng]回答或随声相和:~答。呼……



汉语拼音:lǐ yīng








  1. 理当,应当。

    南朝 梁 江淹 《萧上铜钟芝草众瑞表》:“灵迹深覃,睿衷夐感,理应写顺,祇无涵秘。”《元史·刑法志一》:“诸职官於所部非亲故及理应往復之家,輒行庆弔之礼者,禁之。”《儒林外史》第四回:“老伯母的大事,我们做子姪的理应效劳。” 茅盾 《兰州杂碎》:“地大物博的 中国 ,理应事事不会没有‘办法’。”



  1. The first goal should have been a goal-kick instead of a corner - you could see that clearly.


  2. She had put the years in, and was entitled to some reward for her hard work.


  3. The president said the Newtown families deserved a vote. But he was setting his sights too low. They deserved a law.


  4. Tableware ceramic tableware as an important part, should be in the design throughout the design concept of modern people.


  5. In Celia's view, it was one more warning that the pharmaceutical business should accept moral obligation as well as legal ones.


  6. Climbers should not place fixed protection on climbs that could reasonably be deemed short enough to be described as bouldering problems.


  7. That willingness might be there, though, if it would protect people's uninfected lovers.


  8. Sometimes the evolution makes sense: it is possible to see how you get from making playing cards to making video games, as Nintendo did.


  9. He was supposed to go, too, but on his way home to pack , he met the most beautiful reed he had ever seen.


  1. 他理应获胜。

    He deserves to win.

  2. 他理应受罚。

    He was deservedly punished

  3. 他理应帮助她。

    He should have helped her.

  4. 你理应支持他。

    You ought to stand up for him.

  5. 理应受到的尊敬

    richly earned respect

  6. 理应取得的成功

    richly deserved success

  7. 她理应火绳获胜。

    She deserved to win.

  8. 男人理应养家糊口。

    Man was responsible for the survival of his family.

  9. 我理应受到惩处。

    I deserve to be punished.

  10. 我理应受到惩处。

    I deserve to be punished.

  11. 我理应受到惩处。

    I deserve to be punished.

  12. 老师理应懂得多。

    Teachers are supposed to know a lot.

  13. 理应受到公开表扬。

    You deserve laud and honor.

  14. 我们理应受到礼遇。

    We deserve to be treated respectfully.

  15. 理应, 应该做某事。

    Be supposed to do sth.

  16. 理应,应该做某事。

    Be supposed to do sth.

  17. 你理应讲老实话。

    You should have told the truth.

  18. 理应受到某人的感激

    Make merit with sb.

  19. 理应由汤姆做继承人。

    The successor falls to the lot of Tom.

  20. 你理应为你自己着想。

    It behooves you to think for yourself.

  21. 目前, 他理应在巴黎。

    At the present moment he is supposed to be in Paris.

  22. 我理应离你远去

    I should have steered away from you

  23. 目前,他理应在巴黎。

    At the present moment he is supposed to be in Paris.

  24. 他理应早点告诉我们。

    Your father should have told us about this years ago.

  25. 他理应早点告诉我们。

    Your father should have told us about this years ago.

  26. 人民教师理应受到尊敬。

    The people's teachers ought to be respected.

  27. 立功人员理应得到优待。

    Hardworking staff should receive preferential treatment.

  28. 立功人员理应得到优待。

    Hardworking staff should receive preferential treatment.

  29. 他理应享有诗人之名。

    He deserves the name of poet.

  30. 他理应获得这些掌声。

    He deserves a round of applause.


  1. 问:理应拼音怎么拼?理应的读音是什么?理应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:理应的读音是lǐyīng,理应翻译成英文是 should; should have; ought to

  2. 问:理应知道拼音怎么拼?理应知道的读音是什么?理应知道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:理应知道的读音是lǐ yīng zhī dào,理应知道翻译成英文是 should have been aware