




1. 干 [gān]2. 干 [gàn]干 [gān]触犯,冒犯,冲犯:~扰。~涉。~预(亦作“干与”)。森然~霄。追求,求取,旧指追求职位俸禄:~禄。~仕。关连,涉及:~系。互不相~。盾,古代抵御刀枪的兵器:大动~戈。古代用以记年、记月、……



汉语拼音:nǎo gàn






  1. It was almost as if the brain had been rewired, and connected to the fright, flight or fight area in the brain stem.


  2. Dural arteriovenous fistula of the cavernous sinus is usually a benign disease and rarely has brainstem edema as its complication.


  3. When a part of the brain stem known as the pons is destroyed, people no longer experience REM sleep.


  4. Aim: To compare the postnatal development of brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) with that of middle latency response (MLR) in rats.


  5. Myelination is usually present in the brainstem, thalamus, and posterior limbs of the internal capsules.


  6. An MRI on Dec. 29th showed a tumor the size of a golf ball in the cerebellum (lower part of the brain), close to the brain stem.


  7. One set of nerve cells projecting from the amygdala reaches evolutionarily ancient parts of the midbrain and brain stem.


  8. The brain stem injury sounds very terrible, but I feel that as long as the nurses have perseverance, not giving up is a miracle.


  9. The thalamus lies between the brainstem and the hemispheres of the brain, performing a function rather like a junction or relay station.


  1. 昕性脑干反应

    Auditory brainstem response

  2. 他脑干开始出血

    He's hemorrhaging into his brain stem.

  3. 特发性脑干出血

    spontaneous brainstem hemorrhage

  4. 听觉脑干诱发电位反应阈。

    Auditory brain stem response threshold.

  5. 脑干听学涉发电位

    brain stem auditory evoked potentials

  6. 但是德里克, 脑干严重受伤。

    But Derek, called DJ, suffered a severe brainstem injury.

  7. 大鼠脑干缺血模型的建立

    Study on the Model Foundation of Brainstem Ischemia in Rats

  8. 脑干三种常见病的鉴别诊断

    Differential Diagnosis of Three Common Diseases of the Brain Stem

  9. 丘脑下部及脑干功能基本保存。

    Functions of the hypothalamus and brainstem are basically preserved.

  10. 主观性耳鸣患者听性脑干反应测试

    ABR in Patients With Subjective Tinnitus

  11. 短纯音听觉脑干诱发电位反应

    tone burst auditory brain stem response

  12. 我就像有人打掉了我的脑干!

    I was just like somebody had shut off my brain stem!

  13. 这些神经细胞位于脑干的脑桥部位。

    They are in the pons part of the brain stem.

  14. 这些神经细胞位于脑干得脑桥部位。

    They are in the pons part of the brain stem.

  15. 方法回顾分析我院81例脑干出血患者。

    Methods 81 cases of brain stem hemorrhage were reviewed.

  16. 树鼩脑干中缝核的细胞构筑研究

    Cytoarchitectonic Study of the Raphe Nuclei of the Brain Stem in the Tree Shrew

  17. 目得研究脑干出血患者预后相关因素。

    Objective To study the factors prognosis in brain hemorrhage patients.

  18. 脑干损伤后神经轴突的病理学改变

    Pathological changes of axons following brain stem injury

  19. 应用听脑干反应测试及扫描电镜技术。

    We used auditory brainstem response and scanning electron specimens.

  20. 脑干听觉诱发电位的提取分析方法研究

    Research on the Extraction and Analysis Method of Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential

  21. 此病变多位于基底节、白质深部、脑干。

    Such lesions are most common in basal ganglia, deep white matter, and brain stem.

  22. 铅中毒对学龄儿童听性脑干反应的影响

    Effect of plumbism on auditory brainstem response of children

  23. 医生诊断:他的脑干有些病变,必须住院治疗。

    The doctor diagnosed that his brainstem has some pathological changes, and he must be hospitalized soon.

  24. 感音性耳聋的脑干听觉诱发电位研究

    Study of brainstem auditory evoked potential in patients with sensory deafness

  25. 不同周龄早产儿听性脑干反应的初步研究

    Study of Auditory Brainstem Response in Preterm Infants of Different Weeks of Conception

  26. 激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察脑干中的神经轴突

    Observation of axons in brainstem with laser scanning confocal microscope

  27. 耳鸣掩蔽对耳鸣患者听觉脑干电位波幅的影响

    Effect of Masking on ABR Wave Amplitude in Patients with Tinnitus

  28. 大脑 桥脑 小脑径这些神经细胞位于脑干的脑桥部位。

    They are in the pons part of the brain stem.

  29. 缰核是联系边缘前脑和低位脑干的枢纽。

    Habenula has been regarded as the major link between forebrain structures and midbrain raphe nuclei.

  30. 目的为探索脑干损伤后影响伤情进展的分子基础。

    Objective To investigate the molecular basis with the progress of brainstem injury.


  1. 问:脑干拼音怎么拼?脑干的读音是什么?脑干翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑干的读音是nǎogàn,脑干翻译成英文是 The brain stem; part of the head other than the c...

  2. 问:脑干角拼音怎么拼?脑干角的读音是什么?脑干角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑干角的读音是nǎo gān jiǎo,脑干角翻译成英文是 cephalic-medullary angle

  3. 问:脑干反射拼音怎么拼?脑干反射的读音是什么?脑干反射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑干反射的读音是nǎo gàn fǎn shè,脑干反射翻译成英文是 brain stem reflex's

  4. 问:脑干静脉拼音怎么拼?脑干静脉的读音是什么?脑干静脉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑干静脉的读音是nǎo gān jìng mài,脑干静脉翻译成英文是 veins of brain stem, veins of encephalic trunk...

  5. 问:脑干兴奋机制拼音怎么拼?脑干兴奋机制的读音是什么?脑干兴奋机制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑干兴奋机制的读音是nǎo gān xìng fèn jī zhì,脑干兴奋机制翻译成英文是 brainstem excitatory mechanism

  6. 问:脑干网形成核拼音怎么拼?脑干网形成核的读音是什么?脑干网形成核翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑干网形成核的读音是nǎo gàn wǎng xíng chéng hé,脑干网形成核翻译成英文是 nuclei formationis reticularis trunco enceph...

  7. 问:脑干网状结构拼音怎么拼?脑干网状结构的读音是什么?脑干网状结构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑干网状结构的读音是nǎo gān wǎng zhuàng jié gòu,脑干网状结构翻译成英文是 reticular formation of brain stem

  8. 问:脑干听力激发电位拼音怎么拼?脑干听力激发电位的读音是什么?脑干听力激发电位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑干听力激发电位的读音是nǎo gàn tīng lì jī fā diàn wèi,脑干听力激发电位翻译成英文是 brain stem auditory evoked potential

  9. 问:脑干听觉诱发电位拼音怎么拼?脑干听觉诱发电位的读音是什么?脑干听觉诱发电位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑干听觉诱发电位的读音是nǎo gàn tīng jué yòu fā diàn wèi,脑干听觉诱发电位翻译成英文是 brainstem auditory evoked potential



脑干(brainstem)位于大脑下方,是脊髓和间脑之间,是中枢神经系统的较小部分,呈不规则的柱状形。脑干自下而上由延髓、脑桥、中脑三部分组成。延髓部分下连脊髓。 脑干是脊髓向上延伸的部分,其下端与脊髓相连,上端与大脑相接。脑干自下而上可分为延髓、脑桥和中脑。 上面脑神经。脑干内的白质由上、下行的传导束,以及脑干各部所发出的神经纤维所构成。是大脑、小脑与脊髓相互联系的重要通路。脑干内的灰质分散成大小不等的灰质块,叫“神经核”。神经核与接受外围的传入冲动和传出冲动支配器官的活动,以及上行下行传导束的传导有关。此外,在延髓和脑桥里有调节心血管运动、呼吸、吞咽、呕吐等重要生理活动的反射中枢。若这些中枢受损伤,将引起心搏、血压的严重障碍,甚至危及生命。 延髓尾端在枕骨大孔处与脊髓接续,中脑头端与间脑相接。延髓和脑桥恰卧于颅底的斜坡上。 脑干的功能主要是维持个体生命。包括心跳、呼吸、消化在内的一系列重要生理功能,均与脑干有关。 经由脊髓传至脑的神经冲动,呈交叉方式进入。即左传右再入脑,右同理。