


长度小,与“长(cháng )”相对:~期。~暂。~促。~途。~命。~讯。~浅。~兵相接。~小精悍。缺少,欠:~少。~缺。缺点:~处。护~。取长补~。……


规矩,法式:~式。~序。章~。规~。进展,限度:~度。进~。日~。过~。道路的段落:路~。行(xíng )~。里~。启~。前~。衡量,考核:计日~功。姓。……



汉语拼音:duǎn chéng








  1. 较短的路程。

    唐 罗邺 《行次》诗:“终日长程復短程,一山行尽一山青。”



  1. Mr Putin said the INF treaty was no longer in its interests because of proliferation of short and medium-range missiles.


  2. NCADE is an air-launched weapon designed to engage short- and medium-range ballistic missiles in the boost and ascent phase of flight.


  3. In many cases, it also helps just to slow down, or to take a short walk and concentrate on the effort to self-remember.


  4. He says if it was in fact short range missiles North Korea launched, it is probably part of a routine drill.


  5. When driving downhill, for other than a short distance, do not rely on your brakes to slow your rate of progress.


  6. Meanwhile, media reports in Russia say the military has decided to scrap its own plans to deploy short-range missiles in the Baltics.


  7. South Korea and Japan still have reason to be much more concerned about North Korea's big number of short- and medium-range missiles.


  8. I suggest you take a cab. A taxi is the best way. A shuttle takes twice as long!


  9. Soldiers are also using short-range missiles and dynamite to blast apart boulders blocking the first channel, to speed up the flow of water.


  1. 短程里程器

    trip counter.

  2. 作短程旅行

    To make a quick trip, especially in an airplane.

  3. 短程起下钻

    short trip.

  4. 欧洲短程游泳锦标赛

    The European Short Course Swimming Championships

  5. 短程巴士多久一班

    How often is the shuttle bus operated.

  6. 短程线圆顶的历史

    The history of Geodesic domes.

  7. 短程心理咨询一例报告

    Case Report on one Patient with Phobia treated with Short Term Therapy

  8. 从伦敦到巴黎是短程飞行。

    It's a short hop from London to Paris.

  9. 这是一个短程高速汽车赛。

    Here was a drag race.

  10. 公司的短程及长程目标为何?

    What are the company's short and long term objectives ?

  11. 这张车票便宜, 因为是张短程车票。

    This ticket is cheap because it is an excursion ticket.

  12. 乘短程穿梭运行车辆穿过城镇。

    Took the shuttle across town.

  13. 光波导短程透镜焦点特性的分析

    The Analysis of Focal Spot of Geodesic Lenses

  14. 我们明天要进行一次短程航行。

    We're going for a short sail tomorrow.

  15. 经常短程行驶里程数少于5英里

    Frequent short trips driving less than 5 miles

  16. 复杂曲面行切加工短程线刀位

    Keywords sculptured surfacedirectionparallel machininggeodesictool path.

  17. 地铁至葵芳站后再乘短程的士

    Mtr to kwai fong station, followed by a short taxi ride

  18. 波导短程透镜和单模光纤的耦合

    Coupling Geodesic Lens to Single Mode Fiber

  19. 命名为富勒的短程线圆顶结构。

    Fuller named this structure the geodesic dome.

  20. 短程硝化反应器过程动力学特性研究

    Kinetics characteristics of shortcut nitrifying reactor

  21. 短程硝化反硝化脱氮及影响因素研究

    The Research of Geodesic NitrationDenitrification Remove Nitrogen and Influential Factor.

  22. 短程旅游原先多由度假服务公司安排的。

    Many excursions had been arranged by the holiday company.

  23. 短程旅游原先多由度假服务公司安排得。

    Many excursions had been arranged by the holiday company.

  24. 短程游览或远足通常为了娱乐的短程旅行或郊游远足

    A short trip or excursion, usually for pleasure an outing.

  25. 单层短程线网壳结构模型试验研究

    A Study on Model Test of SingleLayer Geodesic Dome.

  26. 然而, 这些患者仅仅接受了短程类固醇激素治疗。

    These patients, however, had received only a short course of steroid therapy.

  27. 所有在外面或短程旅行中吃的非正式的饭。

    Any informal meal eaten outside or on an excursion.

  28. 棉浆短程序高白度漂白的初步研究

    Studies on High Brightness Bleaching of Cotton Pulp with Short Process

  29. 地铁东涌线短程服务,并以青衣站为总站。

    MTR Tung Chung Line Train Special Shortwork Trip, train terminate at Tsing Yi Station.

  30. 我知道还有其他骑手可能在短程赛马中打败我。

    I knew there were other riders who could beat me in a sprint.


  1. 问:短程拼音怎么拼?短程的读音是什么?短程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程的读音是duǎnchéng,短程翻译成英文是 short range; short distance

  2. 问:短程力拼音怎么拼?短程力的读音是什么?短程力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程力的读音是duǎn chéng lì,短程力翻译成英文是 short range force

  3. 问:短程势拼音怎么拼?短程势的读音是什么?短程势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程势的读音是duǎn chéng shì,短程势翻译成英文是 short-range potential

  4. 问:短程序拼音怎么拼?短程序的读音是什么?短程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程序的读音是duǎn chéng xù,短程序翻译成英文是 short range order

  5. 问:短程式拼音怎么拼?短程式的读音是什么?短程式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程式的读音是duǎn chéng shì,短程式翻译成英文是 short form of length

  6. 问:短程线拼音怎么拼?短程线的读音是什么?短程线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程线的读音是duǎn chéng xiàn,短程线翻译成英文是 geodetical line

  7. 问:短程交通拼音怎么拼?短程交通的读音是什么?短程交通翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程交通的读音是duǎn chéng jiāo tōng,短程交通翻译成英文是 short distance traffic

  8. 问:短程咨询拼音怎么拼?短程咨询的读音是什么?短程咨询翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程咨询的读音是duǎn chéng zī xún,短程咨询翻译成英文是 short-term counseling

  9. 问:短程导航拼音怎么拼?短程导航的读音是什么?短程导航翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程导航的读音是duǎn chéng dǎo háng,短程导航翻译成英文是 Short Range Navigation

  10. 问:短程搜索拼音怎么拼?短程搜索的读音是什么?短程搜索翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程搜索的读音是duǎn chéng sōu suǒ,短程搜索翻译成英文是 Short-Range Search

  11. 问:短程有序拼音怎么拼?短程有序的读音是什么?短程有序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程有序的读音是duǎn chéng yǒu xù,短程有序翻译成英文是 short range order

  12. 问:短程电梯拼音怎么拼?短程电梯的读音是什么?短程电梯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程电梯的读音是duǎn chéng diàn tī,短程电梯翻译成英文是 shuttle elevator

  13. 问:短程航海拼音怎么拼?短程航海的读音是什么?短程航海翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程航海的读音是duǎn chéng háng hǎi,短程航海翻译成英文是 Short-Range Navigation

  14. 问:短程轰炸拼音怎么拼?短程轰炸的读音是什么?短程轰炸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程轰炸的读音是duǎn chéng hōng zhà,短程轰炸翻译成英文是 Short-Range Bombing

  15. 问:短程雷达拼音怎么拼?短程雷达的读音是什么?短程雷达翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程雷达的读音是duǎn chéng léi dá,短程雷达翻译成英文是 Short-Range Radar

  16. 问:短程战斗机拼音怎么拼?短程战斗机的读音是什么?短程战斗机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程战斗机的读音是duǎn chéng zhàn dòu jī,短程战斗机翻译成英文是 Short-Range Fighter

  17. 问:短程教练弹拼音怎么拼?短程教练弹的读音是什么?短程教练弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程教练弹的读音是duǎn chéng jiào liàn dàn,短程教练弹翻译成英文是 Short-Range Training Round

  18. 问:短程核部队拼音怎么拼?短程核部队的读音是什么?短程核部队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程核部队的读音是duǎn chéng hé bù duì,短程核部队翻译成英文是 Short-Range Nuclear Force

  19. 问:短程轰炸机拼音怎么拼?短程轰炸机的读音是什么?短程轰炸机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程轰炸机的读音是duǎn chéng hōng zhà jī,短程轰炸机翻译成英文是 Short Range Bomber

  20. 问:短程运输机拼音怎么拼?短程运输机的读音是什么?短程运输机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短程运输机的读音是duǎn chéng yùn shū jī,短程运输机翻译成英文是 Short-Range Transport Aircraft