


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……





汉语拼音:dé xī







  1. 获知。

    王炳南 《深切的怀念》:“总理得悉情况后,不顾个人安危,亲自到报社,组织领导报社工作人员同国民党反动派展开斗争。”



  1. When in the morning we were told of her death, I could not realize all that it meant for me.


  2. I'd read that Mars would be making an appearance, so when I awakened a little after five, I went out on the deck to see what I could see.


  3. After she learned of the accident, the girl began to shake like an aspen leaf.


  4. The next day, the press was very surprised that this small-budget film running under 90 minutes won the main award, the Golden Bear.


  5. We have your name and address from our agent in the Holland, we are writing with a desire to establish business relations with you.


  6. But within a decade, the British monarchy was anything but secure as the public learned of the adulterous affairs of the younger royals.


  7. One night, Beanie finds an extra door on the wall, and discovers that Hans Christian Andersen has lost his way.


  8. Isabel learned from her friend that the two had led a life of great personal intimacy.


  9. I understand how disappointed you were when you heard that the gift cannot be completed. Especially after the long - run preparing time.


  1. 为某人得悉

    come to ones knowledge.

  2. 他得悉此事义愤填膺。

    When he heard the news he reacted with a sense of outrage.

  3. 得悉病体康复, 不胜欣慰。

    I rejoice to hear of your recovery.

  4. 从阅读中得悉的事实

    facts learned from reading

  5. 得悉病重,甚感难过。

    I am sorry to hear of your serious illness.

  6. 他得悉此事时义愤填膺。

    When he heard the news he reacted with a sense of outrage.

  7. 得悉此事我很感悲伤。

    I was most distressed to learn about that.

  8. 得悉你的不幸我很难过。

    I'm terribly sorry to hear of your misfortune.

  9. 我们今天早晨得悉这一消息。

    We learnt the news this morning.

  10. 得悉这一消息我真是很难过。

    I am ever so sorry to hear that.

  11. 请问从何处得悉本职位空缺?

    How did you learn about this vacant position?

  12. 得悉他考试不及格我很伤心。

    I am most distressed to learn that he has failed the exam.

  13. 算了得悉沙莉娜小姐是男人的现在。

    Forget it! Ever since I know that miss shalina is a guy.

  14. 得悉这一消息后我深感遗憾。

    I am deeply sorry to learn about the news.

  15. 得悉你的巨大损失我深感悲伤。

    I was deeply grieved to learn of your great loss.

  16. 我是首次袭击几天前才得悉。

    This information came to me only days before the first attacks began.

  17. 你从何得悉麦当劳的资讯或消息?

    How do you get the information about McDonald's?

  18. 婷终得悉山, 忠的真正关系, 晴天霹雳!

    Ting learns about the mountain the loyal true relations finally the bolt from the blue!

  19. 能否早日得悉你方对此事的决定?

    May we expect to hear your decision on this matter at an early date?

  20. 能否早日得悉你方对此事得决定?

    May we expect to hear your decision on this matter at an early date ?

  21. 得悉他失去了工作,我感到非常难过。

    I'm very upset to know that he has lost his job.

  22. 得悉他去世的消息,我们感到无比震惊。

    We were rocked by the news of his death.

  23. 得悉丈夫的死讯后她悲不自胜。

    She was beside herself when she heard of her husband's death.

  24. 他叹服她,因为他明白她已经得悉他的到来。

    He wondered at her, knowing she was aware of his presence.

  25. 我从她那里得悉他身体还很衰弱。

    I could gather from her that he continued in weak health.

  26. 得悉令郎已通过入学考试, 我十分高兴。

    I was gratified to learn that your son had passed the entrance examination.

  27. 他们因为得悉他会立刻回来, 都很高兴。

    They rejoiced to know that he would come soon.

  28. 疑犯得悉警方将来逮他时趁黑逃走。

    The suspect walked by owllight when he learnt that the police would come after him.

  29. 请注明阁下是从哪处得悉此活动

    If you are responding to an advert or an association or exhibitor recommending it, please specify which one

  30. 独立专家得悉,8月份侵犯人权行为减少了。

    The independent expert was informed that human rights violations had decreased in August.


  1. 问:得悉拼音怎么拼?得悉的读音是什么?得悉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:得悉的读音是déxī,得悉翻译成英文是 to learn about; to hear of



得悉 déxī [hear of;learn] 听到;知道 你的信刚到,使我得悉你的身体像往常一样好