







汉语拼音:wǎn chūn






  1. The chariot of late spring daytime, there is a pearly cloud in sky, the front is a few cars, and a group of men are counting the money.


  2. The toilet of late spring noon, the sky is a circle month, a placard on the door, a men are constructing.


  3. But the surge appeared to be an annual late spring event caused by the flu itself, not by China's swine flu vaccination campaign.


  4. Genius is but a robin's song at the beginning of a slow spring.


  5. In the New Testament this day is called Pentecost, which means the fiftieth day after Passover. This feast is in late spring.


  6. It looks best in a fine all-season wool that can be worn from autumn to late spring and into summer.


  7. Is late spring early summer, the weather has been like frame into a cold spring cold.


  8. In Ozu's Late Spring she wanted to remain a daughter, did not want to become a wife.


  9. Long, long ago, a file of chariots rumbled quickly across the plain late one spring.


  1. 这些球茎在晚春开花。

    These bulbs bloom in late spring.

  2. 晚春的时候经常会下雨。

    It often rains in late spring.

  3. 海石竹在晚春时节开花。

    The thrift will bloom during late spring.

  4. 农民在晚春时间喷撒杀虫剂。

    The farmers dusted an insecticide in late spring.

  5. 总之,晚春已至,阳光明媚,空气清新。

    Well, anyway, it's bright in late spring and the air is fresh.

  6. 晚春 和麦秋 难道就不够杰出了

    Surely Late Spring and to cite only two examples are no less excellent

  7. 早春和晚秋差异大,晚春和早秋差异小。

    The difference is clear in early spring and late autumn.

  8. 在那晚春, 我的灵魂也离我而去。

    I also lost my soul there, at end of spring.

  9. 晚春桑树遭受冰雹的危害及对策

    Hail damages on mulberry trees in late spring and the control measures

  10. 桑树晚春遭受冰雹的危害及对策

    Damage of Hail to Mulberry Garden in Later Spring and Its Corresponding Tactics

  11. 那湖全让冰封住了,到晚春才解冻。

    The lake was frozen over until late spring.

  12. 麦棉两熟晚春套棉产量函数模型研究

    Research on the Later Spring Sowing Cotton yield Model in the Double Groping System with Wheat and Cotton

  13. 大黄的收获期介于晚春和夏末期间。

    The harvesting period for rhubarb is late spring through to the end of summer.

  14. 时间过得真快, 一转眼又到晚春季节了!

    How time flies!Late spring has come in the twinkling of an eye.

  15. 时间过得真快,一转眼又到晚春季节了!

    How time flies! Late spring has come in the twinkling of an eye.

  16. 我们过去常于晚春在牧草茂盛的高原放牧。

    We used to graze on the upland flush in late spring

  17. 如果是在秋季种植,你可以在晚春时节收获大蒜。

    If planted in autumn, your garlic will be ready to be harvested by late spring.

  18. 绿茶采摘季节从晚春一直延续到秋季, 夏季处于。

    Summer marks the middle of green tea season, which runs from late spring to fall.

  19. 日光温室晚春茬生菜渗灌技术试验研究

    Application of Subsurface Irrigation in Lettuce Cultivated in Late Spring in Solar Plastic Greenhouses

  20. 我说的晚春, 不是暮春, 而是说今年的春姗姗来迟了。

    I say late spring, not late spring, but that the late spring of this year was.

  21. 天才只不过是晚春开始时节知更鸟所唱的一首歌。

    Genius is only the beginning in late spring season robin sings a song.

  22. 描述木质藤本,晚春,夏和早秋时在新枝上开花。

    Description Woody climbers flowering on young shoots in late spring and summer into early autumn.

  23. 很久以前的一个晚春,一队战车轰隆隆地在平原上疾驰而过。

    Long, long ago, a file of chariots rumbled quickly across the plain late one spring.


  1. 问:晚春拼音怎么拼?晚春的读音是什么?晚春翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晚春的读音是wǎnchūn,晚春翻译成英文是 Late spring.



“晚春”是个多义词,它可以指晚春(樟叶著小说), 晚春(日本1949年小津安二郎执导电影), 晚春(汉语词语)。