







汉语拼音:shuì jī






税基 [shuì jī]
  1. 租税课徵时的经济基础,即可用来作为计算税额依据的财产或权益。




  1. Ireland rejected the idea of aligning EU corporate taxes (or at least the tax base) as a danger to its low-tax growth model.


  2. A tax will be referred to as progressive where the tax rate increases as the base increases.


  3. Any short-term stimulus should be consistent with a long-term expansion of the tax base as a share of GNP, not a reduction.


  4. the principle of "a more simplified taxation system, broader tax collection basis, lower tax rates and stricter tax collection"


  5. This year the company wants to use a basis period different from that used in past years.


  6. The country's strong tax base means it has a welfare budget that poorer African neighbours can only envy.


  7. Many Indians, and especially the professionals who make up most of the country's tiny income tax base, have had enough.


  8. Broadening the tax base might be done in tandem with a decrease to the headline corporate tax rate.


  9. The heavy reliance on income taxation is compounded by the narrowness of the tax base, thanks to oodles of complexity-inducing deductions .


  1. 我们的税基非常狭窄。

    Our tax base is very narrow.

  2. 关于教育税税基的选择研究

    Researches into the Tax Base of Educational Tax

  3. 预期的最终结果是税基的拓宽。

    The final result expected is the broadening of the tax base.

  4. 企业税的税基具有非常高的流动性。

    Corporate tax base is very mobile.

  5. 好的地税其税基的流动性较低。

    A good local tax has a less mobile base.

  6. 当税基增长, 税率亦增长时, 这个税就是累进税。

    A tax will be referred to as progressive where the tax rate increases as the base increases.

  7. 空出了这么多房子, 财产税税基大幅缩水。

    With so many houses vacant, the property tax base crumbled.

  8. 基金重复了它的香港一定变宽它的税基警告。

    The fund repeated its warning that Hong Kong must broaden its tax base.

  9. 好的地税税种具备横向来看较为公平的税基。

    A good local tax has a base that is horizontally equitable.

  10. 具体影响视征收范围 税基,税率等情况而定。

    Depending on the specific impact tax, the tax tax rates, such as the case may be.

  11. 物业税开征的首要问题是解决物业税税基评估的问题。

    The most important issue of collecting the property tax is to solve the problem of property tax base assessment.

  12. 要减少税收优惠名目、扩大税基,还有许多工作要做。

    There is a lot of work to be done to lower this number and broaden the base.

  13. 当税基发生变化,税率恒定时,此税被认为是比例税。

    If the tax rate remains constant while the tax base varies in size, the tax is said to be proportional.

  14. 其税基是房价,而不是卖出与买入价之差。

    Its tax base is residential, rather than the difference between the selling and buying price.

  15. 在税基评估方面, 以住宅为例, 模拟了物业税税基的评估过程。

    In the tax base valuation part, a simulation of property tax base is conducted based on residence.

  16. 这一领域的关键政策是拓宽税基和加强收入管理。

    Key policies in this area are broadening the tax base and strengthening revenue administrations.

  17. 在拓宽税基的同时,或许还要考虑降低主要企业的税率。

    Broadening the tax base might be done in tandem with a decrease to the headline corporate tax rate.

  18. 香港一直考虑引进商品及服务税来扩阔税基,提高税收。

    Hong Kong has been considering introducing a GST to broaden its tax base and bring in more revenue.

  19. 如果平均税率与税基的变化成反比时, 这个税被称作累退税。

    If the average tax varies in an opposite direction to the tax base.

  20. 奥巴马先生还应该扩大税基, 并大规模削减税负豁免与漏洞。

    Mr Obama should also broaden the tax base and slash the number of exemptions and loopholes.