







汉语拼音:fēi tǐng







  1. 飞行工具。没有翼,利用装着氢气或氦气的气囊所产生的浮力上升,靠螺旋桨推动前进。飞行速度比飞机小。



  1. During the First World War, Zeppelins were used in bombing raids over England and France. They were referred to as "terrors of the sky" .


  2. Spanish police Friday said they had foiled a plot to use a zeppelin airship to help a prisoner break out of a jail on the Canary Islands.


  3. south-east London, was on a sun lounger when the boat mounted the beach in August 2002, his mother Andrea said.


  4. It had a metal skeleton and a series of gasbags inside an outer covering.


  5. I thought this was all allegorical until I saw you crawl from that flaming zeppelin wreckage unscathed.


  6. Seabreacher has a long snorkel concealed within the top fin which provides an airflow into the boat.


  7. But the most notable features of the Field are the shattered chunks of a fallen airship that lie scattered across the map.


  8. Games start button, with the direction of flight control keys, the space bar up a rope rescue, then airship parked in a designated area.


  9. Inquiries established this was a Virgin airship advertising the launch of the Ford Mondeo but several correspondents refused to believe it.


  1. 环球飞艇竞赛

    Airship Racing Around The Globe.

  2. 半硬式飞艇

    semirigid airship.

  3. 平流层飞艇

    Stratospheric airship.

  4. 飞艇在海面打圈子。

    The airship circled at sea.

  5. 飞艇革命已见端倪。

    Airship revolution on the horizon.

  6. 载重飞艇的适应性

    Applicability of Airship for Heavy Transporting

  7. 现代飞艇应用新篇章

    New Development of Modern Airship

  8. 飞艇与飞机完全不同。

    Airships and airplanes are very different.

  9. 无人飞艇系统仿真研究

    Research on Simulation of Unmanned Airship System Based on HLA.

  10. 神龟乘飞艇去电视台。

    Turtles fly to the TV station.

  11. 最后,停止了飞艇的制造。

    Atlast they stopped making airships.

  12. 载重飞艇的适应性分析

    Applicability Analysis of Airship for Heavy Transporting

  13. 飞艇姿态跟踪系统的研究

    Study of Airship Attitude Tracking System.

  14. 一个能停放飞艇的塔。

    A tower for mooring airships.

  15. 飞艇降落在一块地里。

    The airship settled down in a field.

  16. 这个高度更容易控制飞艇。

    It's easier to control the airship at this altitude.

  17. 可现在你们都有飞艇了。

    Now you're making dirigibles.

  18. 平流层飞艇的环境控制

    Environment Control for Stratospheric Airship

  19. 高空飞艇总体设计方法研究

    Exploring Configuration Design of High Altitude Airship

  20. 他们击落了其中一架飞艇。

    They shot down one of your ships.

  21. 飞艇稳定性和能控性分析

    Analysis of Stability and Controllability of Airship.

  22. 平流层飞艇空气动力估算

    Aerodynamic Estimation for Stratosphere Airship

  23. 为什么飞艇运输没有得到普及?

    Why does the airship transportation havent been popularized

  24. 飞艇已经飞过了南方的森林。

    The airships have passed the southern forest.

  25. 你们有谁看过飞艇赛吗?

    Has anybody ever seen a Podrace?

  26. 军用飞艇的发展及关键技术

    The Development and Key Technology of the Airship

  27. 紧张刺激的宇宙飞艇赛竞赛!

    Exciting match of the universe airship competition!

  28. 我造的飞艇是速度最快的。

    I built a racer. it's the fastest ever.

  29. 平流层演示飞艇自主飞行试验

    Autonomous Flight Test of Stratospheric Demonstration Airship

  30. 改变飞艇重心位置控制纵向运动

    By Changing Position Research of Airships Center of Gravity to Control Longitudinal Motion


  1. 问:飞艇拼音怎么拼?飞艇的读音是什么?飞艇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞艇的读音是,飞艇翻译成英文是 airship

  2. 问:飞艇中队拼音怎么拼?飞艇中队的读音是什么?飞艇中队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞艇中队的读音是fēi tǐng zhōng duì,飞艇中队翻译成英文是 Airship Squadron

  3. 问:飞艇大队拼音怎么拼?飞艇大队的读音是什么?飞艇大队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞艇大队的读音是fēi tǐng dà duì,飞艇大队翻译成英文是 Airship Group

  4. 问:飞艇降落区拼音怎么拼?飞艇降落区的读音是什么?飞艇降落区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞艇降落区的读音是fēi tǐ ng jiàng luò qū,飞艇降落区翻译成英文是 Flying Boat Alighting Area

  5. 问:飞艇大队司令拼音怎么拼?飞艇大队司令的读音是什么?飞艇大队司令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞艇大队司令的读音是fēi tǐ ng dà duì sī lìng,飞艇大队司令翻译成英文是 Commander, Airship Group

  6. 问:飞艇训练小队拼音怎么拼?飞艇训练小队的读音是什么?飞艇训练小队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞艇训练小队的读音是fēi tǐng xùn liàn xiǎo duì,飞艇训练小队翻译成英文是 Airship Training Unit

  7. 问:飞艇技术任务机会拼音怎么拼?飞艇技术任务机会的读音是什么?飞艇技术任务机会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞艇技术任务机会的读音是fēi tǐng jì shù rèn wù jī huì,飞艇技术任务机会翻译成英文是 Mission Opportunities for Airship Technology...

  8. 问:飞艇 (轻航空器)拼音怎么拼?飞艇 (轻航空器)的读音是什么?飞艇 (轻航空器)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞艇 (轻航空器)的读音是,飞艇 (轻航空器)翻译成英文是 Airship