


无机化合物,一种有咸味的无色或白色结晶体,成分是氯化钠,用来制造染料、玻璃、肥皂等,亦是重要的调味剂和防腐剂(有“海盐”、“池盐”、“井盐”、“岩盐”等种类):~巴。~卤。~分(fèn )。~田。〔~酸〕氯化氢的水溶液,是一种基本的化学原料……


两个以上的人在一起计划、讨论:~量。~讨。~议。~定。~榷。~酌(商量斟酌)。相~。磋~。洽~。协~。买卖,生意:~业。~店。~界。~品。~标。古指行商(坐商为“贾”,后泛指做买卖的人,亦用以指从事私营工商业的人):~人。~贩。~贾(gǔ ……



汉语拼音:yán shāng






  1. 经营食盐买卖的商人。旧时须纳税于官,官给票引,其引地需用之盐,即由他专卖。

    唐 韩愈 《论变盐法事宜状》:“盐商利归於己,无物不取。”《宋史·食货志下四》:“议者谓:‘异时盐商於榷货务入纳转廊,惟视东南诸郡积盐多寡。’”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四五回:“原来 扬州 地方,花园最多,都是那些盐商盖造的。”



  1. The bureaucratic capital is one of the main capital sources to help salt merchants gain fame and fortune in Qing Dynasty.


  2. Born the son of a village salt merchant and raised by his widowed mother, Chiang Kai-shek rose to rule the world's most populous country.


  3. Leglity salt tradespeople secretly carrying salt aroused by high tax charge and it had essential difference from unlawful salt smuggling.


  4. The merchants recognized them at once as belonging to one of the notorious salt-smuggling gangs.


  5. "Huaiyang" the formation, development and the salt merchants of Yangzhou is quite a link.


  6. Ming and Qing Shanxi merchants often worship in this meeting, Bong mascot, also known as Shanxi Hall.


  7. Therefore, the Huizhou salt merchants who everybody Home Repair narrow window of time when all the low-profile.


  8. Meanwhile, the exist of Xinan artists have also given a magnificent help to the business of Huizhou salty merchants.


  9. The rich brother was a seller of salt lived on a little island.


  1. 他俯视着盐商街。

    He looked down into Salter street.

  2. 故徽州盐商不是垄断者。

    So Huizhou salt merchants were not the monopolists.

  3. 盐商和扬州的人文盛况

    Salt Dealers and the Grand Occasion of Humanities in Yangzhou

  4. 盐商是外来文人中的特殊群体。

    Salt merchants are a special group.

  5. 从121名盐商那里取了食盐样品。

    Salt samples were taken from121 salt traders.

  6. 榷盐法与新型盐商阶层的出现

    Que Salt Law and the Apperance of the New Type of Merchant class

  7. 明代盐法之演变与盐商之变化

    The Reformation of Salt System and Salt Merchant in the Ming Dynasty

  8. 盐商很有钱, 天下人谁不吃盐呢?

    Salt traders are rich, because no one can live without salt.

  9. 盐商很有钱,天下人谁不吃盐呢?

    Salt traders are rich, because no one can live without salt.

  10. 略论清政府对盐商的控制与利用

    The Control and Utilization of the Qing Government to Salt Tradesmen

  11. 乾隆朝两淮盐商输纳的探讨

    A Discussion of Shu Na of Salt Merchants in Liang Huai in the Period of Qian Long in the Qing Dynasty

  12. 乾隆年间两淮盐商的资本积累与流向

    Capital Accumulation and Flow Direction of Lianghuai Salt Merchants in Qianlong Years

  13. 富裕的盐商哥哥住在一个小岛上。

    The rich brother was a seller of salt lived on a little island.

  14. 近代自贡盐商的社会角色与慈善行为

    The Social Roles and Charitable Acts of Zigong Salt Merchant in Modern Society

  15. 明清时期扬州盐商与封建政府关系

    The Relation between Salt Traders and Feudal Government of Yangzhou in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  16. 清代徽州盐商的销盐纠纷与诉讼

    Salt Sold Dissension and Lawsuit on Huizhou Salt Merchants in the Qing Dynasty

  17. 众盐商一见, 便认出是贩私盐的盐枭。

    The merchants recognized them at once as belonging to one of the notorious saltsmuggling gangs.

  18. 河东盐商是晋商群体的重要组成部分。

    Hedong salt merchants were an important part of Jin merchants colony.

  19. 乾隆年间河东盐商经营贸易额的估算

    The Estimation of Trade Volume of Salt Merchants in Hedaong in Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty

  20. 明代徽州盐商盛于两淮的时间与原因

    Causes and periods for the salt merchants from Huizhou to prosper in Lianghuai area

  21. 淮扬菜系的形成、发展与扬州盐商是有相当的联系。

    Huaiyang the formation, development and the salt merchants of Yangzhou is quite a link.

  22. 徽州盐商举办的园林聚会是一特殊的文化现象。

    Gathering in garden held by Huizhou salt tradesmen is a special cultural phenomenon.

  23. 清代官僚资本是盐商发迹的主要资本来源之一。

    The bureaucratic capital is one of the main capital sources to help salt merchants gain fame and fortune in Qing Dynasty.

  24. 钞纸生产废水回用中试研究宋代的钞引盐商

    Pilot Plant Research on Reuse of the Wastewater from Banknote Paper Making.

  25. 论乾隆时期扬州盐商与昆曲的发展郑志良

    On the development of kunqu with the salt merchant of yangzhou in qianlong period

  26. 试析明清时期徽州盐商独特的文化人格现象

    An Analysis of the Phenomenon of Cultural Personality Possessed by Huizhou Salt Tradesmen in the Periods of the Ming and Qing dynasties

  27. 一些不愿承担额外成本的小型盐商经常游说反对加碘盐。

    Small salt makers who fear extra expense often lobby against it.

  28. 它发生于盐商的私家园林,却得到广大文人的支持和响应。

    Its original place was private garden of salt traders but it was supported and responded.

  29. 另一重要的菜系也与盐商密不可分,那就是自贡菜。

    The cuisine is also another important and merchants are inseparable, that is, Zigong dishes.


  1. 问:盐商拼音怎么拼?盐商的读音是什么?盐商翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盐商的读音是yánshāng,盐商翻译成英文是 Formerly referring to a businessman dealing in...