


1. 校 [xiào]2. 校 [jiào]校 [xiào]学堂,专门进行教育的机构:~园。~长。军衔的一级,在“将”之下,“尉”之上。古代军队编制单位:~尉(统带一校的军官)。校 [jiào]比较:~场。查对、订正:~勘。~订。~对。……


看,察看:~览。~读。翻~。传(chuán )~。批~。订~。检~。~兵。经历:~历。已~三月。容,容许:“我躬不~”。本钱:折~。总聚,汇集:“川~水以成川”。……



汉语拼音:jiào yuè








  1. 查核,察看。


  2. 审阅校订。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·诠赋》:“繁积於 宣 时,校閲於 成 世,进御之赋,千有餘首。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷三:“各以所校閲某书,应考某典,详列书目,至 瑠璃厂 书肆访查之。” 巴金 《新生》第一篇:“于是我们坐下来校阅这期杂志底清样。”

  3. 检阅。

    唐 李濯 《内人马伎赋》:“搴旗命伍,抽戈按节,侔三边之挑战,壮六军之校閲。” 明 唐顺之 《条陈蓟镇练兵事宜》:“臣窃观 高皇帝 以武功定天下,深虑承平之后,武备寖弛,以启戎心,而定为御前閲试之法,千万里外亦分番迭上,躬自校閲。” 清 黄轩祖 《游梁琐记·王天冲》:“严飭弟兄鸣枪致敬,詰朝再请校閲阵法。”



  1. Ji Hu worked hard to finish the transcript today. And I had reviewed and slightly revised the transcript.


  2. A disciple had written a long article in Chinese, entitled "Wondering Souls, " and I had reviewed and revised it. It is in F1569 attached.


  3. They, in turn, memorized it, wrote it down, and reviewed it with the Prophet Muhammad .


  4. All articles are carefully checked by a member of the Academy of Esperanto.


  5. Meanwhile, other countries in the World are investing in their infrastructure, new technologies and education.


  6. When a manuscript has Been accepted FOR publication, it is passed to an editor FOR detailed scrutiny.


  7. You look over the photos and the colors. You take the brochures to the clients.


  8. the blue berets are worn with pride . friendships made on the parade ground often last for life.


  9. Disciple Hai Ying did the recording and the transcription. I had reviewed and revised the transcript.


  1. 此校阅档附呈。

    It is reviewed and attached.

  2. 我已校阅并稍加修订。

    I had reviewed and slightly revised it.

  3. 阅兵, 校阅为阅兵仪式而集合

    To assemblefor a ceremonial review.

  4. 阅兵,校阅检阅军队的仪式

    A ceremonial review of troops.

  5. 你能校阅一下这份手稿吗

    Would you please bluepencil this manuscript

  6. 请慈悲得校阅并修订此英文译文。

    Kindly for your checking and revision, please.

  7. 请慈悲的校阅并修订此英文译文。

    Kindly for your checking and revision, please.

  8. 你校阅这部书的最后清样了吗?

    Have you checked the final proof of this book through?

  9. 我已校阅并修订之。一档案附呈。

    I had reviewed and revised them. One file attached.

  10. 如何在外语写作教学中运用同侪校阅

    The Implementation of Peer Review in Teaching Foreign Language Writing

  11. 我可以请你帮我校阅一下我的报告吗

    Could I get you to proofread my report

  12. 我可以请你帮我校阅一下我得报告吗

    Could I get you to proofread my report.

  13. 从来没有一直完成战备的单位能通过校阅。

    No cambat ready unit has ever passed inspections.

  14. 从没有一支完成战备的单位能通过校阅。

    No combat ready unit has ever passed inspections.

  15. 从没有一只完成战备的单位能通过校阅。

    No combat ready unit has ever passed imspections.

  16. 所有文章都由世界语学会会员小心校阅。

    All articles are carefully checked by a member of the Academy of Esperanto.

  17. 你校阅正文, 你检查照片和颜色, 你送简介给客户。

    You look the photos and the colors. You take the brochures to the clients.

  18. 我希望你能把这本书的校样校阅一遍。

    I would like you to check over the proofs of this book.

  19. 我已校阅过并以黄色标示出我所修改之处。

    I had revised it, and marked my revision in yellow.

  20. 弟子敬行提交此文章的译文供我校阅。

    Disciple Jing Xing submitted a translation of this article for my review.

  21. 亚洲国家重视校阅,讲外语还有更多的欲望。

    Asian countries value education, speaking foreign languages and are more engaged.

  22. 同侪校阅在写作教学中的积极作用得到了普遍认可。

    The positive function of peer review in teaching foreign language writing is well recognized.

  23. 弟子海鹦录音并做了笔录。我已校阅并审订了此笔录。

    Disciple Hai Ying did the recording and the transcription. I had reviewed and revised the transcript.

  24. 我已经校阅此篇并将我校订的地方以黄色标示出来。

    I have revised the work and highlighted my revisions in yellow.

  25. 也没有一支准备好接受校阅的部队能在战场上生还。

    No inspection ready unit has ever passed combat.

  26. 这些新兵都已领有制服,现在他们正在校阅场接受训练。

    The recruits were already given their uniforms, and now they are being drilled on the parade ground.

  27. 弟子敬行已经将此简轨译成英文,我已作了校阅并修订之。

    Disciple Jing Xing had translated the sadhana into English. I had reviewed and revised it.

  28. 当原稿被采用出版时, 便将它交与一名编辑进行仔细校阅。

    When a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it is passed to an editor for detailed scrutiny.


  1. 问:校阅拼音怎么拼?校阅的读音是什么?校阅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:校阅的读音是jiàoyuè,校阅翻译成英文是 to read and revise; review


