







汉语拼音:xié shǒu








  1. 亦作“携手”。手拉着手。

    《诗·邶风·北风》:“惠而好我,携手同行。” 宋 黄庭坚 《新喻道中》诗:“一百八盘携手上,至今归梦绕羊肠。”《警世通言·宿香亭张浩遇莺莺》:“升梯扶臂而下,携手偕行。”《花月痕》第十回:“ 荷生 看那扇叶上,係画两个美人,携手梧桐树下。”

  2. 形容齐心。

    《孙子·九地》:“故善用兵者,携手若使一人,不得已也。” 曹操 注:“齐一貌也。”

  3. 指共同奋斗,联合。

    鲁迅 《集外集拾遗补编·题<芥子园画谱三集>赠许广平》:“十年携手共艰危,以沫相濡亦可哀。” 巴金 《死去的太阳》十一:“就 南京 底情形来说,那次轰动全城的所谓工人与学生携手的大事,算是达到了运动底最高点。”

  4. 指聚首,聚会。

    唐 陈子昂 《感遇》诗之三二:“ 蜀 山与 楚 水,携手在何时?” 梁启超 《雷庵行》:“十载以后,吾与先生、 雷庵 携手,应忆今年花开时,满城云锦照春酒。”



  1. Just as wealth and success on the field go hand in hand in today's pro soccer, so can disaster on the field bring disaster at the bank.


  2. Backed into a corner in their own country, the leading handset makers have had no choice but to consolidate and re-enter foreign markets.


  3. China stands ready to join hands with all countries to build an even better future for the generations to come.


  4. I've been able to become the best swimmer of all time and I said we got here together and I thanked him.


  5. Always serving you absolutely with zeal, we look forward to coming and going together with you to create a new splendid century!


  6. Indeed, on issue after issue, we see that the international community is beginning to move forward together.


  7. The guang-an-men sincerely invites you to visit instructs, hand in hand altogether will create the glorious future with you.


  8. He said he had really wanted to find a girlfriend can learn together, live together, then hand over a lifetime.


  9. "Continuing success, further, " We will be excellent products and quality service to work with you to forge ahead, create brilliant.


  1. 与你携手相伴。

    Hand in hand, you and me.

  2. 携手浇灌科普花

    Promote popular science hand in hand

  3. 携手并进成就未来

    Create the Future Hand in Hand

  4. 携手志愿, 共同环保!

    Hand in Hand to Volunteer, EP in Common!

  5. 你我携手向前!

    Lets strive forward hand in hand!

  6. 携手同心, 无限生机。

    When we all come together we can do anything.

  7. 携手志愿,共同环保!

    Hand in Hand to Volunteer, EP in Common!

  8. 携手同心,无限生机。

    When we all come together we can do anything.

  9. 我们携手共创未来。

    The future is ours to build.

  10. 家校携手提升校能

    Home school collaboration enhances school effectiveness

  11. 和谐共存, 携手共赢!

    Harmony coexists , is won hand in hand totally!

  12. 让我们携手和好吧。

    Let us join hands with each other in friendship.

  13. 自然和人工携手同行。

    Nature and artifice hand in hand.

  14. 携手打造宽带的春天

    Creating the Spring of Broadband Service

  15. 腐败与犯罪携手并行。

    Corruption and crime go hand in hand.

  16. 和谐共存,携手共赢!

    Harmony coexists , is won hand in hand totally!

  17. 与认证事业携手同行

    Review of the Development of CESI Certification Center

  18. 我们能够携手打倒皇帝。

    Together, we can overthrow the emperor.

  19. 煤炭和电力携手共进

    Coal Develops Hand in Hand with Power

  20. 中美携手促辽宁振兴

    China and USA Join Hand for Rejuvenating Liaoning

  21. 我能与你携手共行

    And I can walk with you.

  22. 他们许诺要携手作生意。

    They promised to join hands with each other in business.

  23. 我们携手并进, 共渡难关。

    We went forward hand in hand to tide over the difficulty.

  24. 曾几何时我们山盟海誓携手并进

    We vowed the vows and walked the walk

  25. 他们手指交错,携手而行。

    They walked along holding hands, their fingers interlocked.

  26. 也就是跨越差异,携手同行。

    keep going together through differences.

  27. 愿与您携手共创辉煌!

    Willing to work together with your glory!

  28. 赛特人与你携手并进。

    Dorset people go hand in hand with you.

  29. 愿与您携手共创辉煌!

    Willing to work together with your glory!

  30. 医生和护士携手拯救生命。

    Doctors and nurses work hand in hand to save lives.


  1. 问:携手拼音怎么拼?携手的读音是什么?携手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:携手的读音是xiéshǒu,携手翻译成英文是 join hands; collaborate

  2. 问:携手姿势拼音怎么拼?携手姿势的读音是什么?携手姿势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:携手姿势的读音是xié shǒu zī shì,携手姿势翻译成英文是 hand-in-hand position




【拼音】xié shǒu