







汉语拼音:nián kè






  1. 谓一年征收的租税。




  1. But let's face it: college isn't for everyone, especially if it takes the form of four years of going to classes on a campus.


  2. To the family as a unit, according to impose a comprehensive system development;


  1. 我到这儿来上了你一年的课。

    I came out here to take your class for a year.

  2. 我连续上了一年的课, 那时我早就停止服用镇定剂了。

    I continued to go for a year, long after I had stopped taking the tranquillisers.

  3. 我妹妹学了近两年得钢琴课。

    My sister took lessons on the piano for nearly two years.

  4. 我妹妹学了近两年的钢琴课。

    My sister took lessons on the piano for nearly two years.

  5. 在意大利时, 我上了三年的大学口笔译课。

    I attended a University course in Interpreting and Translating in Italy for three years.

  6. 在意大利时,我上了三年的大学口笔译课。

    I attended a university course in Interpreting and Translating in Italy for three years.

  7. 他想起几年前在潜水课上学的口对口人工呼吸。

    He remembered learning mouthtomouth resuscitation in a scuba diving course years before.

  8. 第一年我们学了五门课。

    We take five courses in the first year.

  9. 一年前,在西班牙语课上。

    A year ago in Spanish class.

  10. 他把两百年历史压缩在一课内处理。

    He telescoped 200 years of history into one lesson.

  11. 我笑了, 课程的第一部分。第一年我们学了五门课。

    I said, smiling, It's a part of the lesson. We take five courses in the first year.

  12. 几年前我上了几堂课

    Couple years ago, I took some classes.

  13. 他上了芭蕾课, 还戴了一年的矫正器。

    He took lessons, and had to wear a hip brace for a year.

  14. 三年后他进入罗林学院,开始修绘画课。

    After three years he entered the College Rollin, where he started drawing classes.

  15. 她们已经习惯了年复一年的 憋着上完课。

    They've been used to sitting through lessons for years and years holding it in.

  16. 一位年近花甲的哲学教授在上他的最后一节课。

    A philosophy professor which was nearly a cycle of sixty years was having his last class.

  17. 我退休两年了,在这之前一直在伦敦教授数学和计算机课。

    Before retiring two years ago, I taught mathematics and computer science in London.

  18. 我退休两年了,在这之前一直在伦敦教授数学和计算机课。

    Before retiring two years ago, I taught mathematics and computer science in london.

  19. 几年前,我花了整整一个夏天来修代数这门课。

    Years ago, I was taking an algebra class over the summer, and had a teacher who liked to reminisce about his past with funny stories.

  20. 所以这类高校音乐专业的钢琴普修课一般只开设两年。

    Therefore, these and universities of professional piano music in general Course opened only two years.

  21. 所以这类高校音乐专业得钢琴普修课一般只开设两年。

    Therefore, these and universities of professional piano music in general Course opened only two years.

  22. 这位女中学生是在一年前舞蹈班放课后遭遇的不明袭击。

    The schoolgirl was targeted a year ago by a mystery attacker after a dance class.

  23. 两年以后一个春天的星期六,我走进了费城的一家书店,向站在梯子上的一位年轻姑娘询问,在哪儿可以找到我上英语课需要的莎士比亚的十四行诗。

    Then one spring Saturday two years later, I entered a bookstore in Philadelphia and asked a young woman on a ladder where I might find the Shakespeare sonnets I needed for an English class.

  24. 她是自信的化身。这位矮胖的、笑嘻嘻的姑娘并非体育明星,而是位典型的孩子-要在早几年,她也许早已被体育课老一套的胜负思想冷落在一边了。

    She was the incarnation of confidence, this chunky, smiling girl, no star athlete, but a typical child who, years ago, might have been left behind in the old win-lose version of PE.

  25. 修习基础课学年

    foundation year

  26. 我上过5年的声乐课。

    I took five years of voice lessons.

  27. 本课程第3年有实习课。

    The course includes a placement in Year 1.

  28. 这些受欢迎得课将持续到2008年。

    These popular lessons will continye yntil 2008.

  29. 这些受欢迎的课将持续到2008年。

    These popular lessons will continye yntil 2008.

  30. 我的兄弟有将近10年的时间听小号的课了。

    My brother take lesson on the trumpet for nearly ten years.