




1. 干 [gān]2. 干 [gàn]干 [gān]触犯,冒犯,冲犯:~扰。~涉。~预(亦作“干与”)。森然~霄。追求,求取,旧指追求职位俸禄:~禄。~仕。关连,涉及:~系。互不相~。盾,古代抵御刀枪的兵器:大动~戈。古代用以记年、记月、……



汉语拼音:bǎn gàn






  1. 古代筑城或筑墙的用具。榦,夹板两旁支撑的木柱。

    《左传·宣公十一年》:“令尹 蔿艾猎 城 沂 ,使封人虑事,以授司徒。量功命日,分财用,平板榦……事三旬而成,不衍於素。” 晋 张华 《博物志·异闻》:“ 代城 始筑,立板榦,一旦亡,西南四五十板於泽中自立。” 唐 柳宗元 《终南山祠堂碑序》:“乃徵土工、木工、石工,备器执用,来会祠下,斩板榦,礱柱础,陶瓴甓,筑垣墉。” 清 钱谦益 《故叔父山东按察司副使春池府君行状》:“公蒐军实,缮板榦,具舟车,偫糗粮。”



  1. Industry: Gas equipment; PCB; Dry cell; Battery; Wind energy equipment; Instrument Power Supply; Power Transformer;


  2. Cause analysis on desiccation crack of cast-in-place floor slab and its prevention


  3. Transfer Matrix Method in Calculating Vibration of Blade with Platform Dry Friction Damper


  1. 沿着这块板继续干,直到能用手把它撬开为止,然后把它给挪开。

    Work along the board until it can be levered up by hand and removed.

  2. 你干吗板着脸?

    What are you pulling a face at now?

  3. 是吗?,那你拿着色板干嘛?

    Oh? Why you holding swatches?

  4. 缘板干摩擦阻尼叶片振动计算的传递矩阵法

    Transfer Matrix Method in Calculating Vibration of Blade with Platform Dry Friction Damper

  5. 活动干板法

    moving plate method.

  6. 掺聚丙烯纤维抑制混凝土板干缩裂缝的实验研究

    Study of the modified polypropylene fiber restrains drying and shrinkage cracks of the concrete member

  7. 你干麻板著一张脸?

    Why do you keep a straight face?

  8. 制版用干板

    process plate.

  9. 全息干板膜

    thin film of holographic plate.

  10. 照相制版干板

    process plate

  11. 照相干板读数

    photographic plate reading

  12. 干板特性曲线

    plate characteristic curve.

  13. 连续干板摄影机

    serial plate camera

  14. 说诵时, 敲击简板, 碗碟和干鼓。

    When saying Song, knock board, bowl dish and dry beat.

  15. 干板刮削机

    dry plate scrubber.

  16. 核径迹干板

    nuclear track plate.

  17. 矿床主岩为中泥盆统干枚岩,板岩。

    The hostrock of the ore deposit is phyllite and slate of Middle Devonian.

  18. 银盐全息干板

    silver holographic plate

  19. 干板双向扩散法

    Ouchterlony method

  20. 标准配件包括挂钩, 伸长干和压缩板。

    Standard accessories include a test hook, extension rod, and compression plate shown below.

  21. 印刷技术用干板

    phototechnical plate

  22. 工人们开始干起活来, 快速切割着铁板。

    The workers fell to and quickly cut the iron sheet.

  23. 我明白了,干这活你需要两个板手。

    I see, you need two spanners to do the job.

  24. 挨板砖这事, 如果干得好, 叫忍辱负重。

    Get plank brick this matter, if stem good, call to meekly tolerate insult negative heavy.

  25. 辐照冻干骨板引导羊椎板再生的实验研究

    Induced Regeneration of Vertebra Lamina in Sheep Using Freezedried, Radiated Sterilized Allogeneic Bone Sheet.

  26. 从差速室上拆下差速室盖板并排干润滑剂。

    Remove the differential housing cover and drain the lubricant from the housing.

  27. 凝胶干板的简易制备法

    A Simple Method for Dry Gel Plates

  28. 港口主要从事椰子干,椰子油,胶和板和木材出口运输。

    Port is mainly engaged in copra, coconut oil, rubber and transportation boards and timber exports.

  29. 重铬酸盐明胶全息干板研制

    The development of dichromated gelatin holographic plate.

  30. 研制的缺陷显示板的灵敏度高于干磁粉,接近磁悬液。

    The sensitivity of the film developed was higher than that of dry powder and close to the one of suspension.