







汉语拼音:pū miàn







  1. 迎面。

    元 谷子敬 《城南柳》第三折:“可早漫地漫天,更扑头扑面,雪拥就浪千堆,雪裁成花六出,雪压得柳三眠。” 清 龚自珍 《鹊踏枝·过人家废园作》词:“偏是无情偏解舞,濛濛扑面皆飞絮。” 艾青 《北方》诗:“扑面的风沙与入骨的冷气,决不曾使我咒诅。”



  1. Then, when you least expect it, a WIG will leap out of nowhere and overwhelm you in one breathtaking burst.


  2. You know, how 'bout the bakery air, when you walk into a bakery and you get that warm front of, like, croissants in your face.


  3. When he handed me a porcelain mug filled with the freshly brewed coffee, the steam and the aroma seemed to envelop my entire face.


  4. Qi, went into the town, and a strong XianQi rush.


  5. The odors of her house surprised me, as the sweet scent of vanilla met us when she opened the door.


  6. In fact always untidy this time, Seemed to be to owe the next debt a brain before of toward me rush toward noodles since then.


  7. But there was no howling wind, I didn't also sense cold; what greeting to me was spring's warmness, sweet-smelling flowers and plants.


  8. His breath in her face was strong with Bourbon whisky mingled with a faint fragrance of mint.


  9. Then the U. S. housing market slumped, dragging Chinese furniture exporters down with it.


  1. 春风扑面。

    The spring wind caressed our faces.

  2. 雪花点点扑面。

    The snowflakes pelted his face.

  3. 寒风扑面,冷彻骨髓。

    An icy wind bit our faces.

  4. 雨朝他扑面打来。

    The rain was driving in his face.

  5. 气味向我扑面而来。

    The smell greets me.

  6. 她用粉扑轻轻扑面。

    Shedab bed at her face with a powder puff.

  7. 一股恶臭扑面而来。

    A terrible stench saluted our nostrils.

  8. 强烈的讽刺味道扑面而来。

    A sense of satire is strongly felt.

  9. 这种扑面粉附着力强。

    The face powder adheres well to the skin.

  10. 给坐在扑面的人一个飞吻。

    Give an air kiss to the person on your opposite.

  11. 我行走在欲气扑面的街道上。

    I've been walking this road of desire.

  12. 打开门, 一股霉味扑面而来。

    When the door was open, a musty smell came from the room.

  13. 大雪扑面, 但是他咬紧牙关, 继续前进。

    The snow was blowing in his face, but the gritted his teeth and went on.

  14. 一股迅猛发展的气势扑面而来。

    Were amazed by the momentum of rapid development.

  15. 变革前夜新风扑面未来仍留想象空间

    Innovations Bring Along New Perspective and the Future of the Technology Is Full of Uncertainty

  16. 扑面而来的冷空气使她精神一振。

    The cold all about her refreshed her.

  17. 草的清香扑面而来, 我看到我手上的泥。

    I got to my feet, still connected to my silken rag.

  18. 第二,用适量的扑面粉覆盖你的面容。

    Second, seal your look with a fine dusting of loose face powder.

  19. 令大家感到好笑的是, 他扑面摔了一跤。

    Much to everyone's amusement, he fell over.

  20. 每耙一次,潮湿的泥土香味便扑面而来。

    With each scrape of rake, the smell of earthy dampness rose.

  21. 丁香花的香气扑面而来,让人有种陶醉的感觉。

    Lilac blossoms blow against our faces, people have a sense of intoxication.

  22. 人类社会迅猛发展, 知识经济和信息化社会扑面而来。

    Our society is developing rapidly, economy based knowledge and society of information is coming.

  23. 我刚出门, 一大片雪白晶莹的冰冷扑面而来。

    As soon as I walked outside, I was greeted with the shimmering white blanket of cold.

  24. 我刚出门,一大片雪白晶莹得冰冷扑面而来。

    As soon as I walked outside, I was greeted with the shimmering white blanket of cold.

  25. 苹果派, 奶糖和热带菠萝得温暖气息扑面而来。

    Warm aromas of apple pie and butterscotch with bright tropical pineapple.

  26. 一阵风扑面吹来, 还带进了一张小小的树叶。

    A gust of wind struck her in the face, carrying with it a tiny leaf.

  27. 推开窗, 扑面而来得是一个细雨霏霏得日子。

    Opened the window, rushing toward us is a light rain started falling day.

  28. 推开窗,扑面而来的是一个细雨霏霏的日子。

    Opened the window, rushing toward us is a light rain started falling day.

  29. 黑压压得敌军扑面而来, 用敏捷得身手击退他们吧。

    Dense mass of the enemy upheavals, with agility and skill to defeat them then.

  30. 黑压压的敌军扑面而来,用敏捷的身手击退他们吧。

    Dense mass of the enemy upheavals, with agility and skill to defeat them then.


  1. 问:扑面拼音怎么拼?扑面的读音是什么?扑面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扑面的读音是pūmiàn,扑面翻译成英文是 to blow on one's face; to blow against one's fa...




拼音:pū mìan 基本解释 [blow on one’s face] 迎面而来 香气扑面 详细解释 迎面。 元 谷子敬 《城南柳》第三折:“可早漫地漫天,更扑头扑面,雪拥就浪千堆,雪裁成花六出,雪压得柳三眠。” 清 龚自珍 《鹊踏枝·过人家废园作》词:“偏是无情偏解舞,濛濛扑面皆飞絮。” 艾青 《北方》诗:“扑面的风沙与入骨的冷气,决不曾使我咒诅。”