


查:~查。~测。~讨。~举。~校(jiào )。~修。~索。~察。注意约束(言行):~点(a.注意约束言行,如“参加宴会时连吃带拿,太不~~了”;b.查看是否符合,如“把行李~~一遍”)。失~。古代官名,掌修国史,位次编修。姓。……


看,察看:~览。~读。翻~。传(chuán )~。批~。订~。检~。~兵。经历:~历。已~三月。容,容许:“我躬不~”。本钱:折~。总聚,汇集:“川~水以成川”。……



汉语拼音:jiǎn yuè








  1. 查看。

    北魏 杨衒之 《洛阳伽蓝记·崇真寺》:“﹝ 慧嶷 ﹞经阎罗王检閲,以错召放免。” 宋 吴曾 《能改斋漫录·记事一》:“﹝ 曾鲁公 ﹞得牒,审其意在譁毁。公殊不形声色,唯命检閲有无胎孕。”《红楼梦》第一回:“ 空空道人 听如此説,思忖半晌,将这《石头记》再检閲一遍。” 沙汀 《范老老师》:“他订了一份日报,一份夜报,每月一册,装订得很整齐。他开始择要地浏览下去,检阅着从八月十二直到最近的日刊。”

  2. 特指高级首长亲临军队或群众队伍面前,举行检验仪式。

    丁玲 《县长家庭》:“在这显得过分宽敞的屋子里,太多的灰色的条幅,象受检阅的队伍似的四方站着。”

  3. 官名。

    宋 代设置,属史官类,掌点校书籍。 明 清 沿袭。 明 属翰林院, 清 在文渊阁。



  1. Last week, he was watched by his grandmother, the Queen, and his girlfriend, Kate Middleton, who sat with her family in the audience.


  2. The parade was one of several around the country marking the 30th anniversary of the start of the Iran-Iraq war.


  3. A few of the thousands of performers wept (as had a couple of female paratroopers as they passed the balcony during the earlier parade).


  4. You can review the report to determine how many stories are ready to release and to better understand the rate of the team's progress.


  5. It had also decided to ring-fence the defence department this year while carrying out a strategic review of the armed forces.


  6. He is often pictured surveying his troops or visiting factories and farms, usually wearing one his trademark looks: a beige jacket. . .


  7. His brain was a most accessible storehouse of remembered fact and fancy, and its contents seemed ever ordered and spread for his inspection.


  8. Although without a ceremonial parade in 1974, there were still some activities held at the Summer Palace and places like this.


  9. Fireman John Binns was made captain of his crew, and the Bennett medal was pinned on his coat on the next parade day.


  1. 司令检阅了部队

    The commander inspected the troops.

  2. 总统检阅了舰队。

    The President reviewed the fleet.

  3. 士兵们正在受检阅。

    The soldiers were on parade.

  4. 将军检阅了部队。

    The general passed the troops in review.

  5. 将军检阅了阅兵式。

    The general inspected the parade.

  6. 司令员在检阅部队。

    The commander is reviewing his troops.

  7. 该团正接受检阅。

    The regiment is on parade.

  8. 全副武器的检阅队形

    review order

  9. 上校检阅他的部队。

    The colonel paraded his troops.

  10. 将军检阅他的部队。

    The general reviewed his troops.

  11. 上校检阅自己的部队。

    The colonel paraded his troops.

  12. 总司令检阅他的部队。

    The commander in chief reviewed his troops.

  13. 士兵矗立, 准备接受检阅。

    The soldiers stood ready for inspection.

  14. 士兵矗立,准备接受检阅。

    The soldiers stood ready for inspection.

  15. 深度检阅全球娱乐动向。

    An indepth look at global entertainment trends.

  16. 军人们直立着等待检阅。

    The soldiers are standing at attention, waiting to be reviewed.

  17. 我们排好队接受检阅。

    We were drawn up for the inspection.

  18. 部队已排成检阅队形。

    The troops have formed up in review order.

  19. 警卫队今天要接受检阅。

    The guard are being inspected today.

  20. 他们成功地通过了检阅。

    They passed inspection with flying colors.

  21. 拿破仑正在参加军事检阅。

    Napoleon was viewing a military parade.

  22. 部队集结成检阅的队列。

    The troops had been formed up in review order.

  23. 阅兵,校阅检阅军队的仪式

    A ceremonial review of troops.

  24. 校乐队居于检阅队伍之首。

    The school band led the parade.

  25. 受阅部队参加检阅的军队

    The troops taking part in such a review.

  26. 阅兵, 检阅为阅兵仪式而集合

    To assemble for a ceremonial military review.

  27. 等待检阅时让士兵们稍息。

    Put the soldiers at ease while waiting for inspection.

  28. 总统抵达时, 检阅了仪仗队。

    On his arrival the president inspected the guard of honour.

  29. 部队已被排成检阅队形。

    The troops have been formed up in review order.

  30. 士兵们走出营房以待检阅。

    The soldiers fell out of the barracks for inspection.


  1. 问:检阅拼音怎么拼?检阅的读音是什么?检阅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:检阅的读音是jiǎnyuè,检阅翻译成英文是 inspect

  2. 问:检阅者拼音怎么拼?检阅者的读音是什么?检阅者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:检阅者的读音是,检阅者翻译成英文是 inspector

  3. 问:检阅飞行拼音怎么拼?检阅飞行的读音是什么?检阅飞行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:检阅飞行的读音是jiǎn yuè fēi xíng,检阅飞行翻译成英文是 Fly Past



(1).查看。 北魏 杨炫之 《洛阳伽蓝记·崇真寺》:“﹝ 慧嶷 ﹞经阎罗王检阅,以错召放免。” 宋 吴曾 《能改斋漫录·记事一》:“﹝ 曾鲁公 ﹞得牒,审其意在哗毁。公殊不形声色,唯命检阅有无胎孕。”《红楼梦》第一回:“ 空空道人 听如此说,思忖半晌,将这《石头记》再检阅一遍。” 沙汀 《范老老师》:“他订了一份日报,一份夜报,每月一册,装订得很整齐。他开始择要地浏览下去,检阅着从八月十二直到最近的日刊。”