







汉语拼音:bǎn shuì






  1. 出版者按出售印刷物所得收入的约定百分比付给作者的报酬。

    鲁迅 《华盖集·并非闲话(三)》:“有些人以为我不但用了这些稿费或版税造屋,买米,而且还靠它吸烟卷,吃果糖。” 邹韬奋 《公私经济的界限》:“幸而自己曾于公余译了两三本书,有些版税拿来贴补贴补,否则早已索我于枯鱼之肆。”



  1. That need not be a bad thing for book publishers, provided they do not simultaneously pay big advances and concede higher royalties.


  2. Although royalty rates have come down they are a hefty burden on companies that have attracted customers at such a rate.


  3. As Lack later explained, it was an advance against future royalties, "one of those accounting things record companies do. "


  4. The royalties from his books and short stories still literally flowed in from all over the world.


  5. The tragedy was never brought out in book-form, though Martin pocketed the advance royalties that had been paid.


  6. Schoenberg died a poor man in 1951, and and his widow and three children barely survived on the copyright royalties from his music.


  7. But Gaz will have to pay royalties to use GM's intellectual property, just like any other company.


  8. I just can't wait. Today you've got to give me an advance of a few dollars.


  9. Several pirates offered Lawrence a guarantee of royalty from the sale of their editions if he would simply agree to authorize them.


  1. 预付的版税

    an advance against royalties

  2. 按销售价提取版税

    being against royalties of the sales price

  3. 公共出借版税权

    public landing right

  4. 版税和再版版税征收社团

    Copyright and resale royalty collecting societies

  5. 一本书的一成版税

    a royalty of ten percent on a book

  6. 他的收入主要来自版税。

    His income is mainly from royalty.

  7. 知识产权会让你赚取版税。

    Intellectual property will let you earn royalties.

  8. 休息一下, 看着版税堆加

    Sit back and watch the royalties stack up

  9. 报, 作者以版税的形式分享销

    Writer gets a share of the sales price

  10. 他们漠视版权骗取作者的版税。

    They defrauded the author of his royalties by ignoring copyright.

  11. 报,作者以版税得形式分享销

    Writer gets a share of the sales price.

  12. 作者往往会拿到预付的版税。

    Authors are often given an advance on royalties.

  13. 音乐版税之战攸关新兴行业存亡。

    A battle over music royalties threatens a nascent industry.

  14. 本书所有版税捐献给大赦国际。

    All royalties from this book will be donated to Amnesty International.

  15. 我希望能在我写的歌抽取版税。

    I hope to earn royalties on the song I wrote.

  16. 版税的支票经常是在春天寄来

    The royalty check always comes in the spring.

  17. 当时我们提到过,这是版税免费!

    Did we mention that this is Royalty free!

  18. 我已收到我那本新书的全部版税。

    I have received all the royalties from my new book.

  19. 基于版税和强制许可的帐目报表

    Royalties and statements of account under compulsory license

  20. 关于版税的具体细节目前还没有公布。

    The details of the royalty arrangements were not publicized.

  21. 稿费、版税制度的建立与近现代文人的生成

    The Construction of the Contribution Fee and Royalty and the Birth of Modern Scholars

  22. 有时,这是对更高比例预付版税的回报。

    This is sometimes in return for bigger advances against royalties.

  23. 紫色长袍的穿的版税和人民的权力或高级别。

    Purple robes were worn by royalty and people of authority or high rank.

  24. 紫色长袍得穿得版税和人民得权力或高级别。

    Purple robes were worn by royalty and people of authority or high rank.

  25. 无关版税,尺寸,和你的个人魅力也没有关系。

    No royalties, no inches, nothing to do with your attractiveness.

  26. 无关版税,尺寸,和你得个人魅力也没有关系。

    No royalties, no inches, nothing to do with your attractiveness.

  27. 除了薪水之外,他从版税上赚了很多钱。

    In additionto his salary, he earns a lot of money from royalties.

  28. 你怎么选定哪些慈善机构来捐赠影集版税收益?

    How did you decide which charities to donate proceeds from the book to?

  29. 这些图片得价格介于免版税图片与版权管理图片之间。

    Pricing will be higher than royalty free but less than rights managed.

  30. 这些图片的价格介于免版税图片与版权管理图片之间。

    Pricing will be higher than royalty free but less than rights managed.


  1. 问:版税拼音怎么拼?版税的读音是什么?版税翻译成英文是什么?

    答:版税的读音是bǎnshuì,版税翻译成英文是 royalty

  2. 问:版税制拼音怎么拼?版税制的读音是什么?版税制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:版税制的读音是bǎnshuìzhì,版税制翻译成英文是 system of royalty

  3. 问:版税率拼音怎么拼?版税率的读音是什么?版税率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:版税率的读音是bǎnshuìlǜ,版税率翻译成英文是 royalty rate

  4. 问:版税费拼音怎么拼?版税费的读音是什么?版税费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:版税费的读音是bǎn shuì fèi,版税费翻译成英文是 royalty fee

  5. 问:版税额拼音怎么拼?版税额的读音是什么?版税额翻译成英文是什么?

    答:版税额的读音是bǎnshuìé,版税额翻译成英文是 standard of royalty

  6. 问:版税收入拼音怎么拼?版税收入的读音是什么?版税收入翻译成英文是什么?

    答:版税收入的读音是bǎnshuìshōurù,版税收入翻译成英文是 royalty income

  7. 问:版税收益拼音怎么拼?版税收益的读音是什么?版税收益翻译成英文是什么?

    答:版税收益的读音是bǎnshuìshōuyì,版税收益翻译成英文是 income from royalties

  8. 问:版税法庭拼音怎么拼?版税法庭的读音是什么?版税法庭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:版税法庭的读音是bǎn shuì fǎ tíng,版税法庭翻译成英文是 copyright royalty tribunal

  9. 问:版税受益人拼音怎么拼?版税受益人的读音是什么?版税受益人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:版税受益人的读音是bǎnshuìshòuyìrén,版税受益人翻译成英文是 beneficiary of copyright royalties

  10. 问:版税来源国拼音怎么拼?版税来源国的读音是什么?版税来源国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:版税来源国的读音是bǎn shuì lái yuán guó,版税来源国翻译成英文是 state of source of copyright royalty



版税是一种付酬方式,它是指著作权人因他人使用其作品而获得的一定货币份额。从广义上说,也有人将版税视为稿酬的一种。版税还可以进一步划分为出版版税、上演版税、录制版税、复制版税和公共借阅版税等种类。其中以出版版税为主要的适用方式。版税一词是个舶来词,是在20世纪初从英文单词 royalty翻译过来的。