




簸动,向上播散:~水。~场(cháng )。~汤止沸。高举,向上:~手。~帆。趾高气~。~眉吐气。在空中飘动:飘~。称颂,传播:~言。~威。颂~。~弃。~名。姓。……



汉语拼音:gāo yáng









  1. 高高升起或扬起。

    鲁迅 《<伪自由书>后记》:“革命文学者若不想以他的文学,助革命更加深化,展开,却借革命来推销他自己的‘文学’,则革命高扬的时候,他正是狮子身中的害虫。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第五章一:“他们却是有充分把握似地,都主张干,借此大显一下身手,把抗战的意义拚命地高扬一下。” 王汶石 《风雪之夜》:“被打断的歌声,又一再高扬起来。”



  1. During its development, it continued to emphasize that "American" element and sounded completely different from its English ancestors.


  2. If he marker is ocean, the enterprise is the ship and the brand is the sail of the ship.


  3. Soaring AS if with wings; elevated or sublime.


  4. I ask you to uphold the values of America, and remember why so many have come here.


  5. Literature and Art have profound ethical connotation. The morality of brilliant works lies in its expression of humanity and subjectivity.


  6. Another important content is to develop the themes of the times and disseminate the socialism spiritual civilization.


  7. Please provide the information requested. You may submit this application to Beijing Gaoyang Vocational Education Development center.


  8. This has reflected the awareness, growth and project of the human subject consciousness.


  9. The basic features of this new culture is: learning to highlight the theme of humanities Humanities.


  1. 小流量高扬程泵

    small flow and high lift pump

  2. 高扬程小流量化工泵

    Highlift low discharge chemical pump

  3. 我军士气高扬,敌军萎靡不振。

    Our soldiers are in high spirits while the enemy is in low spirits.

  4. 我们要高扬法制民主的旗帜。

    We should vigorously carry forward the flags of the legal system and democracy.

  5. 高扬程启闭机的应用

    High lift hoist and its application in SHP station

  6. 他说从高扬三来的韩老板。

    He says it's president Han from gyungsan.

  7. 高扬先进文化的旗帜推动校园文化的发展

    To Promote the Campus Culture under the Banner of Advanced Culture

  8. 高扬程抽水泵站水锤防护措施

    Protecting Measures for Water Hammer in High Lift Pumping Station

  9. 在高扬先进文化中促进德育新发展

    Promoting the New Development of the Morality Educationin Publicizing the Advanced Culture

  10. 相对于美国消费者的消费,亚洲的消费已经高扬。

    Relative to American consumer spending, Asian consumption has soared.

  11. 解决高扬程大启闭力启闭机最佳方案

    Optimum solution to the high delivery lift and lifting power headstock gear

  12. 这种的主体精神实际上来自作家高扬的自我意识。

    Their aesthetic method materializes mighty selfexpression.

  13. 开发出大流量、高扬程的循环泵水力模型。

    Development of circulation pump hydraulic model of large flow, high lift.

  14. 何种原因造成商品房空置率与房价同时高扬?

    Commercial housing vacancy rate and what causes prices while vigor

  15. 高粘度高扬程加油小车在行车上的应用

    Application of High Viscosity and High lift refueling cart for the Traveling Crane

  16. 她高高扬起头, 青肿的膝盖上血慢慢流下来。

    She held her head high as a small trickle of blood ran down from her bruised knee.

  17. 它否定了封建社会对人欲的压制,高扬人性解放的旗帜。

    It negated the feudal society's suppression of human's desire and advocated human nature.

  18. 同时期文艺复兴的欧洲版画高扬着文化风潮和人文气息。

    The same period of the Renaissance wave of European prints flies high culture and human breath.

  19. 科玄论战中他对科学精神的极度高扬即用意在此。

    Speaking highly of the scientific spirit was just his intention in the polemic between Science and Metaphysics.

  20. 她高高扬起头, 青肿的膝盖上一滴血慢慢流下来。

    She held her head as a trickle of blood ran down from her bruised knee.

  21. 重锤式液控蝶阀在高扬程跨流域调水工程中的设计和应用

    The Design and Application of Hydraulic Operation Butterfly Valves on the High Lift Water Diversion Project


  1. 问:高扬拼音怎么拼?高扬的读音是什么?高扬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高扬的读音是gāoyáng,高扬翻译成英文是 To hold high; To carry on energetically.

  2. 问:高扬程拼音怎么拼?高扬程的读音是什么?高扬程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高扬程的读音是gāo yáng chéng,高扬程翻译成英文是 high lift

  3. 问:高扬程泵拼音怎么拼?高扬程泵的读音是什么?高扬程泵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高扬程泵的读音是gāo yáng chéng bèng,高扬程泵翻译成英文是 high lift pump

  4. 问:高扬程水泵拼音怎么拼?高扬程水泵的读音是什么?高扬程水泵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高扬程水泵的读音是gāoyángchéngshuǐbèng,高扬程水泵翻译成英文是 high-lift pump

  5. 问:高扬程泵站拼音怎么拼?高扬程泵站的读音是什么?高扬程泵站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高扬程泵站的读音是gāo yáng chéng bèng zhàn,高扬程泵站翻译成英文是 high-lift pumping station