




看,察看:~览。~读。翻~。传(chuán )~。批~。订~。检~。~兵。经历:~历。已~三月。容,容许:“我躬不~”。本钱:折~。总聚,汇集:“川~水以成川”。……



汉语拼音:pī yuè







  1. The sites are more interactive, with tests that the computer marks and perfect answers so you know what you're aiming for.


  2. Since the readers know so little about China, supply details that establish why a given fact in one's record is significant.


  3. The convener of a teachers' union, the delightfully named Joseph Stalin, says teachers are refusing to mark exam papers.


  4. Obviously puzzled, she began to look it over.


  5. Rule out neatly any words which you do not wish the examiner to read.


  6. Practical training report should be submitted within one week after completion of training instructor approval.


  7. My son wrote an essay one day , and he wanted me to correct it .


  8. I'll never forget reading one black student's exam paper with a mixture of disbelief and anger.


  9. I didn't enjoy marking these papers and I was glad to be rid of them.


  1. 计算机批阅作业

    computer marked assignment

  2. 他整天忙于批阅文件。

    He is busy with reading and commenting on documents all day.

  3. 教师们正在忙于批阅考卷。

    The teachers are busy looking over the examination papers.

  4. 批阅作业和试卷的机器。

    A machine that grades homework and examination papers.

  5. 他定下心来批阅试卷。

    He settled down to marking the examination papers.

  6. 她用一个晚上批阅试卷。

    She spent the evening marking exam papers.

  7. 电子文件批阅系统的安全机制

    Security of Electronic Document Browsing System

  8. 你瞧, 我要批阅那么多试卷。

    You see I have so many examination papers to mark.

  9. 今晚我要批阅十二篇文章。

    I have twelve articles to mark tonight.

  10. 每一周我会批阅你的文章。

    I will read and comment upon your essays each week.

  11. 批阅请愿书后叫停杀狗行动

    Hu halts dog cull after reading petitions

  12. 而现在, 要他批阅备忘录都很困难。

    Now it was difficult to get him to address memoranda.

  13. 下几个星期我将忙于批阅考卷。

    For the next few weeks I shall be up the eyes in marking examination papers.

  14. 老师整个周末都在给孩子们批阅作文。

    The teacher spent all weekend grading the children's essays.

  15. 计算机批阅文字编辑排版试题的实现技术

    The Technique to Mark the Examination Question About Editing and Composing by Computer

  16. 饭后,皇帝开始批阅大臣奏章,召见大臣议事。

    After the meal, the emperor began to look it over the memorial, summoned the minister minister.

  17. 我不喜欢批阅那些试卷,很高兴摆脱了它们。

    I didn't enjoy marking those papers and I was glad to be rid of them.

  18. 有一天,儿子写了一篇作文,要我帮他批阅一下。

    My son wrote an essay one day, and he wanted me to correct it.

  19. 整洁地划上直线删除你不希望主考人批阅得任何话。

    Rule out neatly any words which you do not wish the examiner to read.

  20. 整洁地划上直线删除你不希望主考人批阅的任何话。

    Rule out neatly any words which you do not wish the examiner to read.

  21. 他有8位律师作他的助手协助工作,每封信都详细批阅。

    He has eight lawyer assistants to help him and examines every single letter in detail.

  22. 他有8位律师做他的助手协助工作,每封信都详细批阅。

    He has eight lawyer assistants to help him and he examines every single letter in detail.

  23. 西殿是皇帝批阅公文及与官员们商议军政大事的地方。

    The west chamber was the place where the emperor read report, signed documents and discussed military and political affairs with his officials.

  24. 请将我批阅的评语,以及你写的文字,从头开始仔细对照阅读。

    Please read my comments from the beginning, along what you have written.


  1. 问:批阅拼音怎么拼?批阅的读音是什么?批阅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:批阅的读音是pīyuè,批阅翻译成英文是 to read over



pī yuè 批阅就是对文件阅后加的评语或批示;或者是阅读并加以批改或批示。

【清 平步青】 《霞外攟屑·论文下·文章圈点》:“《结隣集》 陈石庄 与 张天生 云:古人之批阅,皆能与其书并传。 宋 之 谢叠山 、 楼迂斋 ,近时之 唐荆川 、 茅鹿门 ,皆以著书之精神,而为批阅。其批阅,亦即其著书之一种也。”

【清 采蘅子】 《虫鸣漫录》卷二:“有黠士不礼於学师,屡戒饬之,佯作惊惧悦服状,且呈文,请批阅……不意所呈皆御制文。” 闻捷 《海燕》:“他正批阅什么文件,看见我,立即迎上来和我握手。”